Thank you and Good Night


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
Hello all,

It's time for me to take my annual sabbatical for a few months. I will continue to lurk and post every now and then. I ask that you understand that I cannot respond to every email sent to me. A few final comments:

1. Thanks to my crew. I am nothing without you. You make the engine work.

2. Thanks to my sponsors. I hope it was worth it for you this year and my wallet hopes it worth it for you next year.

3. As with every festival, I know there are problems and room for improvements. I do read every comment and try to fix things as best I can. I hope you understand that somethings are out of my control (such as the stair lights- venue, not me).

4. The sound complaints are basically a repeat of every year. In a FESTIVAL situation, you will never get a sound like you would at a regular tour show. We do change-overs in 30 minutes (save the headliners). Would you rather wait an extra hour between bands or have us adjust the sound as we go. That is what EVERY festival does. The difference is that I am indoors as compared to the normal festival situation outdoors. People get spoiled at times and expect the same sound as tour show where they had all day to perfect the sounds. I do as well. Also, what sucks to one person is fine to another. Location, mood, individual band members, preparation by bands for available backline and a multitude of factors influence it. Yes, my guy can simply miss it every now and then. However, I hired the same guy that mixes Wacken, Bang Your Head, and does sound for every major band in Europe. He goes out on tour with Helloween in just a few weeks. I can tell you that the bands at the show loved him and respected him completely. I will not respond to any follow-ups to this subject.

5. I may as well piss everyone off right now and give you a year's worth of advance warning. ALL DIGITAL CAMERAS ARE BANNED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. I simply cannot keep up with the technology. I was amazed at some of the shit. One guy had a recorder going straight to disc that was no bigger than the palm of my hand. I caught 17 bootleggers. That is triple the amount of any previous year. I annoyed at least another 20 that were innocent but their cameras were so advanced that you couldn't tell the difference. I would also expect that for every single person I caught, 5 got away with it. I'm so tired of having my hospitality taken advantage of. Regular flash photography will be the only thing allowed. Period. End of discussion and I will not change my mind. I will not respond to any follow-ups on this subject.

6. I will place order information on the website for the remaining DVDs within a week.

7. Conception ruled.

Take care and see you next year.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
5. I may as well piss everyone off right now and give you a year's worth of advance warning. ALL DIGITAL CAMERAS ARE BANNED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. I simply cannot keep up with the technology. I was amazed at some of the shit. One guy had a recorder going straight to disc that was no bigger than the palm of my hand. I caught 17 bootleggers. That is triple the amount of any previous year. I annoyed at least another 20 that were innocent but their cameras were so advanced that you couldn't tell the difference. I would also expect that for every single person I caught, 5 got away with it. I'm so tired of having my hospitality taken advantage of. Regular flash photography will be the only thing allowed. Period. End of discussion and I will not change my mind. I will not respond to any follow-ups on this subject.

Glenn H.

I figured it would only be a matter of time before this happened. :yell:
"Thanks" to all of the assholes who wrecked this for the rest of us.
I doubt any of them frequent this board, but if by some chance you do, a hearty "Fuck Off & Die" goes out personally from me, to you...... :yuk: :hotjump:
Zilla warned us the other night this was probably going down. I echo the FUCK OFF AND DIE sentiment. :p

Edit: a couple of us will be trolling the p2p and bit torrent sites for any PP bootleg material; I will let you know if anything turns up.
Wow, guess I don't know much about new technology either.... that sucks!!!!! I still have a film camera myself. Sucks that this has to be the case but I do not blame you at all... just sucks to see some ruin it for others... I am glad u caught the ones you did though...glad to hear that and I am sure they are banned and that helps alot. I saw the one kid that got a VIP for catching one...he was cool and very excited... great job dude!
Hmmm....we're the last family on the Earth without a digital camera, but that's too bad that the few (well, relative to the 1200 at least) spoiled it for the rest.

I'm actually pretty suprised at the number of bootleggers. I didn't see any crappy looking people who I thought would be taping the show, but you can't tell who the bad apples are from the outside. I was thinking about that during the festival, and I seriously felt awful for the crew and undercover people whose job it was to find tapers. Every time the lights went off and a band started when I was sitting high up and had a view, there had to have been a minimum of like 30 camera LCD screens visible in the audience. Basically the only way to tell the difference between an innocent photo taker and a taper was watching and seeing the camera flash and be lowered. That had to have been a tremendous job for security. Regardless of what you think about bootlegging, at an event like this, fucking have the decency to follow the policies of the people in charge. It's a big enough job of making things run smoothly without even throwing the wrench of looking for tapers into the mix. Especially the no-class people that film this stuff and try to make a quick buck from it. Save it for the John Waters movies.
I'll to disagree w/ u guys but i think most of the ppl that were tapping the concerts were probably doing for their own use. There is no reason to jump on these guys like you did.
Harvester said:
Ha...sweet! I would have loved it if they were all banned *this* year. There were about 400 people busy taking pictures at the beginning of Therion's set, and it was super annoying. "Hey genius, how about you just get the email address of the dude right next to you that's taking the exact same worthless, blurry photos, and then only one of you has to waste his time!" I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it's a hell of a lot more fun to watch a band while they're actually in front of you and playing than spend time messing around with your camera only to look at bad pictures of them afterwards.

Oh, and hey, if it also happens lessen that headache of tracking down bootleggers, then that's cool too!

Harvester said:
7. Conception ruled.
Yeah, I dunno about you, but next time you do an interview and someone asks "what's your proudest moment", I think that'd probably be a good one to choose. That was a set to remember. If only I'd had my camera......

Harvester said:
Take care and see you next year.
You're working on Arcturus, right?
Edu_Falaschi said:
I'll to disagree w/ u guys but i think most of the ppl that were tapping the concerts were probably doing for their own use. There is no reason to jump on these guys like you did.

I could care less why they were taping, but they WERE taping. It is ILLEGAL and was signed posted on the tickets sold and posted everywhere. There was not a single band at the show that wanted to be recorded. Those that broke the rules had no respect for the bands or my rules.

Glenn H.
skyrefuge said:
If only I'd had my camera......

You're being sarcastic right? :err:

You're working on Arcturus, right?

I certainly hope so. Although my interest is kind of halved without Garm (but he doesn't tour), but it would still be awesome. A oneoff show with Garm would be the best thing ever, but I don't know if that would offend Vortex. I'd still be glad to have Vortex be offended though, although I have absolutely zero hopes for something of that magnitude happening. Just the current Arcturus lineup would be a start. :D
Harvester said:
I could care less why they were taping, but they WERE taping. It is ILLEGAL and was signed posted on the tickets sold and posted everywhere. There was not a single band at the show that wanted to be recorded. Those that broke the rules had no respect for the bands or my rules.

Glenn H.

I agree 100%.

I'm not going to bash tapers, but if Glenn says no taping, seriously respect that. And as we see, if you don't respect that, you've just pissed off the vast majority of innocent people there with digital cameras who just lost those privileges.
I knew the amount of busts that were happening from backstage but the point I knew it was over for the digital stuff was watching the group of fellas in the Granada lobby viewing 4-5 minute clips from Angra and Conception. It was pretty damn good quality but contributes to the banning for everyone now...thank ya....

I'd like to add a thank you here to all the bands/labels who participated on the sampler and the program this year \m/ . It was a pleasure working with everyone and thanks for everyone paying (more on that below). Great seeing all the same faces and new ones as well this year! Thanks to Ryan for the help up front as well as Dave (Beyond Ear Candy).

I'll add a big "thanks a lot (for nothing) (since this fest has come and gone with no word from them) to the band Luna Dementia for screwing us out of the sampler fee from last year. Same goes for Dave McBee (formerly of Shock Opera) who contributed to us not getting a full fee from the band Shock Opera (the band did pay some of the fee out of good grace but not all...).

Now to watch this DVD...
I thing that besides the sponsors and Glenn's crew, also thanks to all and each one of the 1100 people who we attended year with year this festival :headbang:

About the botleggers.. fuck off !.... but i have a doubt.. i can record video with my camara, but only 45 seconds, it's considered bootleg?
Well, you can also record video's on your cell phone. =( However, I'm sure sercurity will be looking for people holding up their phones the entire set.

I'm not surprised at all for that, was just a matter of time.

What about the most pit Glenn? As I said in the other thread, that dumb ass needed to be kicked out in the Stratovarius set. I've waited 4+ years to see Strato, and don't want some asshole slamming into me and thus causing a domino effect. I don't care if you're headbanging or jumping up and down - but the mosh pits anger me. :( He helped start it during the Therion set too. I might seem cranky, but when a mosh pit becomes the focus during the song verse watching the band - in that I'm trying not to get slammed by people - then I get pissed
Basically the situation with bootleg stuff is that a good-intentioned community gets a bad rep because there are people who gain possession of shows and sell them (a lot on Ebay), which is not only ILLEGAL, but it's completely disrespectful to just about everyone. Most of the community is respectful enough to abide by band and promoter policies on taping, but there are always people intent on sneaking in and taping, and in a case like this it really DOESN'T matter what their intentions are, because the policy is no taping.

Since apparently bootlegs of last year's show turned up on Ebay, there are obviously bad apples at the show there doing that crap, and that's just awful for Glenn and the bands. Besides the whole thing with it being horribly disrespectful to everyone involved with the event, and illegal to boot, they're advertised as Official things, so the people doing it are defrauding the bands, prog-power, and making people think they're getting ripped off by Glenn.

I wouldn't say that you're contributing to the "bootlegging" problem, Sautherom, but it just shows how small the difference is *appearance-wise* between a video camera, and a picture only camera. Theoretically, every camera screen I saw on the floor could have been a video camera taping the show and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference from the stands.

By the way, was that you standing on the stairs about in the center doing the crazy headbanging/moving/dancing? That was pretty entertaining to watch if it was. :p
Edu_Falaschi said:
I'll to disagree w/ u guys but i think most of the ppl that were tapping the concerts were probably doing for their own use. There is no reason to jump on these guys like you did.

1. Last year a bootleg of WMD's performance was listed on eBay as a "Rare Savatage" video within a week after the show.
2. No reason? Even if it's for "personal use," losing digital camera privilages for the behavior of selfish assholes is plenty of reason.
Yeah, I had a feeling there was a bootlegging issue this weekend... I lost count of the number of times I saw Glenn accompanying security in pursuit of people on the floor.

I'll to disagree w/ u guys but i think most of the ppl that were tapping the concerts were probably doing for their own use. There is no reason to jump on these guys like you did.

You're right, maybe it was for harmless purposes; then again, maybe it wasn't. Regardless, it was against the clearly posted rules, it was a violation of copyright law, and I'm sure Glenn doesn't want to potentially take all kinds of shit for bootleg video material being sold/traded without the permission of the bands. This issue was handled pretty much the only way it COULD be handled.
I didn't know what to think about the moshing. I actually only saw it break out for a part during the Therion set on Saturday. I go to plenty of concerts where there are decent sized pits, so I would have been used to handling it had I been on the floor. However, with all the expensive digital camera stuff down there and people that obviously didn't want that kind of stuff happening, it was just stupid. And I could see there being even a half-reason for it happening during part of Therion's set.....MAYBE. But moshing during Stratovarius and Angra? Get a life. :lol:
Believe me, I'm a big supporter of the bootleg community, but I definitely see the reason for and support the decision of a promoter or band to not permit taping, with all the Ebay crap popping up. If you're doing it in those circumstances, you're not just risking your own privileges, but everyone's privileges, and have no right to whine when you get kicked out.

If any happen to show up on Ebay this year, I'm sure Glenn will get them shut down. It's an unfortunate waste of time, but hopefully people can be kept from making money off their illegal activities at least where Prog-Power is concerned.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I wouldn't say that you're contributing to the "bootlegging" problem, Sautherom, but it just shows how small the difference is *appearance-wise* between a video camera, and a picture only camera. Theoretically, every camera screen I saw on the floor could have been a video camera taping the show and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference from the stands.

By the way, was that you standing on the stairs about in the center doing the crazy headbanging/moving/dancing? That was pretty entertaining to watch if it was. :p

it is what wanted to know, thanks,
and YES that's me ! i was on the stairs, about center, next to the controls, and doing lots of headbanging.. specially with Angra. :headbang:

in fact.. i would to be in Angra Concert tonight, here in Monterrey, but incredible! the band's equipment never arrived! and the concert was delayed for tomorrow... .. the band promise us an special show tomorrow... i hope us

I like the pics collage at the vendors door, was funny to recognize you and that recognized to me, Nice to meet you guys ! see you next year !