ProgPower USA XII Picture Thread

Posting these in lower quality than taken, of course. These are only a few of nearly 400 pictures I took











LOL HIS FACE. Also, Steve, if you're interested in talking about photography, track me down and let me know, I'll give you some information to take to the photog store! :)

I'll have to take you up on that. However, my immediate first order of business is to get the damn car fixed. I am hoping sometime next month or so, I am going to begin looking into getting some new photography gear.
Vanden Plas photos from the Kick-off show are now up. Switching things over to Lightroom has helped me tremendously so I'm looking at a much quicker turnaround on photos compared to last year.

I would love to hear everyone's feedback either here or on Flickr.

Damn, those are some awesome shots! This is precisely why I am looking into some upgrades to my own photography gear. With some better gear and practice, I hope to get some sweet shots like that!
Who is ready for some photos?

Such a pleasure to see everyone and to share the pit with such talented press and sponsors! Great shots posted thus far and cannot wait to see everyone's captures of the wonderful moments (performance and otherwise) from PPUSAXII.


You're too kind Allen, and it was great to see you too. Can't wait for your photos! Bring 'em on!
I'll have to take you up on that. However, my immediate first order of business is to get the damn car fixed. I am hoping sometime next month or so, I am going to begin looking into getting some new photography gear.

Whenever you're ready buddy. I was on camera assist duty this year, helping Miguel, NYC Pat, Justin and others with settings and advice :) ... I really love helping others get sweet shots, because it's always a killer feeling to look down and say "YES, EPIC." (After the set, of course. No chimping allowed!)
Some great photos of VP, djjello! You got some great group shots and I love the ones of Andy interacting with the crowd. What lens were you using and how far back were you?