New Kamelot - Silverthorn

I wonder who's going to get the nod for Glenn's #1 CD of 2012 - Circus Maximus or Kamelot. He's going to have to disappoint one of his faves. ;)

He's probably between a rock and a hard place...

If he picks Kamelot, his conscience will probably beat him up for not picking CM...
If he picks Circus Maximus, his wife will probably beat him up for not picking Tommy's band...

Man, I wouldn't want to be Glenn right now... :lol:

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what the song at the end of that video (starting at around 1:04) is. When it came out at the time I assumed it was part of Song For Jolee but I don't believe that is the case. Anyone who has the CD already have any idea?
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Why is Tommy deliberately trying to act like Khan? Maybe it's a money thing, go back to what fans want, but was hoping for something new with him.
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Why is Tommy deliberately trying to act like Khan? Maybe it's a money thing, go back to what fans want, but was hoping for something new with him.

I'm pretty sure Kamelot wants their frontman to have that "slick, dark, evil" vibe.
Kamelots new disc is simply stunning!
As we arrive near the end of 2012, there are honestly only 2 choices for disc of the year, Kamelot's "Silverthorn" or Circus Maximus "Nine". I've tried to find something better but came up empty.
Tommy was an excellent choice.
Khan who?
Why is Tommy deliberately trying to act like Khan? Maybe it's a money thing, go back to what fans want, but was hoping for something new with him.
I was discussing this with a friend earlier, and my thought is that it's not about Khan or Tommy, it's purely a function of what Thomas and the band want out of their frontman at this point, regardless of who that frontman is. On the surface, it appears that Tommy is copying Khan for the sake of trying to be him, but I think it's really about a sense of continuity and what the vision is for the frontman's stage presence, as opposed to trying to convey a sense of "Khan is gone, but this new guy is just like him!".

For the sake of context - did Khan act like that when he was fronting Conception? I wasn't at PPUSA for that show, but Glenn has commented that backstage, Khan was a totally different person before the Conception show than he was before a Kamelot show. It seems to me that he was playing a role for Kamelot, and Tommy is simply being asked to play that same role.

If you don't like that role, or Kamelot's image in general, that's totally understandable. What I more take issue with is the supposition that Tommy is simply copying Khan. The result may be the same, but the reasons and path to that result are far different than what I've seen a lot of people (mostly Khan fanboys) saying.
Well, of course if Thomas had given choreographic direction to Khan on how to act, and the stage presence to have, then sure, Tommy is only following Thomas's direction.

If the image that Khan developed was more his own style that developed over time, and having seen him several times over the years, it looked every bit his own, then Tommy is in fact copying Khan's unique style.

I'm not a Khan fanboy at all. I do think in Kamelot's prime, he was an amazing frontman, though less of one in later years. For me personally, Tommy is amazing in many ways. If anything, I'm more a fan of Tommy. I would have rather he just come out and do his own thing instead of trying to act like Khan. I doubt I'll go see them again either way. I do look forward to hearing the new album though. The last two have more or less sucked IMHO.
Why is Tommy deliberately trying to act like Khan? Maybe it's a money thing, go back to what fans want, but was hoping for something new with him.

I think the songs just demand the use of the mid-range vocals rather than power metal's traditional higher octaves. It wouldn't be Kamelot if they did it differently. It's not that Tommy is trying to imitate Khan, the music just kind of demands the same style.
I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what the song at the end of that video (starting at around 1:04) is. When it came out at the time I assumed it was part of Song For Jolee but I don't believe that is the case. Anyone who has the CD already have any idea?

That is "Welcome Home" the bonus track of the Sacrimony Single that was an exclusive to Sweden Rock Magazine. Very nice song. :)

About Tommy 'copying' Roy.... I always find it fascinating how different people see something. I don't think he's copying Roy at all. While I agree that he still finds his own style (it gets better every night), I think the differences are a lot bigger than I ever thought at first. The similarities are there of course - both act out the songs (which are very visual) and that results in similarities. But that's not copying, that's staying true to the song material.

On stage I always found Roy's performance super dramatic and kind of living in his own world. Tommy is the absolute opposite. Interacting with the other band members and working the crowd all evening. He was so funny on the clips I watched from Orlando! I have never seen this much action on the stage of Kamelot before.

Both singers are the same type, but Tommy is not copying. If people really thought he would sing like in Seventh Wonder, then of course they will be disappointed. If he had I would have been disappointed, because I always knew he's much more versatile than that. :)
When I first heard Sacrimony I thought oh no, they are gonna make Tommy sound like Roy. Its hard to deny that it does come off that way. As you spin the cd, you will find more and more of Tommy coming out with every song. He starts off the song Torn in a Roy kinda vide but them his own voice shines through. And then when you get to the song for Jollee.........Tommy voice and style really shine. This guy could sing the ingredients from a cook book and it would sound amazing.
As you spin the cd, you will find more and more of Tommy coming out with every song. He starts off the song Torn in a Roy kinda vide but them his own voice shines through. And then when you get to the song for Jollee.........Tommy voice and style really shine. This guy could sing the ingredients from a cook book and it would sound amazing.

Did you receive a promo CD for press review?

When I first heard Sacrimony I thought oh no, they are gonna make Tommy sound like Roy.

Nobody makes anyone sound like someone else. It just happens that both have a very similar voice color. Tommy seldom sang like that in SW so most people didn't realize it before. If you want him to sing low and sound different you would force him to change his voice. And that would be just nonsense... :p

Also I always find it strange why people claim that the SW style is Tommy's style... it would mean you expect him to sing in this one style his entire life, no matter what band he sings in. Why limit him to one direction? There is a SW style and a Kamelot style and Tommy shines in both. :worship:
Nobody makes anyone sound like someone else.:

Yeah, your right, A band has never hired a singer that sounds like an old one: Ripper sounded nothing like Halford. And Journey's Arnel sounds nothing like Perry.

I have been a SW fan for about 6 years and know Tommy's voice very well. He is easily one of my favorite vocalists. It is so easy to hear that they are going for a Roy kinda vibe at times and that is okay to an extent cause one could say it's a kamelot vibe and not a roy vibe. But I say, let Tommy sing as Tommy.