Free Snare for you dudes... TCI's, separate Room mics... From a nice studio...


Nov 18, 2009
With all the drum love goin around lately, I decided to cut up and make a snare for errrbody.

It's a 14"x5ish Yamaha aluminum shell. Basically a supraphonic copy. Head was a Remo Ambassador. I tracked it for some rock band a while back.

Recorded in this room (Big Fish in San Diego) sorry it's blurry:


Mics: sm57 top and bottom. Overs were neumann u67, rooms were coles 4038 all through vintage api 515 pre's and 550 eq's.

I made them in the Slate fashion with a Z1 pack (O/H and close together) a Z3 (close only) and separate rooms.

Here's a sample of the snare. I used superior for the cymbals and wrote a stupid little beat. The snare your hear is just the Z1 and Room together. Kick is trigger kick 10. Forum/Drum Test RA.mp3

And here is a .zip with the wavs and tci's! Feel free to make a .gog anyone who wants to.... Forum/RA
I also have a bunch of other drums I've multi sampled from working at Big Fish (A few to 2" tape too...). If you guys like this one I might start cutting them all up and making some drum packs to sell. They'd be super cheap (like $5 for a snare or a set of toms and $10 for a whole kit or something). Either way, hope someone likes it!
So you blended these with a few other samples? Just incase anyone was wondering I processed mine already pretty heavily... I'm wondering if it was even too much. close mics had eq and a bit of compression from the MH channel strip, and the main bus had the waves V-comp (neve) with close to 5dB gain reduction on the crack hits. The rooms were smashed pretty well with the digidesign Smack comp...

Glad you guys are diggin it! I'll have to get off my lazy ass and get my other samples out there...