Ticket & Band Replacement

By the way, I saw Nightingale do a 90 minute set a couple weeks back in Helsinki... AWESOME... and Dan wasn't reading the lyrics. :D

To digress, I was idly thinking about this recently. Dan reading lyrics on stage seemed to be a sore point with some who were there. Now if I recall correctly Nightingale played in 2001. This would be before what I perceive as a period of significant 'awareness' growth to the band especially in North American audiences (including Alive Again and Invisible being released, two releases that really raised their profile, plus the re-recordings album, and just a general period of more and more people getting into them). They seem overdue for a re-appearance. What's holding them back? Is it negative vibes stemming from the lyric-reading? Is it just that Dan's schedule is way too packed? Have they been considered for another invitation or are they off the table? I don't know any of those answers but from time to time I wonder about it since I really like them. (side note, Nightingale was one of the very few bands which I got into because of the singer's voice as opposed to instrument playing).
IS it the Carbareutors or The Poodles???? Or it might be Diablo Swing Orchestra or Who the hell knows, It will be a killer I am sure.
Because there's nothing better than a high slot band you've never heard of.

I have never heard of 7 of the 12 bands announced this year, have listened to 3 of them, and somehow, I'm still excited for the majority of the lineup. I'm almost never familiar with the high slot bands and always leave amazed.

God forbid you expand your musical horizons, right? After all, if you've never heard of them, they most certainly have to suck.

edit: I would lol if it's Pretty Maids.
Because there's nothing better than a high slot band you've never heard of.
Wasn't Volbeat in the 3rd spot and wouldn't that make them more of a mid-level band? It's not like Glenn is replacing the headliner with an unknown.

I'm excited to see whoever it is. I'm sure I'll be one of the ones saying "Who the hell is that?!" since most things Glenn pulls out of his hat surprise me, non-the-less, I usually end up loving them.
Also, Glenn, I'm curious - I noticed that on the Bands page of the PP website, Volbeats logo has been removed, but the logos for the rest of the Saturday roster have shifted up. Is this an indication that Spheric Universe Experience and Saint Deamon will move up and the new band will be an opener? Or will the new band be placed in the original spot intended for Volbeat as most folks seem to be thinking?

Or will you just keep us in suspense until tomorrow? :lol:
Also, Glenn, I'm curious - I noticed that on the Bands page of the PP website, Volbeats logo has been removed, but the logos for the rest of the Saturday roster have shifted up. Is this an indication that Spheric Universe Experience and Saint Deamon will move up and the new band will be an opener? Or will the new band be placed in the original spot intended for Volbeat as most folks seem to be thinking?

Same spot. That's just Deron doing his thing...


Devin Townsend?!


Pink Cream 69!?

Orphaned Land in a 4th slot?!?

Freak Kitchen?!

Epica & After Forever in high slots?!?


I'm like a junkie that needs his fix.....

*cough* DIRTY PENNY *cough*:saint:
I see a bunch of people talking about the Carburetors. I'll be real pissed if he books them, for I don't think they're any good.

Let's just hope!


Devin Townsend?!


Pink Cream 69!?

Orphaned Land in a 4th slot?!?

Freak Kitchen?!

Epica & After Forever in high slots?!?


I'm like a junkie that needs his fix.....
I wish I was there for the NG show. Well, Dan and friends are a lot tighter band now, so maybe best saved for a future gig. You really do pick killer oddball bands. That's what interests me these days
I can neither confirm or deny this statement.

in business speak Im sure this means, "you're damn straight I could give a shit less who is or isn't happy."

haha j/k.

Im sure anything that is chosen will absolutely make the majority's heads spin, but once they get past their dizzy WTF craze they'll be just as happy if not more.
P.S. I like about one in every 1000 bands, but hate only one in every million, the rest fall into the middle somewhere, so I'm hard to please but harder to displease. I'm a paradox man, I tell ya a freaking paradox :p

yeah man we've noticed...maybe you need to try another fest. :lol: :p

anyways, Im glad you're not complaining about the headliners...cause I would seriously disown every bit of a friendship I have ever claimed of ours. :Smug:
Except for the bitching that goes with it!

At least you aren't a dick about it.:)

I've loved some of the obscure bands you've put into the lower slots, but it seems to me that at least for my tastes, it's more miss than hit when you do that in the mid to higher slots.
God forbid you expand your musical horizons, right? After all, if you've never heard of them, they most certainly have to suck

As expensive as a ticket and trip to Atlanta is, I need to know that I love the bands that are playing the longest sets. I'm very open-minded about lower slot bands and never criticize those choices. But when you start tinkering with the upper slots, it makes it riskier for me to buy a ticket.
I suppose if thats what your basing your ticket sales on, it would make a difference. Personally, it always seems that I enjoy the bands in the lower slots far and away more than the ones in the higher slots almost without fail. I made a decision to not attend last year based on the fact that I had hardly any interest in the bands playing, and my financial situation. Had I been a little better off, I would've made the trip, so I can appreciate the "draw" factor. I think, however, you'd have been more polite in bringing this up in the first place rather than ... well.. being kind of a douche about it. :p