Jeff and Van leave Nevermore

Well, that's a nasty, though not totally unexpected, turn of events. BUM-MER! Hopefully, they will explore their "creative difference" in other projects for awhile and then do the totally unexpected - regroup. Not that that ever happens.
Kind of expected, and although I am certainly bummed, part of me is happy. It was obvious beyond obvious that the chemistry was bad, they should pursue what they want to pursue if it can't work out. They should never force it to work if it can't work and the last album imo was proof of that.
Wow! That was totally unexpected, not so much Van but Jeff. As far as I'm concerned Nevermore's unique sound was due to Jeff's riffs. He has a very distinct writing/soloing style. There isn't going to be anyone else who can re-create that IMO when it comes to actually writing new music. This sucks big time.
I can't imagine Nevermore without Jeff Loomis... I really hope they pick a friggin' monster to replace him.

:( This news does suck indeed.
What a bummer! Glad I saw them one last time in Amsterdam and twice on the cruise. Makes my decision to watch them instead of Amon Amarth's second show (which killed me) a good choice. I'm sure they'll get back together one day. Everyone does. Guess Sanctuary has to get a second guitar player now. Maybe Sean Blosl comes back. Bring on Sanctuary!
They weren't getting along when I saw them back in October. You could see Jeff fuming during the set...

I noticed this too in the Raleigh show. I dont know wtf was up with Warrell but he was singing horribly. and you could tell Jeff was really upset about it. Too bad, this was one of my favorite bands, i doubt they will continue without these 2 key members.
So it took Dane only about 20 years to figure out that Loomis is an egomaniac? I love Dane's singing to death, but I call bullshit on this one. There has to be both him and Loomis for the trademark Nevermore sound to be preserved. Otherwise, it has to be a different band.