Now Annette out of Nightwish

Nightwish's forum crashed due to high volume. No surprise. Déjà vu all over again. Thanks for the youtube video, St Enigma - think I saw it many years ago, but it gave me chills again! Yea, she'd be a good fit, imo.

So, whose going to the shows in N.O. or Florida? Soooo tempted.
Didn't surprise me in the least after what happened in Denver and the way it was handled by her. You don't go public bashing your own band even if you don't agree with how they handled her being sick.
Man, I watched the you tube clips and Elize would take this band to new heights. I think even I would buy their next CD.
They also tour to 600+ people, which means they are making as a group probably close to $40k a week touring (including merchandise).

Agreed, Scott. They're big.
Let me put it this way.

Last time I saw the band with Tarja, was in Paris in 2004. They played the Zenith, the same venue bands like Dream Theater play, and had it sold out 4 months before the show. Friends of mine who still live in France saw them this last tour in december I think (don't quote me on that), at the venue Iron Maiden plays most of the time, Bercy.

That should help put in perspective how big they are in Europe.
Wow! Big news indeed and I’m a bit stunned. I always felt for Anette as it’s never easy taking over for a founding vocalist. Along with lots of talent, Tarja seems to have something positively entrancing about her to many fans. It would not matter what Anette did because these fans would throw her under the bus. That said, I could never get into Anette’s vocals although she sounds quite good on “Imaginaerum.”

It’s a matter of taste, but Floor is really at another level for me. And not just compared to Anette, but compared to any other woman in metal. Nightwish chose well, as Floor’s vocal power and command of the stage are unmatched in my experience. I hope Floor gets some much-deserved exposure here and her star continues to rise. It would be a shame to see ReVamp end and I hope that will not happen. But Floor knows what she’s doing and this is not an opportunity to pass up. Now if only I could get to a show. Sadly, the nearest one is probably about 1500 miles away. Anybody up for a road trip?
I was not planning to catch the Austin show as I just saw them a PP - but with Floor taking the mike, I just might go....
I was all over this! Thank fucking God she's gone! Sorry guys, I know some of you lied her, but she ruined a one great the next step will be greatly anticipated
Well I'm surprised, but I'm not disappointed either.

Saw them in Kansas City on Thursday night. By Friday morning, Marco was still hanging out outside, and someone asked him where Anette was. He basically said something along the lines of I don't know. If that means anything at all, I don't know, but it seemed odd at the time given that Tuomas and Marco came out together and hung out for quite awhile.
There are bands and there are businesses. Nightwish is purely business. Simple as that.

Some bands wouldn't dump you that way because it's a friendship/relationship thing. I remember when Rick Allen lost his arm and they asked Joe Elliot if they were planning to replace him. Ellliot's reply was pure class: "You don't replace a mate." How many bands - of ANY genre - would say that? I can tell you, that quality is almost non-existent.

I see it most clearly at ProgPower. PPUSA is not just a's a family. Some of the bands who play there "get it" and others don't. The ones who do, love PPUSA for that very reason.
Thank god, maybe Nightwish will become listenable again. The music has stayed quality but I could not stomach her vocals, just a huge step down from Tarja. Not to mention she didn't fit well on stage either.
For some of us it has nothing at all to do with Tarja, and everything to do with thinking Annette was a bad fit.
I don't see or hear that at all. She had great melodies, you could understand the words, her mid range was great, and her voice complimented the music. The popularity of the band and record sales, I think, represent the step-up in the vocal delivery department, I think.

Btw, Tarja ain't coming back. And neither is Geoff Tate. Or John Arch. Or John Anderson. Oh wait, John Anderson just might be back, maybe before he turns 80... ;)
Btw, Tarja ain't coming back. And neither is Geoff Tate. Or John Arch. Or John Anderson. Oh wait, John Anderson just might be back, maybe before he turns 80... ;)
Sorry, but why the fuck do you keep mentioning John Arch? He didn't rejoin Fates Warning, but he started a new band with the other members of Fates Warning and played mostly Fates Warning tunes at their gigs, close enough I think. Anyways.

I can't stand newer Nightwish, not the singer's fault though. I'm just bored of those damn poppy metal songs with disco drum beats. I simply can' get into it. That's some seriously wicked money that Tuomas apparently makes though, good for them.
I'm wondering about something. I assume Floor doesn't live in the US, right? Unless she's just been chillin' here since PP. All this went down on Friday, but Anette played the show on Saturday, so you're telling me that they called Floor up, and got her ready to rock and roll by Monday? Conspiracy theorist in me thinks that maybe Floor had been asked to "be ready at a moment's notice" because they knew something was brewing. But, I could be totally off my rocker.