I am just trying to think of pseudo-mainstream prog bands... I saw White Wizzard mentioned and I was like "MAINSTREAM???" Hahaha....

Coheed and Cambria and Porcupine Tree are bands that are listened to among this crowd and yet they still are mainstream draws...... both have toured the US recently.... and C&C just had a new album and PT has another coming this year....

I really don't know what kind of album sales they have, but realistically, they should be a lot higher than Kamelot or Hammerfall, that's for sure. But who knows!

I'm with you. A lot of bands people are putting out there are a bit absurd. Remember a couple MAJOR POINTS:

A. Band is more mainstream than the typical progpower band.

B. They have outsold everyone on the bill except for Hammerfall and Kamelot.

C. They have outdrawn their headliner.

Coheed has definitely outsold those bands by a long shot. Same goes with Porcupine Tree. Rhapsody isn't exactly mainstream. As someone said, Volbeat has not outsold Metallica and to my recollection they are the only ones Volbeat has come to the US to support. Nevermore? I would say they would fit it but due to the past history of Neveromore and this fest, it's very doubtful.

I would probably say the third most selling band at this year's progpower is probably TYR. Not by a lot mind you but more than the rest I would assume.
I have a couple of guesses, but I think it's silly to speculate personally.

It doesn't really matter though. I think by the description Glenn put in, it would be a band worth it. He wouldn't have thought about the offer if it hadn't.

Luckily, I got my tax refund today, so I am going to try put something into this. Not a lot but something as I'm very curious.
I'm in for a bit. Fingers crossed. Heck, if I don't like who they are, I'm always up for a break.
As someone said, Volbeat has not outsold Metallica and to my recollection they are the only ones Volbeat has come to the US to support.

They opened for Nightwish but didn't outdraw them either.

I've got a guess I keep leaning towards that no one has mentioned but I don't know about them outdrawing the headliner on either of the two tours they've had in the US. They had a great response on the tour I went to but there were plenty of people there for the headliner and the other band they opened for draws just fine without any support.
Either way, I've offered to sponsor. Hopefully I'll at least like the band :lol:
This. As much as I *LOVE* PP USA, it is one hell of a rough weekend. 13+4 bands (main show plus kick-off) will be bad enough! :ill: But I'll leave it to others to decide.

C'mon Dave.I saw how you party 2 years ago.You can't fool me....
Just kidding.I understand the valid points you guys are making,but I'm a young 32(33 by the concert) and I'm game!!!!!
Makes me wonder if it would be a band like Disturbed. I know they fit most of the criteria Glenn mentioned (in my opinion anyway) but then again...everytime I try to guess at one of Glenn's mystery bands or his yearly lineup prediction, I am never close so... I guess we will see. I will see what I can come up with to donate :)
He did say that they had a wider appeal than the standard ProgPower fanbase. That to me says, "not prog."

It depends on the band. There are bands with wider appeal who are borderline prog. Now, whether those bands fit in with what Glenn wants to do is another question.

Edit: someone already suggested C&C, which was one of my first thoughts reading this thread.
Makes me wonder if it would be a band like Disturbed. I know they fit most of the criteria Glenn mentioned (in my opinion anyway) but then again...everytime I try to guess at one of Glenn's mystery bands or his yearly lineup prediction, I am never close so... I guess we will see. I will see what I can come up with to donate :)

He said this band is on the rise.I think Disturbed has risen as far as they are going to.I don't see them approaching Glenn to play at ProgPower
Before anyone mentions anymore bands,please remember Glenn said the band came to him and asked if they could play this year.How many headliner bands are going to do that and accept not being the main headliner on either night?
I think some of the bands being mentioned are way too big already to do that.
Intriguing, Glenn! Checking bank accounts now...

Mosquito has some good questions: if $5 can make a difference, will you let us know when we get close? Say, within $100? I'd hate to think we'd lose out entirely just because of a relatively small amount.


I sure hope if we are close another post / e-mail goes out.

Count me in for an initial "ante". Then if more is needed and we are close, it would be good to know.

How would Shadows Fall work in this type of arrangement. Main stream, been mainly a support act, decent sales but not stellar, they are far better and more talented musicians than those in the genre where they are lumped.