PP USA XI video feedback request


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I'd like some feedback based on last year's video presentation.

I plan on doing the same thing this year after the Matos set. How long is too long? Do you just want very short segments to simply find out who it is? We'd be done in 10 minutes. Or Should we maintain the 1-2 minute clips of each band like last year? If so, you are looking at a 20-25 minute video.
10 to 12 minutes is long enough.
If people are familiar with the band then prolonged clips aren't needed. If they're not familiar with the band two minutes of sound bites or video clips won't fix that.
I love the dramatic effect of a two minute clip. A 20-25 minute video is fine by me. Besides, after Matos caps off a jam packed Friday, a long video will provide a perfect "cherry on top" effect. Go for broke. It also creates a buzz in the crowd as each subsequent band is announced.
I thought last years video was perfect.

Agreed 100%

10 to 12 minutes is long enough.
If people are familiar with the band then prolonged clips aren't needed. If they're not familiar with the band two minutes of sound bites or video clips won't fix that.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't know anything about the Friday night bands and the video clips definitely helped me get a decent impression of what they were like. Case in point: When the first few notes of "Attero Dominatus" started playing I knew instantly that Sabaton was going to be a PPIX favorite of mine and went out and bought The Art of War the next day (Much to Hoyt's chagrin as I just *barely* beat him to the last Ltd. Edition copy available)

My vote is keep the video the same as last year - I like the break between each band being announced as it continues to build excitement as we anticipate/speculate the next announcement in the crowd (plus it gives one time to text/tweet/update FB the announcements for our brethren who can't be there that night!) :lol:
Agreed 100%

I'm probably in the minority here, but I didn't know anything about the Friday night bands and the video clips definitely helped me get a decent impression of what they were like. Case in point: When the first few notes of "Attero Dominatus" started playing I knew instantly that Sabaton was going to be a PPIX favorite of mine and went out and bought The Art of War the next day (Much to Hoyt's chagrin as I just *barely* beat him to the last Ltd. Edition copy available)

My vote is keep the video the same as last year - I like the break between each band being announced as it continues to build excitement as we anticipate/speculate the next announcement in the crowd (plus it gives one time to text/tweet/update FB the announcements for our brethren who can't be there that night!) :lol:

All of this.

I didn't know a few of the bands but the clips were a GREAT help! I was so excited about Sabaton from their tiny sample, and I know Todd(^) and I aren't the only ones.

For bands I already knew, it was great to hear the songs and hear all the cheering from the audience. It really built up the announcements and gave each band a chance to "soak in" before we were hit with another one.
I too prefer the way it was last year, so that we can check out new bands for a minute or so! Where else are we going to go on a Friday night in Atlanta? :heh:

I plan on doing the same thing this year after the Matos set. How long is too long? Do you just want very short segments to simply find out who it is? We'd be done in 10 minutes.
10 minutes. By the time Matos exits the stage, it will be late. While I can appreciate the suspense aspect, I'd rather not have to sit through a long presentation.

Based on the feedback already given and further thoughts after I posted the question, I have easily come to a decision. The video presentation will remain the same as least year. My rationale:

1. There is not going to be a consensus opinion.
2. My opinion (and mine alone) is that those with a very good knowledge of bands discussed on this forum are the ones that wish to have a short presentation. They have already either heard of the band and possibly formed and opinion. I believe those to be in the minority from the overall crowd (not the forum attendees).
3. Those that lean towards one side of the coin (prog vs power) want to get through the video clips of the bands they know they will not care about as fast as possible.
4. Those that attend for the social factor as much as the music are ready to go and enjoy the rest of the night at the various parties, etc. Either that, or you are simply getting old and want to go to bed.
5. If you drop it to 10 mins, then you are turning it into an Iron Maiden live dvd seizure inducing editing job. I may as well just post the names via powerpoint and be done with it.
6. Wayne works really hard on this video. It's not fair to him to present what he knows is an inferior product.
7. For those unfamilar with the band, the clip gives them a chance to form an opinion. Those opinions are posted everywhere that very night. Not everyone wants to wait and research them when they get home online. The instant gratification is in high demand.
8. Hearing 1-2 minutes of music gives you a better idea if you wish to go ahead and purchase a cd in the vendor's room the next day. That is a very important part of the experience at the festival to some. Sabaton went over like monsters to those that had never heard of them because of their video clip, not their logo.
9. You are not being forced to endure the video. It's a bonus for after the show. You can find out who the bands are on this very forum within seconds from your hotel room of the presentation if you wan to exit early.

And finally...the most important reason: me. The feelings I experience from the crowd roars during the video presentation are priceless.

Thanks all.

Based on the feedback already given and further thoughts after I posted the question, I have easily come to a decision. The video presentation will remain the same as least year. My rationale:
And finally...the most important reason: me. The feelings I experience from the crowd roars during the video presentation are priceless.

This is not a monumental, festival make or break decision and shouldn't require rational. lol. That last one is the important one though. Anyone who whines about the video being too long at the event should politely just get up and fucking leave. I'm excited for the announcements. :D

I like the longer (90 seconds) clips. There were enough bands that I didn't know, and liked getting to hear a quick sampler. I think short segments won't allow us to digest the announcements.
Steve in Philly