Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

No more tasteless than what many of our fellow PP attendees were wearing throughout the fest. I may view someone's fashion statements are silly or ridiculous, but never offensive. Lets get real here people. It's not like this was a middle school talent show with tons of kids. There were a few younger kids at the fest, and I'm sure they didn't see anything worse than MANY of the displays exhibited by other patrons, i.e. scantily-clad woefully underdressed men/women, language, overtly sexual behavior in the little couch/booth areas in the lobby, etc.

Hallelujah. I think it's pretty hypocritical for all these supporters of "Corset Night" and such to be railing against this. Granted, Damian probably should have got Glenn's permission to do this, but does anyone REALLY think he did it for ANY reason other than to be over the top and Rock'n'Roll, and bring a little something extra to the crowd?


- R
And, on the broader topic, I think the Jam was brilliant. I really enjoyed the idea and execution, and would only criticize the time it took to get the thing rolling (and technical issues which have been discussed elsewhere). I'm not sure I'd want it every year though. The event was really special in terms of PPUSA history, and I think doing it once every few years would be a great idea.

- R
Granted, I'm not known for my subelty, but I have enough sense to at least watch out for underage/impressionable ones to make sure they are not within eye shot.

To me it's not the fact that she was naked and painted. I thought that was cool as hell, to be honest. It wasn't what she was wearing- it was what she was doing I think is the issue.

Just wanted to clarify MY standpoint on it.

Back to the orignial topic since I seemed to not even comment- I loved the jam. Didn't know all the songs, but really did enjoy it. LOVED LOVED LOVED The Final Countdown (both times ;)) and Symphony ruled!

The ASJ was my favorite set of the night. All hail Zachary Stevens, my favorite "live" vocalist of all time, doing a song by Dio, my favorite "recorded" vocalist of all time.

EDIT: okay, I'll put my two cents in about the bodypainted girl... nothing new to add here, really, but (even though I liked her:cool: ) I agree with MetalRose that it's "adult" entertainment and it doesn't really have a place at an all-ages metal show. If the show was 18+, then I'd feel differently. This is NOT the same thing as people dressing up in corsets and skimpy chothing and such, because a) those people are not naked, and b) those people's attire is not directly endorsed by the staff of ProgPower. Harv is in the right not to endorse the hot naked girl being on stage. Instead, she should have been sent to wait in my hotel room. :Smug:
If it was an 18+ show, I'd be all for it. Wouldn't bother me at all, but there were a few YOUNG kids in the crowd.

Not to make light of your point, as I agree with it... but I *wish* I could get the sort of birthday presents that JediKing gets. I turned 31 this week, and I didn't get a stripper for MY birthday. :lol:
This is very unmetal of me to say it, but my favorite songs in the Jam were the non-metal tunes! The fun of this was to watch people doing things outside their usual comfort zone. I don't need to hear AC/DC anymore, but hearing Zak Stevens sing Desperado (well, most of it :) ), or Floor doing Alone or Floor and Ralf doing Who Wants To Live Forever - things like that were the highlights.

I was offended by cat woman only because her boobs weren't big enough.


Hallelujah. I think it's pretty hypocritical for all these supporters of "Corset Night" and such to be railing against this. Granted, Damian probably should have got Glenn's permission to do this, but does anyone REALLY think he did it for ANY reason other than to be over the top and Rock'n'Roll, and bring a little something extra to the crowd?


- R

For starters, and this is going to be my only tangent on this....I know most of the people who were upstairs for this event, many of them I consider close friends. And most of them would back me up when I say that her dancing has nothing to do with corsets. Not even related. Yes, several corset styles will have a cleavage enhancing effect because the purpose is to be restrictive. They are also used for various erotica works of art, as is body paint. However, a true corset won't give you enough room to shake your kiester in any way, unless your tail end is all skin and no tone. Not to mention, corsets are meant to be worn in the public realm. Body paint has a time and a place, and that happened to be upstairs in the Erotic Art show, not on the main floor. So how that makes people who wear corsets hypocrites, I will never know.
All I will say is Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll!! Good time had by all!!
I thought the stripper thing seemed out of place, but it's not like this is a fest for children .. it's adult oriented.

There's scantily clad women all over the place ... there's glorification of alcohol consumption ... there's tons of cussing going on. It is what it is .. it's a metal show made up mostly of adults.

Hell, the girl selling DVD's for the fest wasn't wearing a whole lot of clothing. To jump on Damien for what he did seems a bit hypocritical. By looking around at the place he probably thought it was a pretty open crowd when it came to having a stripper come out.

Just my 2 Cents !!


By the way ..... GRANDMA !!!!!!!!!! Simply Awesome !!
I thought that the allstar jam set was disorganized and not what I was expecting. This was my first show but I did not like it at all. Way too long and I didnt know half the songs they were playing. I enjoyed the bands during weekend but I could have lived without seeing the allstar jam.

In all fairness... your feet weren't rooted to the floor. ;)

The All Star Jam- Better than "Stars"!!! A Set I will ALWAYS remember!!! I have to reinforce what was said earlier that the set was supposed to be FUN!!!! And what fun I/we all had!!! Forget about the mistakes and the fact that some were a little tipsy. It's what the weekend is about.

About Damien....chalk it up to a mistake made by a guy who was more than enthusiastic to be there. The booze induced the bad decision, nevertheless the painted figure.

For all of the parents in the stands with their kids, I'm sure there was a father/son bonding moment somewhere during "Hard to Handle".

Get over it, people. A good time came and went.
the jam was great.
my faves were all of Floors songs, Metal Gods, and Balls.

The only song i didnt know at all was desperado.. didnt much liek that one.. but it was a cool party vibe thing going nice relazing way to close out the fest. Plus gave me an excuse to not be in the fron for a bit ;-)

good job Glenn
This comming from someone who(except this year) lives at the Cheetah Club,
I thought that was a tasteless act because of teh fact that Lance King's kids were in the croud.
Loved Nils and Lance's duet of Crimson Glory's Lady of Winter
great set

Given the fact that the crowd was primarily a bunch of drunken metal heads at 1:30 in the morning, if you want to have your kids around you do so at your own risk. I didn't care much for the stripper to begin with but it wasn't exactly a family-friendly environment. I actually found Virgin Steele's flaming sword and lack of a bass player much more offensive.
The Jam was incredible, fantastic, breathtaking, mindblowing, cool...

Symphony of Destruction? Holy SHIT!
Metal Gods--I went berserk watching JP do it last year, and could not believe how much better this version was.

The only two issues I had with this part of the show were, the microphones STILL not working properly (jebus how many years will it take to get this right???), and the painted lady being a really crappy dancer.

She should have come down an hour earlier and watched Floor to see how to be sexy on stage without humping a guy's face (which had me LMAO).
The all star jam was SO fun. Queen, Eagles and Kiss songs should have been swapt though. I love Yngwie but it would have been fun if they played Heaven Tonight. But over all this was one of my highlites. I mean, everyone on stage just seemed to be having a blast, and I can speak for myself and say the same, too. Kind of funny that it seems a few of the vocalist had no idea what they were singing. Poor Claudio and his huge lyric sheet. :lol:

I read some people complaining about the time it stayed on. My god I didn't want it to end... So awesome.. Thanks Glenn !
