If anyone's interested in a cancer update...


METAL... nuff said!
Okay so it's getting rougher now. My brother had his second 21-day cycle last week, and this week has been efficiently FUCKED UP. He's been dizzy and nauseous since last Thursday. No puking, just a constant feeling of needing to puke. He's always a bit dizzy, and sometimes gets strong dizzy spells. He hasn't had a strong appetite, cuz he's worried that if he eats too much he'll throw it up. But he's also worried about not eating enough. I love paradoxes. His sleep cycle is way fucked up now. He'll go to bed at 10pm, wake up at 3am, stay up until 9:30am, sleep till 2pm... so he never gets a full length deep sleep. It always seems to get interrupted with dizzyness and upset stomach.

His mouth no longer has the nasty salty taste. It's been replaced with a pasty taste. Still gross. No food tastes good to him. At all. How the fuck can ice cream not taste good? How can a fat steak not taste good? I can't think how much that sucks.

He's had these anti-nauseum pills to keep his stomach and dizzyness calmed down. Unfortunately, he woke up with terrible hives all over his belly and across his shoulders. So he's gonna stop taking that pill and just lay on the couch for now. The hives don't look too bad today, not nearly as red and gross looking, but there's still little spots all over him. I had to give my best Chuck Shuldiner "LEPROSY" growl for him cuz he looks like the album cover. Heh heh. We just think the pill gave him a bad reaction, so we'll see how he looks tonight.

He had lumps under his armpits. The human body is loaded with lymph nodes around the neck and throat, the armpits, the groin and thighs. We think one of them just got swollen (either from reacting to the chemo or from a minor infection) and the doc gave him some antibiotics to help keep his system safe from infection. So he's avoiding any and all unnecessary visitors and trips outside the house. We got a downloaded copy of Star Wars Ep III so he didn't have to sit in a germ-infested movie theater.

His insurance company is thoroughly incompetent. His work keeps asking him to fax all this paperwork. So we did. WEEKS AGO. Only this week did he get a call saying "Oh we don't seem to have your material, and we wanted to know how much longer you'll be on disability blah blah blah I have a corn cob stuck up my whiny vagina blah blah blah somebody put me out of my misery and beat me with a bowl of spaghetti blah blah blah..." so I refaxed a shitload for him at work and made some unforgiving phone calls. NOW they have all our shit. Yeah. No kidding. Gotta bust yer balls before anything happens. How lovely.

Okay. Yeah, it sure seems like a lot of shitty stuff, but the good side of this all, is SHITLOADS of guitar playing! He got that Zakk Wylde guitar quite broken in now, and he ordered a new ESP LTD MF207 7-string geetar which should be here this weekend. Lotsa test recordings and practicing and noodling around. As soon as he's normalized and healthy again, we're recording all the rhythm tracks to our songs and then our drummer will have tons of material to practice to. Then maybe we set up the microphones and record the drums in August or maybe September. Then we just record stuff as we have time to. We're not really in a hurry to get a demo made, but everyone keeps asking us for a disc. But we gotta make one first!

So I guess we'll expect everything to get better now and normalize. But I'm worried that the third cycle will really kick his ass. Cuz the body only gets weaker and weaker as the chemotherapy continues. The third week-long treatment should start June 6. Then we allow recovery time, and get his body rescanned and retested to see how the cancer reacted to the treatment. But I have a feeling that he'll really feel like shit the third time. So by then, I'll have cut out all my extracurricular activities. Our friends already know that it should happen, so when we disappear for a month straight, they'll understand. Then he heals, and gets back to normal. And hopefully some hair will start growing back. And then he'll be safe to go out with a healthy immune system again.

And then we rock this fuckin planet from Greenland to Antarctica.
Thank you for sharing. It sounds like a big mess, but the positive attitude will keep you going! As with all things, you have to go through the suffering to come out on top.

Best of luck! And keep your spirits up the way you have been!
Man, that just sucks. There's a woman here at work who is going through Chemo for breast cancer. She's still working almost every day. I really don't know how she's doing it.

Dunno how you feel about it, but your brother is in my prayers.
Dude... my bro would NOT survive at his work. He's a chemist at a hazmat treatment facility. He'd be standing all day working with stuff that already made him nauseous before. He'd be randomly puking all day long with that shit.

But he'll survive this. Luckily, he qualified for a 12-week leave-of-absence medical leave. So he'll have plenty of time to return to normal once it's over.
Bryan......hang in there brother - I know from experience that the "c" disease affects the whole family. The metal community is with you, your brother, and your extended family......
much support and prayers for you and your family Bryan! hang on man! keep your brother strong though this.

i know it seems to get bad with the therapy, but it does wonderful stuff. you gotta tell us when he gets his metal hair back \m/
Just stick in there Bryan your bro needs you, and just give him positive advice and shit because it will make his brain work better, or something like that.

Also, I know that most people on this board dont smoke pot, but it would really help his nausea, just some advice just in case.
Bryan, I will say it again... My thoughts and prayers are for you, your brother and family. Keep up the good work and everything will be fine... I'll be the first one to buy your album when it comes out...

BTW, Let your brother know he'll be good and rocking on stage again!
Dolamite... my brother is SOOOO anti-pot and anti-drugs, my friends have handed him joints and they've gone out when he looked at them! LOL! Seriously, he and I are really, really anti-drug because of all the friends' lives we've seen get completely destroyed and/or ended. We watched as a life-long friend dropped E in front of us and turned into a sniveling retard just because he thought it was cool. We instantly shunned him from our life and walked out of there. The last time we spoke to him was when he tried to apologise to us for doing it, and that was only a month or two before he was convicted of a crime and sent to prison. And when he gets out, we'll still never talk to him. What he did was beyond misusing our trust or lying to us. He became a totally different person than we used to know. And we'll never forgive him for throwing his life away.

So yeah, a hit might help the nausea and chill him out, but it'll never happen.
Not to mention that THC (the drug in pot) is a powerful carcinogen, and you don't want to give that to someone who already has cancer.
I dont know for sure, but I dont think that THC is a carcinogen (could be wrong though), I thought it was just the tar etc. that was the cancer causing agent. Either way in Cali people that have cancer are prescribed pot to help nausea, I was giving out the knowledge that I knew for sure.
I wish you and your family well. I have a friend who just had to deal with ovarian cancer. She's done with her chemo, and it looks like she's going to be fine.

Keep your spirits up.

No, I'm not offended or upset at the mention of using pot. I've got nothing against it or people who use it. To me, it's probably better than cigarettes! But you'll never convince my bro to take a hit, even if it would help a bit. Hell... we usually avoid NyQuil and Tylenol and Pepto Bismol. We're just used to toughing it out and letting our bodies heal normally. Vitamins, yeah. Homegrown tea, sure. Cough drops, okay. But that's about it.

But of course, thank you for the option to consider it. We've had tons of people give us recommendations for helping get through this. He's drinking lots of Ensure to replenish his system, instead of eating heavy foods that would upset his stomach. It also helped him gain weight before the chemo started so he doesn't turn into a spindly thin wimp. Right now, he's almost back to normal for now and is past this run of nausea and dizzyness. We had a barbecue last night at a friend's house, and after all the "Holy crap you've got no freakin hair!" comments from people who haven't seen him the last month, he ate three burgers and a hot dog and tons of chips and salsa. So his appetite is definitely back!

Next week he'll do his final long treatment. Then finish the weekly bliomicin, and then heal up for a bit. Blood tests and cat scans and MRI's and x-rays will follow.

Biggest problem.....

...he's buying new guitar gear like he's gonna die tomorrow! We went to the Guitar Center Memorial Day List Sale, and got small powered studio monitors for our hard drive recorder, a Mesa 1x12 extension cab with a Black Shadow speaker, and a buncha Monster microphone cables for recording! And he just got ANOTHER 7-string guitar! An ESP MF707! I'm glad all this shit ain't on MY credit card! Fer fuckz sake... but he's playing guitar all day long, and that is a helluva good thing to listen to. So I'll never complain about new gear.
Bryan: Have you tried getting your brother to drink supplemental drinks like Boost or Ensure? That's what I did for my mom with her recovery. That way the nutrients are getting in even if they aren't eating. Even the ice cream, maybe you can make it into a milkshake and sneak an egg in there for protein. Invest in a blender man, there isn't anything that can't be pulverized (giggle).

I'll keep your brother in my thoughts!
Pot is for losers no matter what. Nothing personal. I am with Bryan and his bro, completely anti that crap =).

Stay Metal and Stay Healthy!