Hatebreeder / Follow the Reaper Successor Fan Project?


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Since it's become clear COB won't return to their roots, why not make an unofficial successor to the neo-classical albums that mimics their atmosphere, musical style and energy? Let's challenge COB and do an instrumental album the way old fans would like it.

We need 9 songs, one for each guitarist who wants to participate. We need to create the best tone and then everyone mimics it. We need one dedicated drummer to create all drums, so it sounds the same. Atmospheric keyboards, orchestral hits, etc. Main emphasis would be on the epic musical ideas, instead of everyone shredding for the heck of it and doing songs that all sound different.

We need the fitting song titles, and one for the album title. It could be something like Night of the Unholy or Unholy Night or Night at the Unholy Lake or whatever we vote best... The artwork design needs to be similar to the classics, with the Reaper and all. I'm guessing everyone would agree on purple or purplish colour, since it's the only colour remaining.

This could be a very tempting project for talented players, an unofficial sequel to the cult Bodom albums, where the best nine guys get to do a song of their own.

We could set a distant deadline, no rush, cos such epic songs need time and unforgettable melodies. This is a big project and needs a dedicated bunch of fans.

I just demand to do one keyboard section and some of the artwork, maybe some song titles.

I want to see out of curiosity if people think this is possible.
Since it's become clear COB won't return to their roots, why not make an unofficial successor to the neo-classical albums that mimics their atmosphere, musical style and energy? Let's challenge COB and do an instrumental album the way old fans would like it.

We need 9 songs, one for each guitarist who wants to participate. We need to create the best tone and then everyone mimics it. We need one dedicated drummer to create all drums, so it sounds the same. Atmospheric keyboards, orchestral hits, etc. Main emphasis would be on the epic musical ideas, instead of everyone shredding for the heck of it and doing songs that all sound different.

We need the fitting song titles, and one for the album title. It could be something like Night of the Unholy or Unholy Night or Night at the Unholy Lake or whatever we vote best... The artwork design needs to be similar to the classics, with the Reaper and all. I'm guessing everyone would agree on purple or purplish colour, since it's the only colour remaining.

This could be a very tempting project for talented players, an unofficial sequel to the cult Bodom albums, where the best nine guys get to do a song of their own and come up with a fitting title for it.

We could set a distant deadline, no rush, cos such epic songs need time and unforgettable melodies. This is a big project and needs a dedicated bunch of fans.

I just demand to do one keyboard section and some of the artwork.

I want to see out of curiosity if people think this is possible.

I'm in for this one too, but it's going to need time like you said. Night of the Unholy sounds good to me and purple is great.
Haha yeah I can come up with such titles in an instant. I spent an hour or two thinking of titles and here's my best shot for song list:

The Rootless
Insatiable Knives
Bodom Bitch Project
Passion of the Wicked
Too Dark for Moths
Blood Moon Cult
Desecration of Spirits
Night of the Unholy
Caressing the Nettles
Haha yeah I can come up with such titles in an instant. I spent an hour or two thinking of titles and here's my best shot for song list:

The Rootless
Insatiable Knives
Bodom Bitch Project
Passion of the Wicked
Too Dark for Moths
Blood Moon Cult
Desecration of Spirits
Night of the Unholy
Caressing the Nettles

titles should be similar

Follow your shadow
Bodom before the dawn
Children of the fullmoon
Everytime i bleed
Mask of death
Taste of my Purple blood
Fear me
Northern sanctuary
Embracing the reaper
Yeah and that's the point! isnt?
may be we could mimic Hatebreeder too or do a mix of the best moment of both albums
I'll open up the themes:

The Rootless - about a drunk hermit that wanders by the lake and meets his gruesome end.
Insatiable Knives - blood lust.
Bodom Bitch Project - misogyny.
Passion of the Wicked - unfaithful sex.
Too Dark for Moths - depression.
Blood Moon Cult - black magic rituals.
Desecration of Spirits - consuming fine liquors only for the sake of getting high.
Night of the Unholy - album theme.
Caressing the Nettles - emo type slitting the wrists thing.

This is my input for now, now I wait for the snowball effect, see what people come up with if they get excited. Just try to notify the basement guitar heroes of this idea. I'll maybe try to create some artwork meanwhile... Those song titles are suggestions, anyone can try creating better ideas, especially the ones who make the songs have power over the title.
I think his idea would work nice if one decided to do like an electronic or blues version of the songs, a change in music genre.