Dream Evil cancel PPUSA, Replacement Announced

To make a long story short:
Dream Evil - A band I never cared about.
Forbidden - One of the best concerts I've attended!

Glenn, congratulations for getting it all together quickly!

This, times a million.

Sorry for all the hassle this must have caused, but I can't say I'm sorry about the end result. Great upgrade, and kudos for good American bands stepping to the plate when shit goes down at the last minute. Symphony X and Steel Prophet have both done this in the past.
Forbidden are one of the better live acts out there today. I have seen them twice in the past year or so and each time they blew me away. You guys are very lucky. "Forbidden Evil" is one of my top 10 albums of all time. For anyone who hasnt seen them yet or heard them....DO NOT write them off because they are thrash. They are one of the few thrash bands with power metalish vocals and have catchy as hell songs. I wasnt the biggest fan of the new disc but the songs live are great. This is a band anyone can enjoy live....believe me. Forbidden are a band I will always go and see live when they are in town. Cool they jumped at this chance so quickly.

For anyone not familiar with them....check out these songs

- Through Eyes of Glass
- Step By Step
- Chalice of Blood
- Off The Edge
- March Into Fire
Wow, Dream Evil dropping out pisses me off. One of the 2 main bands I wanted to see.
Saw Forbidden earlier this year open for Overkill and they kicked ass. You're in for a treat.
Quite bummed by this. Dream Evil was a huge pull for me. I'm not much into thrash at all though.

Stupid asses. Why would you wait so long to take care of your shit when you know it's a notoriously long-winded process? I just don't understand that kind of procrastination. Small stuff, sure, but not like this. Grrr.
Well this sucks. Dream Evil was my most anticipated band next to Ihsahn. The band is definitely to blame for waiting so long and filling out the wrong application. But you mean to tell me that when they asked for help in filling out the correct one that it couldn't just be re-done in a manner of minutes right then and there? Instead they were told they had to start all over and wait until the end of September? And we wonder why people hate the US.

Nice work in finding a solid replacement on such short notice Glenn.
Thanks Justin. With a very, very limited number of bands to pull from, that did indeed factor into the decision. Hell, I may lead a pit as pissed as I am about Dream Evil.

Oh shit, he's gonna open up the moshing floodgates! :lol:


Actually, my wife was even more pissed than I was. She knows what I go through and has my back.

Metal Sam...well he just shit on the floor and went on...

LOL! @ Sammy...... Sorry this happened, but it seems like you've once again found a great replacement with zero time to spare. Kudos to ya, bossman!
This kinda sucks. Dream Evil was one of the bands I was looking forward to the most since I generally have a hard-on for the "METAL METAL METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bands.


They toured with Overkill last year. They tore the Masquerade to shreds. They are one of the best thrash metal bands I have ever seen. To say I'm stoked to see them again would be a major understatement. Excellent replacement.
Not to minimize the hassle/grief/bullshit that you've gone through, but good call on Forbidden as the replacement band. Having a pure thrash band on the bill definitely adds to the diversity of this year's lineup.

Excellent choice, in fact - they pretty much killed it when we played with them last year. This lineup of the band on the big stage is gonna be pretty freakin' cool.
WOW..very nice Forbidden were always one of myfaves from that second wave and having seen them recently live make no mistake this band brings it tenfold live..This is some serious complicated music they play and they do it effortlessly..Russ sounds fantastic as well..I sure hope they bring ina suitable drummer to replace MArk who i read has recently left the band...WOuld be cool if Hoglan step in for the 1 show

I thought Mark's absence was temporary? He's a beast.
This has to be one of the most diverse line ups. Thrash, power, prog, epic, slightly black, doom metals are thrown in. Forbidden is awesome and can't wait to see them live. Step by Steeppppppp
While Dream Evil was one of the bands I was looking most forward to, it gives me a chance to see Forbidden who I have yet to see. And honestly, I'm so relieved it wasn't Ihsahn as my heart dropped once I saw the email, but I was relieved it wasn't him.
Damn, really sucks to hear this Glenn. I saw DE 4 or 5 years ago in LA at the Key Club and they were very good live and was looking forward to seeing them again. I can only imagine what the last few days have been like for you, and I'm glad it worked out in the end. Kudos for getting Forbidden, and to the band for stepping up to the plate.