BTW, Tarja's people were handing out literature and stickers at Nokia. Needless to say, some of us were doing a slow burn at the sight.
Tonight at Vintage Vinyl, 51 Lafayette Rd. Fords, NJ !! :kickass:

Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH will perform live TODAY (Friday, October 19) at New Jersey's legendary independent record store Vintage Vinyl (51 Lafayette Road-Fords, NJ) at 6:00 p.m. (EST). The event is being produced by and will be offered to fans as a free webcast stream worldwide.

Vintage Vinyl are making available to fans autographed copies of the band's debut Roadrunner Records CD Dark Passion Play who are not able to attend the in store performance. Visit for ordering information.

Speaking to YeboTV from New York's Nokia Theatre on Times Square last night, Nightwish's bassist/vocalist Marco Hietala had this to say about the Vintage Vinyl event: "We will be doing a 30 minute full electric set of songs from the new album. We are very much looking forward to the performance and meeting our fans. I really did not have any idea just how big this event has turned out to be until now. I had better not tell the rest of the band the whole world will be watching or they may get nervous (haha)"

Nightwish are currently in the midst of a headlining US tour. Fan response to new lead vocalist Anette Olzon has been positive. Hietala adds, "Tuomas (Holopainen) is feeling a bit under the weather right now but he is getting checked out and we hope to have him back to full health soon. The tour has been going very well so far."

In addition to being streamed live on the YeboTV and Vintage Vinyl sites, Nightwish's performance can also be viewed and heard on these official host sites:

Australia - BrisMetal
Belgium - Metal To Infinity
Brazil- Rock Underground
Canada -
Finland - Finnish Metal
France - Metallian
Germany - Rock Hard
Greece - Forgotten Scroll
Norway - Streets
United Kingdom - Live 4 Metal
United States - SMN

A forthcoming exclusive Nightwish interview will be filmed in Cleveland, Ohio on October 24 and will be available to view on in late October.
Was pretty cool at Vintage Vinyl's yesterday. Got there a little late as the traffic was a nightmare. Talked to Ewo and he said it took the band an hour to get from 45th street in NYC through the Lincoln Tunnel. ("NOTHING was MOOOVING!") NYC at rush hour; painful.

The band was about mid-way through "Poet and the Pendulum". Was surprised to see them tackle that in an in-store performance, but it was pretty good. Of course, the sound was a wee bit tinny and the mixing of drums, guitars and vocals was raw, but that's what makes these little gigs so cool; the totally intimate and spontaneous feel of the whole thing. There couldn't have been more than 100 people there, I think a bit less. They also did "Bye Bye Beautiful" and "Amaranth." The whole thing was really a lot of fun. :headbang:

Got a few crappy photos from the back and a couple during the signing.
I should be at the ATL show, and I think Derek/Ruthven is coming down from Tennessee (in his case, largely also for Paradise Lost).

Glenn's going to be at a Masquerade show? *faint* :lol:
See ya there, dude!:headbang: Is Wrekage playing a lot of NW and PL ahead of the show?
Was pretty cool at Vintage Vinyl's yesterday. Got there a little late as the traffic was a nightmare. Talked to Ewo and he said it took the band an hour to get from 45th street in NYC through the Lincoln Tunnel. ("NOTHING was MOOOVING!") NYC at rush hour; painful.

The band was about mid-way through "Poet and the Pendulum". Was surprised to see them tackle that in an in-store performance, but it was pretty good. Of course, the sound was a wee bit tinny and the mixing of drums, guitars and vocals was raw, but that's what makes these little gigs so cool; the totally intimate and spontaneous feel of the whole thing. There couldn't have been more than 100 people there, I think a bit less. They also did "Bye Bye Beautiful" and "Amaranth." The whole thing was really a lot of fun. :headbang:

Got a few crappy photos from the back and a couple during the signing.

I caught the webcast online, and other than the sound issues you mentioned (trust me, it was even tinnier through laptop speakers :lol:), it was a cool little show. It makes me look forward to the Atlanta show next month and dragging my non-metal girlfriend to it!

I just hope Anette's voice holds up for the entire tour...she sounded like she was really straining at the end of Amaranth. :erk:
See ya there, dude!:headbang: Is Wrekage playing a lot of NW and PL ahead of the show?

I haven't been there since before ProgPower due to illness, but I think we've played some stuff off the new PL. Not sure if we can get away with new Nightwish since it's fairly light-sounding for our audience, but if nothing else, we can probably play some of the older, crunchier Marko-heavy tracks. :)

Show info is up on the website, of course.
You know, I avoided the setlist postings so I got to be pleasantly surprised when they started Poet & the Pendulum. They rarely have done the long songs in the past and unfortunately, I managed to go to the one Montreal show that got cut short because Tarja wasn't 100% so they cut out Ghost Love Score. Worcester was same setlist as NYC but they did play Eva.

Also.... who the hell moshes to Everdream & Sleeping Sun??? Seriously people, stand still for 5 effing minutes.
Worcester set also included Cadence of her Last Breath after Bye Bye. I couldn't see any moshing because I was behind some tall people near the back, but I remember there being moshing the previous time I saw Nightwish and thinking it was a little bizarre.
Worcester set also included Cadence of her Last Breath after Bye Bye. I couldn't see any moshing because I was behind some tall people near the back, but I remember there being moshing the previous time I saw Nightwish and thinking it was a little bizarre.

I was right behind where the pit started in the middle and almost immediately some ass pushed me right into the middle of it. As soon as there was a pause I grabbed Brian's arm and we moved in front of the pit. We basically went from like 25 rows back to 6 in the span of a minute. And I agree, I don't think Nightwish is very good moshing music but I'll give them slack for songs like Slaying the Dreamer & what not but to have "slow moshing" to ballads???? This show at least had minimal crowdsurfing which was pretty prevalent the last two Palladium shows I'd gone to.
And I didn't even notice Cadence was missing from the NYC setlist. That's what I get for skimming way too fast.
I was right behind where the pit started in the middle and almost immediately some ass pushed me right into the middle of it. As soon as there was a pause I grabbed Brian's arm and we moved in front of the pit. We basically went from like 25 rows back to 6 in the span of a minute. And I agree, I don't think Nightwish is very good moshing music but I'll give them slack for songs like Slaying the Dreamer & what not but to have "slow moshing" to ballads???? This show at least had minimal crowdsurfing which was pretty prevalent the last two Palladium shows I'd gone to.
And I didn't even notice Cadence was missing from the NYC setlist. That's what I get for skimming way too fast.

OOPS! That was my fault. Cadence was played in NYC.
I was also at the Worcester show last night, and thought it was amazing. (Dark Passion Play was available for $15, so I don't know if it was just the first date or two it wasn't)

I don't know if this tour and ProgPower board members don't mesh, but I left my tickets at home too, just like BlackRose did. I checked atleast seven times before we left, and then we're ten minutes from the venue to realize I left them on the kitchen table. Worcester's an hour drive away from my house, and I didn't want to miss Paradise Lost - we bought two tickets from separate people, who both had one extra ticket each. I doubt they're ProgPower board members, but THANK YOU anyways.

Paradise Lost was great, Nightwish was even better.

Now, me and my friend were unaware of the signing session, so we joined about 20 other people waiting by the tour bus for them to come out. We ended up waiting about an hour and a half before they even came out, because of the session we were all unaware of. The entire band (minus Anette, who hadn't come out yet) went up to their bus and went on, but then Marco came out after dropping a bag off inside and signed stuff and chatted for probably something close to an hour, signing everything from CDs to Dollar Bills (One of the guys we met had nothing else for them to sign, so he had them sign a Dollar Bill). Around halfway through Marco's time there, Jukka came down as well and signing, but didn't chat for as long (Me and the people around me talked to Marco for about 20 or 25 minutes about various things, including Tarot - said he'd like to do a U.S. tour after the Dark Passion Play tour is done in about two years time, but he's not sure if they'd be able to do it).

Near the end Anette came out and waved to us but went onto the bus. Marco and Jukka went up to the bus before long and the door shut. Some were disappointed at the lack of Anette, Emppu, and Tuomas. We walked past the bus, I waved at Tuomas (who was sitting up front), and he waved back. Me and my friend needed to catch our ride so we just kept on going. I turned my head to look behind me to see that a smaller crowd had waited outside of the bus, and Tuomas had finally come out and was signing things. I went back and got my CD signed by him too. Thanked him for coming outside, because it made my morning, as it was around 1 AM (He's one of my musical idols)

Then we went home.

Very great show, very nice guys (And I don't hold it against them at all for going onto the bus as they had just held a long signing session before hand after an equally long set).
I thought so too. Seems like a minority opinion though. I'm wearing my new PL tshirt right now. I didn't do the signing session although I saw the booth and the people in line for it.
Did you see which version of DPP they were selling?

Pretty sure it was just the regular edition. I ended up grabbing the Tarot CD myself because I hadn't purchased it yet.
I thought so too. Seems like a minority opinion though. I'm wearing my new PL tshirt right now. I didn't do the signing session although I saw the booth and the people in line for it.
Did you see which version of DPP they were selling?

It was the regular version, as I bought it.

They also had Tarot's Crows Fly Black album. I already have it, though, (bought it at ProgPower) or else I would have bought that as well.
I thought that Nightwish was great. Annette impressed me, which I wasnt expecting. I give a big thumbs down to FYE though. They were selling the Nightwish cd for $15 (thx Perdition, I didnt bother to look cause I wasnt buying it again!) and you got to go to a siging session. Lame to get fans to plunk down an extra couple of bills just for the signature, because 9 out of 10 of them already have the cd.
I thought that Nightwish was great. Annette impressed me, which I wasnt expecting. I give a big thumbs down to FYE though. They were selling the Nightwish cd for $20 and you got to go to a siging session. Lame to get fans to plunk down an extra couple of bills just for the signature, because 9 out of 10 of them already have the cd.

Where'd you see the show?

Worcester, they were $15.
Worcester was a great show. Worth the drive! The NYC show at the Nokia was good, but the show at the Paladium was even better. According to Ewo, there were major sound problems in NYC. Only thing I noticed was the vocals stepping too far back in the mix a couple times.

Ok, here's some photos from Worcester.
First photos have to be of the barrier trolls. :p Anyone from this forum there?

And this is how a lazy person gets the setlist. ;)

Now I just put up a bunch in a photobucket album. Unfortunately, they only allow small files. I'll have a better display with larger images on the Radio webzine later, but this was quicker. I also put up a couple larger images in MySpace:

Tuomas and his mascot
Anette and Jukka
Emppu headbanging
Marco close-up
Anette close-up


i am curious to know what you really think of Anette?

and how cool is the "whoever brings the night girl" decal on Emp's guitar? wicked!!:headbang:

and oh yeah...proof on 7 days to the wolves coming in the setlist next go around...well...i have no proof. But they pasted it all over their tour shirt artwork...they better be able to rock it out and if they put it on a t-shirt.

plus it's just my own personal intuition.