Rush fans?

Savage Pumpkin

AKA Mr. Future World
Sep 6, 2008
Skokie, IL
I have recently got into my Rush kick. I know the Rush fans out there have their favorite albums. Here are mine (BTW: These change in order all the time)

1. Counterparts- I dont know what it is about this CD but it just plain rules!
2. 2112- Any questions?
3. Moving Pictures- Any more questions?
Whew, one of my all-time faves. Can't rate albums 1,2 etc., but I have my recurring faves:

Top-Tier albums, IMO:

Moving Pictures, Signals, Permanent Waves, 2112, Counterparts, Hemispheres, Power Windows, Hold Your Fire, P/G

Most of their recent output has been good...but not brilliant. I don't hate the most recent CDs (although I dislike the too-punchy production on Vapor Trails a lot, as did most fans).

There are a few songs I'd loooooove to see again live: "Territories," "Second Nature," "The Camera Eye," etc.
Man, damn this is a HARD one! Rush is also one of my all time favorites as well! But if I had to list my all time faves-1-2112, 2-A Farewell To Kings, 3-Hemispheres, 4-Permanent Waves, 5-Moving Pictures, 6-Signals, 7-Grace Under Pressure, and I've got to put the two live albums I love the most as well! 8-All The World's A Stage, & 9-Exit, Stage Left. :D :kickass:
1. 2112
2. A Farewell to Kings
3. Hemispheres
4. Caress of Steel
5. Permanent Waves
6. Fly By Night
7. Self Titled
8. Moving Pictures

After this point Rush ceased to exist.
Putting a quality order to Rush albums is too hard. So lets just say that albums 3 through 8 as #1, album 2 as #2, album 1 as number 3, most recent as #4, the rest of them as #5.
Great band that has been a favorite of mine since the mid 70's. I can't disagree with anything anyone has said here, but am I am I the only one who loves Roll The Bones? It ain't 2112, Moving Pictures, Grace Under Pressure, etc., but I have always thought it was among the great albums they did and I am always pleasantly surprised at how good an album it is every time I put it on.
One of my all time favorites!!! I tend to lean more toward the 80's stuff fo rsome reason and my list of favorites flip-flop almost daily.

As of today my top 5:
1. Roll The Bones
2. Signals
3. Presto
4. Hold Your Fire
5. Moving Pictures
FYI-fellow Rush fans--VH1 Classic has been running an hour long video special of Rush's videos called Box Set. Geddy Lee does a good amount of commentary as well. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.