Metal scene in Atlanta

Wishmaster said:
Speaking of local shows, is anyone going to the Lacuna Coil / Type O Negative show this Thursday at the Masquerade? It would be cool to meet up with those of you I didn't get a chance to talk to over the weekend.


i'll be there, geek boy in tow. just look for the pink hair!
ratanda said:
This is a list of some Atlanta bands that I know are currently active. These bands are of different styles so there's a little something for everyone.

Burial Rites -
Ender's Game -
Halcyon Way -
Kshatriya -
Lilitu -
Signs of Dying -
The Soul's Unrest -

i'd also add shockplate to that list. i don't have a url for them, but they had some really good sets the couple times i've seen them.
If any of you are planning on getting together locally let me know. I live in Dunwoody. Email is
Back on the general thread, I am surprised no one has mentioned G3 yet- Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and Yngwie Malmsteen- it will be on October 29 and I am sure I will be there. I also saw Savatage at the Cotton Club a couple years back- probably the best live performance I have ever seen.
To Daybreaker, why go to Atlanta? The Houston metal scene is getting better. We got to see Iron Maiden, Dio, Motohead. And Samael and Children of Bodom is coming as well. Also, our local bands are doing well too like Magistral and Stride.
rottingflesh said:
someone told me this is sold this true?

I heard the same thing over the weekend from the Wrekage guys. Has anyone had any trouble getting tickets?

On another Atlanta-show note, a melodic death metal band named Aletheian is playing the Masquerade tonight with The Soul's Unrest. I think Aletheian are from Connecticut or something. I heard some mp3s and it made me think of a more melodic At The Gates. It's $5 and starts around 8.
I have not tried to get tickets to the Type O show yet but my sis wants to go and we were just going to buy at the door....
Creeps said:
try Tampa, the metal scene is making a strong comeback

Hey Creeps, thanks for the news on Tampa. I've been here a couple of years but never get out of the office :) and my buddies and I have been wanting to see more of the local scene. Circle II Circle played several times around here just prior to PPIV...aren't they from St. Pete?

Any recommendations on when a good night would be to check out the Brass Mug?

Thanks --
i heard about that as well, on thursday, but we had no problem getting tickets. easiest way to check is to either call the masq or check ticketmaster. if they're sold out, they won't let you get to the purchase page.
I recently checked TM for prices (plan on buying at the door) and it didn't appear to be sold out. I plan on being there, and, if you want to find me, I'll probably be one of the few (if any) wearing this year's ProgPower shirt. :) I'm also about 6'4", so I'm easy to spot in a crowd.

assuming Type O isn't sold out, i'll be there in a green shirt rambling something about DramaTech's open house and 2003-4 season. fairly confident that this shirt will be unique.

Pixelherder said:
Hey Creeps, thanks for the news on Tampa. I've been here a couple of years but never get out of the office :) and my buddies and I have been wanting to see more of the local scene. Circle II Circle played several times around here just prior to PPIV...aren't they from St. Pete?

Any recommendations on when a good night would be to check out the Brass Mug?

Thanks --

I can help you out if Creeps dosent get back to you :loco: . Usually Friday or Saturday nights are good shows, but recently Wed. has been going strong. We (Creeps and I) live about 30-40 minutes North of Tampa and work during the week so only get down there on weekends, or the rare weekday if we are playing. Hope that helps :Spin:
Well, our assuming was wrong. The Type O show was sold out! I was put on the guest list, but a friend drove from Savannah, so I got her in instead, the rest of us hung out for a few and headed on our way. This truly sucked...did'nt see anyone from the board. I thought I saw lara, but there were a few girls there with pink hair, so I did not want to look like an idiot of course, so I did not say anything...

while we're on the subject of the atlanta metal scene, did anyone else on the forum get a copy of Burial Rites' cd from Dan at ProgPower? I just listened to it and it's really good... sounds very professional.

and as to Lacuna Coil's set, they of course played Heaven's a Lie, and they also played Swamped and the one in Italian, but i don't know their stuff so i can't tell you the other 6.
