Thank you and Good Night

Hey Glenn if you want to end the bootleggers you should put a DVD of the whole show for the fans and sell it at an affordable price. Let say in 4 DVD you can put out the 2 nights. You can sign a dial with the bands, record company and have a split deal. You would make more money and fans will be happy. You don’t know how much happy I’m with the DVD that you put out in this year fest. You cannot compare the quality of a Pro-shot show versus a bootleg shot with a digital camera.
peavy_fan said:
Hey Glenn if you want to end the bootleggers you should put a DVD of the whole show for the fans and sell it at an affordable price. Let say in 4 DVD you can put out the 2 nights. You can sign a dial with the bands, record company and have a split deal. You would make more money and fans will be happy. You don’t know how much happy I’m with the DVD that you put out in this year fest. You cannot compare the quality of a Pro-shot show versus a bootleg shot with a digital camera.

Totally agree w/ you that's where i was getting at when i asked Glenn weather or not he was going to make DVDs for the next years, by doing that i don't think any of us would have the need to take pics and stuff.
peavy_fan said:
Hey Glenn if you want to end the bootleggers you should put a DVD of the whole show for the fans and sell it at an affordable price. Let say in 4 DVD you can put out the 2 nights. You can sign a dial with the bands, record company and have a split deal. You would make more money and fans will be happy. You don’t know how much happy I’m with the DVD that you put out in this year fest. You cannot compare the quality of a Pro-shot show versus a bootleg shot with a digital camera.

I don't think that would stop the bootleggers.
In the future I think we need to define what "bootlegging" means because, let's face it, that term is English slang.. I found someone from Holland that bootlegged the event but I don't expect them to know what that term means. Maybe giant signs on the doors into the main stage area that say "NO VIDEO RECORDING BEYOND THIS POINT" would help. No one would have an excuse.
Thanx again Glenn for a great event all around. Always a pleasure to set up at the event, enjoy a few moments of a band or two, visit with attendees etc.

I see some comments on producing a yearly DVD set from others, so if I may I'd like to add my 37 cents worth. Judging by how insane and frazzled I am just from preparing things for the show as a vendor, I can only faintly guess what you go through promoting this event. I do feel, though, that a DVD box set of all the band live footage plus extra interviews etc. would be a great thing to offer the attendees each year. I'm sure too that I wouldn't be the only one wanting to buy quantity of it wholesale. I've heard Earthlink has a good video production facility, and finding someone to oversee the filming and pre/post production might be workable, possibly through Earthlink I don't know. And I would imagine the bands with a smart manager would go for it, if they don't they're just not thinking. All I'm saying is, as the old band saying goes, there's money being left on the table, and I would imagine many would pay a reasonable price for the set, enough for everyone to make a decent profit. Just some thoughts that's all.

Keep up the good job Glenn, and thanx for your time. :worship:

Harvester said:
Hello all,

It's time for me to take my annual sabbatical for a few months. I will continue to lurk and post every now and then. I ask that you understand that I cannot respond to every email sent to me. A few final comments:

1. Thanks to my crew. I am nothing without you. You make the engine work.

2. Thanks to my sponsors. I hope it was worth it for you this year and my wallet hopes it worth it for you next year.

3. As with every festival, I know there are problems and room for improvements. I do read every comment and try to fix things as best I can. I hope you understand that somethings are out of my control (such as the stair lights- venue, not me).

4. The sound complaints are basically a repeat of every year. In a FESTIVAL situation, you will never get a sound like you would at a regular tour show. We do change-overs in 30 minutes (save the headliners). Would you rather wait an extra hour between bands or have us adjust the sound as we go. That is what EVERY festival does. The difference is that I am indoors as compared to the normal festival situation outdoors. People get spoiled at times and expect the same sound as tour show where they had all day to perfect the sounds. I do as well. Also, what sucks to one person is fine to another. Location, mood, individual band members, preparation by bands for available backline and a multitude of factors influence it. Yes, my guy can simply miss it every now and then. However, I hired the same guy that mixes Wacken, Bang Your Head, and does sound for every major band in Europe. He goes out on tour with Helloween in just a few weeks. I can tell you that the bands at the show loved him and respected him completely. I will not respond to any follow-ups to this subject.

5. I may as well piss everyone off right now and give you a year's worth of advance warning. ALL DIGITAL CAMERAS ARE BANNED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. I simply cannot keep up with the technology. I was amazed at some of the shit. One guy had a recorder going straight to disc that was no bigger than the palm of my hand. I caught 17 bootleggers. That is triple the amount of any previous year. I annoyed at least another 20 that were innocent but their cameras were so advanced that you couldn't tell the difference. I would also expect that for every single person I caught, 5 got away with it. I'm so tired of having my hospitality taken advantage of. Regular flash photography will be the only thing allowed. Period. End of discussion and I will not change my mind. I will not respond to any follow-ups on this subject.

6. I will place order information on the website for the remaining DVDs within a week.

7. Conception ruled.

Take care and see you next year.

Glenn H.
Glenn, mega-thank you from all the crazy japanese metal girls! we were too exhausted after the shows to attend any party but still we had the nights of our lives! we were so happy to bang our heads behind you, while you were doing the same :)
the setlist all the way you brought to me will be my treasure, and i'm so impressed that you remembered i asked about the setlist 3 years ago! how kind!

Also, i want to say thank you to the lady at the gold badge table, i assume it was your mom? i remember her from the last time and she was so sweet to say "thank you for buying many (badges)" :D and when i bought 2 PP T-shirts she said "good girl:wink:"! i thought i really became a good girl after her saying so! you are so lucky to have such a supportive family and they must be so proud of you :)
i had to go back to my normal days after the 14 hours flight, and am slowly recovering from the madness of 4 days --- but at the same time, i don't want to recover... i want to suffer from that craziness forever!! i miss the friendly faces who gave us the devil fists when they saw us... so i hope i come back again next year!!! until then, take care and have a good rest!!!

ps. i agree with Bear.. i am so disappointed with my new digi cam which i spent almost $500.. so i'll probably bring my old heavy one next time!
I know Glenn has answered this before so I'll do my best to summarize. Basically the problem is the logistics of doing such a thing. In order to do it Glenn would have to come to an agreement with all the bands AND all their various labels, management, etc (remember a lot of these bands are on multiple labels in the various territories). The videos on the PPV BtS DVD were actually donated by the bands, so don't think that releasing whole sets based on their presence would be easy.

As much as I'd like to have a copy of the shows, I'd much rather have Glenn putting his energies towards PPVII (once he's sufficiently recovered of course! ;)) than to playing politics with multitudes of record labels, management companies, distributors, etc, etc, etc.

peavy_fan said:
Hey Glenn if you want to end the bootleggers you should put a DVD of the whole show for the fans and sell it at an affordable price. Let say in 4 DVD you can put out the 2 nights. You can sign a dial with the bands, record company and have a split deal. You would make more money and fans will be happy. You don’t know how much happy I’m with the DVD that you put out in this year fest. You cannot compare the quality of a Pro-shot show versus a bootleg shot with a digital camera.
I was the guy behind that asshat who started the pit during Therion. His hair was practically lacerating my eyeballs. I was standing there with my Canon EOS digital Rebel (PIX ONLY!) camera and my bag full of lenses. and this dickhole was starting to bump into me. I even told and showed the guy "hey buddy i got a camera here" and he started right back up.

I used to have long hair as well, but at least i was respectful of people around me.. mostly just banging my head in one spot, not flailing my whole upper body. Honestly, if i didn't have my equipment with me, i would layed him out.

But I digress...

It sucks because being a photography enthusiast, i was so excited to be able to get some more time my skills taking shots at this show. I thought it was the greatest thing when one of my friends told me that they allow digital/film cameras to PP. 99 times out of a hundred, regular enthusiasts of photography get screwed out of concerts because only "press" are allowed to take photos.

Maybe perhaps a nominal fee could be charged for those of us who fall into this category? we could submit an application ahead of time and maybe an independent person could research the applications to find out which cameras have what capability.

I would think it's obvious that a camera that has interchangeable lenses and a shutter (yes, a real shutter that you can feel) would be unable to record video.. but we have to look at it from the non-enthusiasts standpoint.

I have a lot of great shots that i am proud of, and am NOT selling. I would give anything to be able to use a dedicated camera where film isn't needed.

I'll still be back. No matter what. Oh and Glenn.. thanks for letting my buddy from New Orleans in, but the security personnell were apparently uninformed at the front doors.
Locust0311 said:
I know Glenn has answered this before so I'll do my best to summarize. Basically the problem is the logistics of doing such a thing. In order to do it Glenn would have to come to an agreement with all the bands AND all their various labels, management, etc (remember a lot of these bands are on multiple labels in the various territories).

So? Wacken does it. So do many of the other big Euro-Fests.

If Glenn just doesn't want to hassle with it, then all well and good. And I can totally understand if he doesn't. After all, Wacken has a fulltime staff. And Glenn has himself and a handful of family and friends plus a full time real world job to keep up with. So I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be interested in doing it, even if he could.

But don't make it sound like an insurmountable task. It is done. All the time.
I can't believe you just compared Prog-Power to Wacken. Seriously, you're talking about a 1200 person event versus a 20000 person event. The money and people involved is totally different. I think it could be done, but it looks like Glenn doesn't think the result outweighs the effort it would take on his part to pull it off.
MeTuLHeD said:
So? Wacken does it. So do many of the other big Euro-Fests.


Look closer at the rosters of those released dvds. You will find that all of the artists are either on the same label or on sister labels (NBlast/CM or IO/SPV for example), management (Continental Concerts for example) or from smaller labels where you can thread the needle. There are no straight across the genre/roster full dvd releases of any major festival including Wacken.

It may not be insurmountable, but the time, effort, money it would require isn't worth pissing in a bucket for, specifically in terms of this fest.

Glenn H.
I just hope that this does not cause the Jack K. approach where you cannot leave and come back, I missed Testament in FL because of this stupid rule... :(
Sleeping Martyr said:
I used to have long hair as well, but at least i was respectful of people around me.. mostly just banging my head in one spot, not flailing my whole upper body. Honestly, if i didn't have my equipment with me, i would layed him out.

Speaking of that, big jeer to the incredibly *RUDE* damn lady who stood on the photo pit banging her head and getting her hair all over me and my girlfriend's face... and the worst thing is, she KNEW she was preventing us from seeing the concert and wouldn't stop... Excuse me if you're reading this ma'am, but I was on the verge of ripping the hair off your head... lol
Aha, yep, I think I remember that.

BTW, thanks to Glenn for giving me the "he's cool" wave to the security guy, which is why I was able to get back and get more pics from the front during Orphaned Land. :worship: Hell, up until the last minute I thought I was sponsoring them anyway, soo..... :tickled:
Pellaz said:
Aha, yep, I think I remember that.

BTW, thanks to Glenn for giving me the "he's cool" wave to the security guy, which is why I was able to get back and get more pics from the front during Orphaned Land. :worship: Hell, up until the last minute I thought I was sponsoring them anyway, soo..... :tickled:

Yea, I'm sure a lot of people that stood on front row remember. If she was a sponsor, member of the crew, a fucking groupie for god's sake.. I dont give a shit... It was a matter of having that god damn thing called common sense to realize you're bothering other people.

Awesome that he did that for ya... Speaking of security, it was thanks to one of the security guys that the fucking girl stopped her crap. Like I said, I don't care if you're spending god knows how much to sponsor the band... Your freedom ends where other people's freedom begins.