
Pellaz said:
I'm hoping to make it to the Atlanta date, but it's a mid-week show. :(
The more I read about this tour, the more I find myself actually starting to get excited. Queensryche had become more of a habit with me as of late... like a passionate love that had grown cold, I still enjoyed them but whistfully pined for the past, where the depth of my... whoa, waitaminnit. Sorry about that. ;) Anyway, it would seem they're in top form these days, and I'm really looking forward (albeit a little cautiously) to this show.

There are a LOT of excellent shows coming to town soon, and I hate to invoke triage when it comes to picking which ones to go to and which ones to scrap....
So what else is coming to town? I know Dio/Anthrax Tuesday, but that's about all I'm aware of.
lady_space said:
So what else is coming to town? I know Dio/Anthrax Tuesday, but that's about all I'm aware of.
And THAT's another one I'm gonna TRY to make. Couldn't they have played a day earlier, so I'd be off work? (Monday is a holiday. :))

Upcoming shows: http://www.wrekage.org/concerts.php

I have to make time for (possibly) Dio/Athrax/Fireball Ministry, then Fear Factory/LoG/Children of Bodom, then Shadow's Fall/DamagePlan/The Haunted, then possibly Queensryche, then Trans-Siberian Orchestra (half-house show!), then maybe Cannibal Corpse/Napalm Death/Macabre/Goatwhore/Kataklysm, then maybe KayoDot, and finally Slayer/Killswitch Engage/Mastodon.

And that's just the shows on weeknights. :)
Pellaz said:
And THAT's another one I'm gonna TRY to make. Couldn't they have played a day earlier, so I'd be off work? (Monday is a holiday. :))

Upcoming shows: http://www.wrekage.org/concerts.php

I have to make time for (possibly) Dio/Athrax/Fireball Ministry, then Fear Factory/LoG/Children of Bodom, then Shadow's Fall/DamagePlan/The Haunted, then possibly Queensryche, then Trans-Siberian Orchestra (half-house show!), then maybe Cannibal Corpse/Napalm Death/Macabre/Goatwhore/Kataklysm, then maybe KayoDot, and finally Slayer/Killswitch Engage/Mastodon.

And that's just the shows on weeknights. :)
lol, wow! Well, behind Dio/Anthrax, TSO is probably the show on that list I'm most likely to see... I haven't really listened to Fear factory, Slayer or Napalm Death in years. now I'm feeling like an old fogey! :yell:
We hit the Fear Factory/Children of Bodom show Saturday night.

I need a chiropractor. I haven't headbanged that hard in years! I joined six other guys on the side (by accident!) and we were all just banging away. It was like a hurricane of hair over there! A Chorus Line of headbangers! We coulda done a skit for Saturday Night Live we were so coordinated!

Alas, I pay the price for the next three days as my neck heals... I'll join the Old Fogey Rockers along with ya. :wave:
TSO is the only show I've actually bought tickets for (they're worth it, always a class A performance); the others I'm hoping for a hookup on most of them. For QR, probably no hookup. :(
Wishmaster said:
So, just how many Atlanta (and regional) locals are going to the QR show? :)

They must know you'll be hanging out with me and are skeered. ;)

I'll be busy intorducing your g/f to the joys of classic Ryche tomorrow while you're playing Frisbee. For those of you skeered to hang w/ us before the show, you don't know what you'll be missing. :loco: I'm going to train Tracie to holler "it was suicide, you morons!!"
dargormudshark said:
That show was awesome...I like the new song

Thay have finally made up for 10 years of crap :headbang:

How would you describe the new song as it relates to the old stuff (and new stuff). Is it a mix of the two eras or does it definitely lean twords one or the other? it's going to take a lot to get me listening to this band again. I don't own any of their CDs after Promised Land (their last CD I really liked).
I haven't been on their bandwagon for years after all the recent dissapointments - but with all the positive hype I have heard over the past few weeks, I have to admit I am excited to see them tomorrow night!
This show was the best I have ever seen!! QR have definitely made up for the crap they put out the last decade!! Fiddler, I would say it is a blend of the old and new. I only listened to the song once so the first impression was that it was not as powerful as the old stuff but not as wimpy as the shite they have been doing.
Wishmaster said:
Cool! Be sure to look for ProgPower shirts at the show. I know I'll probably be wearing mine. :) Also, I think some of us will be meeting at the Vortex in Little 5 before the show.

You think? You think?!? My ass will be there, and so will yours and if att all possible, so will Tracie's. You "think." Sheesh. ;)

Definitely come up and say hi, Kim! Mike's the 6'4" guy who will be with 1 or 2 chicks, and I'll probably be wearing a Queensryche shirt. That should narrow it down. lol

Mmmm... Vortex... *drool*
So anyone going to the show tonight in Clearwater? Me and my wife will be there. It's going to be a great show, can't wait! I missed the first time they did Operation Mindcrime, so this will be a treat. :headbang: