PP USA XI video feedback request

+1 !! You also can't gather much from a 90 second clip, so what's the point in dragging it out.


I disagree completely based on my own habits. However, individual perception is always going to vary when sampling music. Evidently, my rationale above is not to your liking and that is ok. I asked for feedback and I can handle disagreement. I'm not backing down though.

The video presentation has quickly become one of my favorite things to do. It's immediate gratification for myself after months of negotiations and sweating out who is chosen. It's a moment the crowd shares with me like no where else in the world. It is a moment I revel in. I will not ruin it for myself just to save you 10 minutes.

I repeat, you are not being forced to watch the presentation. If losing those 10 minutes of your life bothers you so, then just just come back the next day and see what is handwritten on the sign as you walk in the door. It's a win/win situation for everyone that way.
The video presentation has quickly become one of my favorite things to do. It's immediate gratification for myself after months of negotiations and sweating out who is chosen. It's a moment the crowd shares with me like no where else in the world. It is a moment I revel in.
Hey... if you get that big a kick out of it... go nuts Spielberg. Britt and I will just make sure to get a round of beers and a bucket of popcorn.

Hey... if you get that big a kick out of it... go nuts Spielberg. Britt and I will just make sure to get a round of beers and a bucket of popcorn.

Shit dude, we'd have enough time to eat a 16 oz. Ribeye, and drink a bottle of Dom ;) Just kiddin' Harv ... do whatever the hell you want .. it's your gig. It sounds like you have a lot of fun with that presentation, so keep doing what you do.

Seriously, if you're not partying friday night, you're doing Progpower wrong.

Unless you have to work most/all of Saturday AND are an old broad like me..then a decent night's sleep on Friday is a must. Saturday starts early & is pretty much non-stop for me until about 7pm..no way I could get through that day all hung over. Now, Wednesday & Thursday night are another story..hehe :)
Oh and to respond to Glenn's question, I'm with ya on keeping it the way it was last year; you got me hooked on Sabaton with those 1-2 minutes, thank ya kindly!
Shit dude, we'd have enough time to eat a 16 oz. Ribeye, and drink a bottle of Dom ;) Just kiddin' Harv ... do whatever the hell you want .. it's your gig. It sounds like you have a lot of fun with that presentation, so keep doing what you do.


He has fun cause we have fun.

To be honest, when Sabaton was announced, Milton and I had a ball singing along to the clip and generally acting like little girls at a hanson concert. So, I'm pumped for the longer version. :)
I can only speak for myself, but I tend to get rather impatient when the samples are more than 30-45 seconds. I really think this is all that's needed, because anyone who isn't familiar with a band only needs to know what KIND of music they play; if one wants to hear a longer sample, one has roughly an entire year to check each band out.

But it seems you've made your decision already, and I can't say I find fault with your logic, either.
I agree...

A slightly quicker pace, tightening up the presentation knocking off about 5 min from total run time. That would make a big difference on pace and not have a big effect on presentation.

30-45 sec. max for most....maybe 60-75 on evening headliners or special set type of thing.
10 to 12 minutes is long enough.
If people are familiar with the band then prolonged clips aren't needed. If they're not familiar with the band two minutes of sound bites or video clips won't fix that.

Agreed. 20 minutes is too long. This is going to be another long festival (like last year) and people will be tired/tired of standing. Keep it short IMO.