I'm upset


Grotesque Butchery Rabbit
I didn't get any pictures of it!

So Sunday night I was hauling in some groceries when I slipped on our driveway and smashed my knee on a rock thus splitting it open. So now I'm out of work for 2 weeks till this fucker heals.

Any money you all are willing to donate to my medical expenses is welcome.

I'm gonna go take my codeine now.
Cool, I'll be workin' pretty hard the next couple weeks, but I'll be around here and there. Mostly after midnight.
Dude, if it wasn't all snowy and shit, I'd road trip up to your house and we could work on shit. Besides, I'm kind of broke until January and the Focus needs new tires.

Well you're welcome to, I don't live very far away, only a couple hours.
I'm tellin' ya dude, you won't regret it. It'd be fun. Come up sometime in January or February. Let me know a good month or two ahead so I can work it around my schedule. Thursday-Sunday aren't good for me, but any other day...
bumping this up - I finally got a picture of my knee. It's 15 days into the healing though, so it actually doesn't look too bad. but it's still pretty deep. fortunately no more blood.
