PP USA VII: Band #7 & #8 confirmed

Not to mention that Vision Divine RUUUUUUUUUUUULES big time! Thanks to some people in this board (especially nightwish58) I got to discover them a few months ago and now I'm a big fan of their work as well! Killer Killer Killer!


Aren't they a little bigger than Thunderstone (or almost even Epica) to be getting only a 2nd slot? (Note that I am NOT criticizing Glenn's choice, I'm just wondering if there's anymore people that share the same thought I have).
Even though I am not a fan of any of the mentioned bands, I will hold my desicion untill I see who's Headlining...although Mercenary and Vision Divine are interesting choices...
Hhhmm... 2 oddballs this year? Mercenary (Death Metal) & Freak Kitchen (Melodic Metal). The pickings must be getting slim. I could think of plenty of bands that should be at this festival besides some that have been announced...especially these 2. I am definitely hoping that the last 2 announced are big...or this year I'll have to skip. I know I know...you can't please everyone. But, I'm betting alot will be disappointed unless the last 2 are "have to see's".

:: Disclaimer :: This is only a personal opinion not shared by everyone.

But it could be :erk:
Funny thing is, I think Freak Kitchen is one of the bands people will come away this year saying, "What the hell just happened!?" - I can't wait to see IA on the guitar if ANYthing!
HOLY SHIT OH BOY< WOOOOHOOOOOO what else is there to say except OH MAster Glenn what else do you have for us I BOW TO YOUR GREATNESS.
Glenn, I hope you did the noble deed, and put it in Vision Divines contract that they MUST. MUST. MUST. Close thier set with their cover of Ah-ha's "Take on Me".

If not, there will be hell to pay :D

Good stuff here Glenn, cant wait to see the headliners!
AngraRULES said:
I understand your point.... But last year apparently we had two oddballs as well isn't it? (Orphaned Land and Pink Cream 69)

Yep...you're right & I was pretty perturbed with that line up too. Especially after seeing the lackluster performances & thinking of the bands I'd rather be seeing. Swore I wouldn't go to another minimal talented show as that again.
I thought Orphaned Land was the best set of 4 ProgPowers I'd attended. Minimalistic talent? Lackluster performance?

And a handful of growling does not a death metal band make....(Mercenary)
Ascension said:
Yep...you're right & I was pretty perturbed with that line up too. Especially after seeing the lackluster performances & thinking of the bands I'd rather be seeing. Swore I wouldn't go to another minimal talented show as that again.

Damn, dude...what a freakin' buzzkill you can be...
I'll have to offer a rare dissenting opinion and say that I'm not too excited about the recent announcements. I'm also a little suprised that Thunderstone is big enough to be a third slot and Mercenary is considered to be big enough for the 4th slot. Nevertheless, a solid line-up once again. Just not exactly to my tastes.
YtseJammer said:
Not for nothing, but shouldn't Vision Divine be a 4 and Mercenary a 2? The Olaf Thorsen factor alone (that is, his history with Labyrinth) makes VD higher than a 2.

Food for thought.

I agree with you, even though I like Mercenary a lot better!! But yeah, I was really shocked when I saw Vision Divine at number 2.. I think they are the biggest band announced so far.. Maybe not Epica, but still! they are right up there!