Change your mind on anyone yet??

The only bands I didn't know about were Haken, While Heaven Wept and Creation's End, probably because CE are a fairly new band right?
Anyway, I saw the ad in the program and listened to the track on the sampler and I like it. I am a longtime fan of Mike DiMeo, so I'll definitely get it.


Red Circuit is really good too, I think I like the older disc a bit more.

Haken is good. Eldritch has not clicked but I think it will. Mob Rules I am sure will more than click after a few listens.

Already knew Labyrinth and Dream Evil. Havent listened to While Heaven Wept yet but they seem like the kind I will like, but can get burned out on real fast. Creations End sounds fun but have not listened to it yet.

Still dont care for the Headliners but the undercard is more than strong enough to justify going.
Have been swamped with work since I got back so haven't had time to really dive in too far yet. Next year there are several bands I know little to nothing about so that's good. I took a flyer on an Eldritch CD at this years fest -- can't call the name right now -- and I'm liking it pretty well. Needless to say I have some catching up to do musically!
I thought the insider sale was brilliant. I didn't know many of the bands but I bought a few cds and I am even more pumped than i was before. Arcturus who I never listened to before has blown me away. This might be the oddest of the odd but holy shit I like it.
I think this could be the greatest PPUSA I have been too and I have been to everyone since PP5.
I bought Red Circuit- Homeland (Love it), Voyager- I am the Revolution (love it also), and Eldritch- Blackenday (not what I was expecting, but like it) at the Insider sale..I am well aware of Mob Rules and Dream Evil, and Sanctuary Reunion sealed the deal for me for next year (okay, I'd be going next year anyway, just sayin!) I'll check out the others soon..
That night I pretty much was sold on it. The only band I have an issue with is Red Circuit. I just can't stand them to be honest, but it's no big deal. Usually each year there's one or two bands I don't like. But anyways...

Creations End - Pretty much what Angrarules said. I like what I've heard a lot, but I will have to wait until the disc is released.

Voyager - Kept hearing about this band on the forum for a while. For some reason I never tried them and I like them a lot now. I just have get their discs to get more comfortable.

Eldrtich - At first I had no clue who this was. Then when I was researching I saw their album covers and now remember seeing these albums on Laser's Edge. I like what I've heard. They have a definite distinct sound in my opinion.

Mob Rules - Love the new disc they put out last year. Now I gotta dig into their catalog. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

Arcturus - FANFUCKINGTASTIC CHOICE!!!! Never actually heard of them, but they're right up my alley.

Sanctuary - Love this band. No issues here. The thing with them is the big question mark of Warrel being able to still hit those highs and that the new album will actually be good.

Haken - Their disc has been on my wishlist all year, and for some reason or another have declined picking it up. Time to change that.

Red Circuit - See opening paragraph.

While Heaven Wept - Love this band. I had "Of Empires Forlorn" for quite a while. It was something I wasn't expecting. A different kind of doom that is very melodic, that to these ears guitar-wise sounds very Helloween-esque but with solemn lyrics. When their new one came out last year and people were raving about them, I guess I totally forgot the name of the band as it was a shock to me that they were the same band who did Of Empires Forlorn. For some reason though I still haven't picked it up though. That will change.

Labyrinth - Was impressed when you told me about this band months ago, Glenn. I have Heaven Denied pt. 1 and am gonna have to do more digging with this band as well as picking up the new one.

Dream Evil - Same as Mob Rules.

Therion - One of my absolute favorite bands period and am VERY familiar with their material. And in terms of live, they are third best live band I've seen, lagging behind ever so slightly with Nine Inch Nails and Pearl Jam. If I'm able to see them next year, they may overtake them in the ranking.
I'm digging Red Circuit and Labyrinth... need to give Haken, Voyager, Acturus and WHW some more ear time... I have heard all the others...

and who can complain... we get the BOOK OF HEAVY METAL!!!!!:headbang::headbang:

I think Dream Evil is going to destroy that place. They belong in the exact spot that Glen put them in. That will be the quickest 1 hour and 15 minutes
Arcturus and Eldritch definately pushed me into the "no doubt about going" territory.

Arcturus I had never listened to and as stated before probably wouldn't have and I loved the last two releases after hearing them.

Eldritch I've heard of but kind of passed them off as another power metal band. After listening to Neighborhell I had a vastly different perception of them,

THerion and While Heaven Wept are the two bands that really caught my attention and Sanctuary was the WTF band for me. God willing though I'll be there next year (already booked a room at the Artmore).
Voyager.... Wait, just kidding. I was already in love with them. (I would be ecstatic if they just played songs off of UniVers... Although there are a few tracks off both other albums I'd love to hear.... Bah!)

Already liked most of the other bands, too, besides a few I havent heard. I'm not a huge fan of Red Circuit so far, but I have high hopes for While Heaven Wept...
While Heaven Wept - Love this band. I had "Of Empires Forlorn" for quite a while. It was something I wasn't expecting. A different kind of doom that is very melodic, that to these ears guitar-wise sounds very Helloween-esque but with solemn lyrics. When their new one came out last year and people were raving about them, I guess I totally forgot the name of the band as it was a shock to me that they were the same band who did Of Empires Forlorn. For some reason though I still haven't picked it up though. That will change.

Get the new WHW album! It is really good. Just last night, I've discovered that their previous two albums are on eMusic, so I downloaded them (I still had my full allotment of 50 downloads for the month) and listened to Of Empires Forlorn. Heavy as well, but definitely doomy. I am now listening to Sorrow of Angels right now - yep, definitely doom metal there. Personally, I think their latest one is far superior to these prior two (although these two are still quite good).

Sorry about Red Circuit, as I actually quite enjoy them and was one of the bands I was excited about. Like I said before, I guess one man's treasure is another man's trash.

I'll have to go re-listen to the Sanctuary as well. I've gotten their albums off of eMusic quite a while ago and had not listened to them recently. Uploading them into my music server right now.
Creations End - Good album, definitely looking forward to this. I love all of Marco Sfogli's music....will be nice to finally see him live.
Voyager - Knew of them beforehand, heard a few songs. Liked what i had heard. Picked up a couple albums at PP
Eldrtich - About time!!!! I put in a sponsorship bid after PP VII for these guys, glad to see they're coming back to the states.
Mob Rules - Own a few albums, saw them at BAR fest, fun band.
Arcturus - Still checking them out, opinion not formed yet
Sanctuary - No Thanks at the video, and still no thanks...never was a fan, probably never will be

Haken - Not sure about them just yet
Red Circuit - Love Chity's vocals. Bought the first album when it came out in 2006. Solid band
While Heaven Wept - First heard of this band through the announcement, very excited about this
Labyrinth - Own most of their discography, another "About time!" band for me
Dream Evil - Not a favorite by any means, but i've been listening to them for a while. Should be a great performance.
Therion - Giving them another chance at the moment....bought gothic kabbalah, and sold it to a used cd store, album wasn't for me a couple years ago...maybe i can broaden my horizons...
Only bands i'm honestly familiar with are Eldritch, Mob Rules, Labyrinth, and Dream Evil. I like all 4 of those bands, not a lot, but enough to get me there for sure.

Creations End... never heard of before the announcement, liked enough of what I heard in the video to buy the cd. I've listened to about half of it and I wasn't blown away but I can see it growing on me.
Voyager... heard them before, but honestly don't remember them. Liked what I heard in the video though. I listen to a lot of stuff and this is the drawback to it sometimes.
Arcturus... based on what I saw in the video, this will be socializing time. I don't even care if the music is good, I don't wanna see some strange bizarre freakshow with my metal.
Sanctuary... honestly never really listened to them before. I'm sure I've heard them at some point but don't remember.
Haken... I remember hearing a bit of their debut but it didn't grab me, I think it was too proggy and slow for my taste.
While Heaven Wept... Never heard them, not sure if I'll like them but i'll definitely give them a listen.
Red Circuit... see Voyager.
Therion... eh. Not really my thing and since it's at the end of the festival i'll probably skip the majority of their set.
Arcturus... based on what I saw in the video, this will be socializing time. I don't even care if the music is good, I don't wanna see some strange bizarre freakshow with my metal.

I think I'm just the opposite. I wanna see a SHOW when Arcturus plays.