Question about the band Stride...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Has Stride been signed to your label?

If so...any latest news on their debut album?

After seeing them at the PPUSA4 pre-party, I've been waiting for big things to happen to them.

It seems like they began discussions with you during PPUSA5, and I was curious of their status with your label?

Rock on!
While I generally don't like to discuss our relationship with a band until they have signed a contract...I think it is one of the worst kept secrets in the prog metal community that we are in fact signing Stride. We have basically wrapped up negotiations and are in the process of dotting i's and crossing t's. So far they have been a pleasure to communicate with and their music has blown me away. We look forward to working with them.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge/Sensory
Thanks for the candid reply...but that's very good to hear.

Good luck with your negotiations...I look forward to the official announcment and the upcoming debut album.

Rock on!