Now Annette out of Nightwish

But still, in a professional band there is ALWAYS a "band leader," and especially if you're the new guy (or girl in this case), you really have to follow the band leader. A band will never ever ever work if it's a democracy. There has to be a dictator.

LOL as Mike Romeo said to me during this year's PP interview, "We're a band and we all have a saying, but sometimes I have to be a dick." :lol:
On behalf of those of us that do not get to see Floor perform with Nightwish...


I wasn't planning on going to see NW/Kamelot on Saturday since I saw both nights in Atlanta and I'm not a big NW fan, but I'm seriously contemplating it now that Floor is singing...I'm curious to hear reports from the next couple shows, but I'm guessing she's going to knock it out of the park.
Best of luck to the band and Anette....hopefully she has a full recovery from whatever is giving her health problems, especially since she has a young child to look after. I wonder if that played into the decision to part ways? Anyhow, I'm sure that whoever Tuomas gets as the new singer (Floor would be AWESOME), I'll continue to enjoy their music.


I'm a fan of both eras of NW and the next album will still be a blind-buy for me, regardless of who is singing. I hope Anette winds up in a good place and is able to get better.

Nothing against Floor, but I would've liked to have seen them with Elize singing, especially after she had time to learn the songs and rehearse. I think she is incredibly versatile and would be able to pull off both NW era songs. I wonder if they are bringing in Floor for name recognition or if Elize simply has too much on her plate already with Kamelot? Or other commitments that would prevent her from doing the full tour?
LOL, don't sweat it bro. You know DVDVampire will be there registering the moment for the world to see... regardless of what anyone thinks... :lol:

I was just about to say... XD Keep your eye out on YouTube, it will be there soon!

I'm in it more for Tuomas, Marco, Emppu, and Jukka, not the brand

I didn't mean "brand monster" negatively. Nightwish is a brand that has been very well sustained over the years. They seem to really want to continue producing good quality music, regardless of what happens. To me that's not a bad thing, and their fans certainly seem to appreciate it. I know a lot of people were pissed when Tarja left, but a lot stayed and gave Anette a chance. That's why I'm sad to see her booted. It's gonna be tough for her to come back, if she even wants to.
LOL as Mike Romeo said to me during this year's PP interview, "We're a band and we all have a saying, but sometimes I have to be a dick." :lol:

Yup. Nothing would get done if everyone was allowed to do what they want in a band. Anette just sounds really entitled and rockstarish, and her getting outed was the only move really.
I don't have a dog in this hunt. I know nothing about the finances. I didn't even hear of Nightwish until after the Tarja era, so I don't consider them to be a monolithic, never change the lineup band like Rush (yes, I know about John Rutsey, but he doesn't count). But it seems to me that some tensions had been building between the core of the band and one of the band members. This episode was a flashpoint. Sometimes, it's just best to part ways.
I'm guessing that on average, a member of Nightwish makes around $120k a year. Yet, due to licensing, and other things in Europe, I could be way off and they might be making a lot more than this.

No need to guess: Individual tax summary information is public in Finland -- the infamous annual "verokalenteri" or "tax almanac" (used to be colloquially known as the "gossip almanac".) There's no online version that I can find at the moment, but maybe one of our Finnish resident members will chip in.

According to a press article from 2011 , Tuomas had taxable earned income (deductions taken aren't part of the public info) of 222K euros, or US$286K in 2010. In 2009 he earned 270K euros.
Depends on where you live. In NYC I think he would still have to have a roommate to afford rent...

Truth! Same in DC. Hell, I make half that and it still sucks to live in this area. That being said, taxes are very high in some parts of Europe. So of those 270k euros, he might have gotten less than three quarters. Still a good amount to make.
I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Annette. I always thought she was a square peg in a round hole with Nightwish, but I didn't think she deserved that.

At the same time, the show goes on. I remember when King Crimson came to down and Adrian Belew was sick. The rest of the band decided to play as a trio, giving out refunds for those who didn't come to see that. Most of us did stay and it was a great show. On the other hand, I doubt the band went on without letting Belew know about it.

It seems like Tuomas, since ousting Tarja, has been trying to make the band less and less about the vocalist. I wouldn't be shocked after this if the vocalists (outside of Marco) end up being hired guns. It is why I doubt Floor will do it for long because she has her own ideas about making music. It makes one wonder if Tarja wasn't the only ego problem in that band. In any case, as time goes on, I get less and less enchanted by Nightwish.
Merchandise is how bands get wealthy.

According to Wiki they have over 9 million album sales worldwide.

They also tour to 600+ people, which means they are making as a group probably close to $40k a week touring (including merchandise). I'm guessing that on average, a member of Nightwish makes around $120k a year. Yet, due to licensing, and other things in Europe, I could be way off and they might be making a lot more than this.
Merch - you should see how much they have. I mean, they have their own bedsheet sets. Not that their music isn't selling well, which it is.

Don't want to say I saw this coming, but regardless of her voice and performance, the personality didn't appear to be meshingm, imo. Nightwish needs a team player. They went through enough the first round, hopefully in round three they'll find someone with the right attitude AND voice.

And for those of you who are seeing Floor perform - DAMN! I am SO jealous. Going off to see if there are any dates within short flying distance.
In all honesty, I didn't really care for Annette's singing or horrible stage prescence. On the new album, IMHO, she sounds like Alvin from the Chipmunks. After seeing NW twice with Tarja, there is no comparison who the better all around performer is. Tarja...hands down. I'm pissed as fucking hell I won't see NW with Floor Jansen!
i think its a great move. maybe they can get back to being a powerhouse band with Floor doing the vocals now.
That is too bad that she is leaving. The amount of time, work and stress they will need to put into getting a replacement is not an enviable task (look at Kamelot and Nightwish the last time). Plus it is ill-timed given that they are ramping up to promote the release of their film for Imaginareium soon.

I have tickets to see them on Saturday and overall I am really looking forward to the show. Assuming Floor is up to speed by then, it should be a great performance. Floor was amazing at PP this year and I have been a fan for awhile. Actually I have been listening to After Forever's Decipher a lot this week (mostly inspired by seeing her and Mark Jansen kick so much ass in Mayan) so it works out well. Honestly Floor is a great pick given that she can do the old Tarja material justice and her work with ReVamp shows that she can also do the more straightforward material of their last two albums well too.