Iced Earth - Power Metal?

On a slight side note, I never understand how people compare Iced Earth to Iron Maiden. They are NOTHING alike. Thing about IE is that you really only need one of their albums to get an idea of what their trademarks are - they're all the same otherwise. There is an aggressive sound to IE (along with bands like Nevermore that were mentioned earlier), and yet with Iron Maiden you tend to get more melody. I think having a strong bass player who understands harmonies like Steve Harris really helps support the two lead guitarists.

By the way, Horror Show is quite disappointing for the most part. Other than Wolf, Damien, and Phantom, the remaining songs sound quite monotonous and similar. To add, Jon Schaffer recently said that he hated the new Blind Guardian CD because it sounded "too busy". I don't think IE sound busy enough.

And someone in the thread mentioned that IE sound like early Testament? Absolutley - that is much closer comparison than Iron Maiden. Matt Barlow does a good Chuck Billy impression, and the style is pretty close - you know, shouting the vocal lines out as opposed to singing them a la Bruce Dickinson, Tobias Sammet, or Kai Hansen for example.

I have never heard a Manowar song in my life. I'm curious now though....sounds like I might like them.
Geez, i guess since i'm 30 I have more important things to think about. Like telling who ever posted the thing about not taking MANOWAR seriously after 30. Shit, I have been a Metal DJ for 9 years and if I took all this seriously, there'd be something wrong. I might go to work in a fuzzy loin-cloth and a codpiece. I feel sorry for those of you who have to 'find some parallel' in Band x's music with your life to take them seriously. Do you REALLY take it seriously?
Is there some 'hidden message that onlt some 'pensive' musician can understand?
I thought Heavy Metal was supposed to be about fun.
If MANOWAR makes you laugh, well, go see the guys, laugh it up for christ's sake. God knows if I got tickets Free to a Limp Bizkit show, and that somebody drugged me, then drove me to the show. I'd laugh like hell at the little kids and big wallet chains and big pants.HAHA. While in turn they will laugh at me in my MANOWAR loin-cloth. oh and probably because they can tell i'm 30.
Maybe Glenn should let the gold badges go out to only pensive, prophetic, 16 to 20 or 25 age range 'metalheads' who like to sit around and talk about Plato, well... hell, that would remind them of Virgin Steele, and then the cycle should start over.(Plato being the Greek lost member or Virgin Steele who left when jack starr did. BTW MANOWAR DOES ROCK, i'd start with 'Battle Hymns'
Originally posted by LucioArgento
By the way, Horror Show is quite disappointing for the most part. Other than Wolf, Damien, and Phantom, the remaining songs sound quite monotonous and similar.

There seem to be a lot of folks who agree with your assessment of "Horror Show". But I guess it comes down to how you define a "disappointing" release. Aside from the three absolutely phenomenal songs you mentioned, I would say "Dracula" is an absolutely killer track. It's one of the best songs I've heard in quite a while, and definitely my favorite track on the disc. Beyond those four songs, I would say the "Im-Ho-Tep", "Jack" and "Dragon's Child" are all excellent songs. The remainer of the disc is solid, but not classic. So the way I see it, you have four absolute killer songs, three very good songs, and three average songs. So, maybe by Iced Earth's standards it can be dubbed "disappointing", but most Metal artists would kill to write a disc that good.

You're absolutley correct GZ. I guess though that recently the bar has been raised so much so that a 'mediocre' album becomes easily forgotten amongst the instant classics.

For example, if you were to compare Horror Show with Night at the Opera, No World Order, Mandrake, Mechanized Warfare, Awakening the World etc, then Horror Show pales in comparison and doesn't get as much play in my CD player.

By the way, if you like "Im-Ho-Tep", you should try "The Pharoah" by Edguy. It ranks up there with Rime of the Ancient Mariner and other great epics. I think they'll do it live at PP3 too.

While I would agree that "Horrow Show" isn't quite as good as "Something Wicked This Way Comes", and from that perspective it could be perceived as a "disappointment", I would argue that it is better than every single disc you named.

"Mandrake" has been growing on me more and more lately, but I would still refrain from sayiing that it's better than "Horror Show". To my ears, "Mechanize Warfare" is flat out lame, "Awakening the World" is way, way too derivative, and "No World Order" is rather uninteresting. As for "Night at the Opera"; although it's my favorite Blind Guardian disc, I am simply not much of a BG fan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put down those bands, they just aren't my thing.

I am familiar with "The Pharoah" and I like it a good deal. I would say that Edguy is the band I want to see most at PP 3.0.

too old to listen to metal? I'm glad I checked back here because I needed a good laugh today.

"Go listen to AC/DC if you're 30"? heh, wake up and smell the century... AC/DC (any member) is old enough to be my father and I'm 30.

Man, (deep breath)... must contain laughter.... (exhale)

you can't judge people by age and what they should be listening to.. that is the most absurd thing you could ever speak of. Hell, the band members will tell you that, they're happy people no matter what age are attending shows and buying albums. please.

This kind of mental segregation of metal is what every metal band from the 80s has strived to abolish.

For the record... there's nothing wrong with Saxon.

And no one is gonna tell me what I should or should not listen to... my parents couldnt do it, so no one else has much of a chance either. If I feel like listening to Slayer, Debbie Gibson, In Flames, Nevermore, Godsmack, Suicidal Tendencies, Union Underground, Morifade, Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper in my CD changer... I will, and more than likely I'm in a real strange mood, but I'd probably enjoy every minute of it.
Originally posted by LucioArgento

.....Put it this way - if they don't ask you for ID on the way in, then turn around and go home.

...for the greeks with no sense of humor, this message is a joke.....








It was all sparked from the "16 year olds at the Iced Earth concert" in Greece. I love how people come into a thread 20 messages down the line and totally miss the point of discussion. :lol:
Originally posted by LucioArgento
Fair enough GZ - I respect your opinions.

Cool. Right back at you.

Originally posted by LucioArgento
Agreed about Edguy at PP3 too. So this year, you get to see Iced Earth AND Edguy live? :cool:

Yeah, going to see IE on Wednesday in NYC and then on Saturday in Philly. I am curious to see if Jag Panzer can change my opinion of them with their live show. I've already seen In Flames live (with Nevermore) and they are quite good.

Originally posted by General Zod

I am curious to see if Jag Panzer can change my opinion of them with their live show.


Mechanized Warfare was one of those CDs that took some time to grow on me. I think seeing them live will add to the whole JP experience.

Not sure if you play guitar, but you should check out the video samples on the Jag Pazner website of their guitarist playing select solos and odd pieces. He sounds phenomenal - some great mozart played with two handed tapping. :cool:
I love iced Earth, edguy, and basically all other bands that have been discussed in this thread. I just want to say, I don't say this is my fav cd from a band, or this, and that. I personally love every iced earth cd and every iced earth song. I love all edguy. I don't judge and critique everything, I take the good from everything, like most others should. But everybody always seems to find something to bitch about. for christ sake, enjoy the music for what it is, and don';t try to be a music critic when it comes to music, it takes the joy out of music.
Originally posted by LucioArgento
Not sure if you play guitar, but you should check out the video samples on the Jag Pazner website of their guitarist playing select solos and odd pieces. He sounds phenomenal - some great mozart played with two handed tapping. :cool:

I'm not a guitar player (I played bass for a number of years). However, I feel that for a non-guitar player I have a real good ear for what is and what isn't quality playing. Though I'm sure some of the finer points, in respect to technique, are lost on me. The lead player for Jag Panzer is someone who I would say is "solid". He doesn't blow me away, but I wouldn't write him off either. Mostly I don't get into JP because of Conklin. I recognize that he has a superb set of pipes, but I dislike the sound of his voice. Believe it or not, I've actually discussed my dislike of Jag Panzer with the guitar player from Jag Panzer (long, but humorous story).

Lol I am almost 30 and I am more of a metal head now then I was when I was 16.

As for Iced Earth They a amazing and have remained so for over 10 years. They have never stopped being real and have never fucked over..US... thier fans... look at Metallica... mainstream assholes. I'll be at thier april 29th show here in SF. Dont care for Jag panzer.. tho I only have 1 album so I cannot say much.

In Flames.......the sealed the show for me.

Now as for In Flames they are better recognized if you call them 'black metal'.
They are nothing like death metal because death metal in itself makes no sense at all, nor does the term nu metal *SPIT*. Just my opinion too... but having worked in a metal shop for a long time I get easily aggroed when someone calls a band like Creed metal... I just want to rip thier eyes out and glue them to a backstreet boys album. BAH.

And don't even compare then to Children of Bodom because In Flames have been around ALOT longer then CoB have. CoB are very technical sometiems I think to technical but i hear they are good live.

And yeah Witchery is very good too... also try Dark Tranquillity, or Opeth too.

I have all of Gwar's albums... definately not death metal. Most of their stuff is hard rock / punk sounding with the exception of Scumdogs of the Universe, America Must Be Destroyed, This Toilet Earth and the new one Violence Has Arrived - those are all metal. Don't let the costuems fool ya.. they're funny.
I wouldn't consider GWAR a death metal band either. When I think of death metal I think of Cannibal Corpse, Immolation, Internal Bleeding, Vomitory.

I don't know if other people consider In Flames black metal (what is the criteria for Black metal?) but Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor are what I think of for that genre.

Originally posted by zinescene

I don't know if other people consider In Flames black metal (what is the criteria for Black metal?) but Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor are what I think of for that genre.


True - In Flames are not black metal - nothing to do with witchery or burning churches etc. Apparently there is a new category on the block, "Gothenburg Death" that In Flames and Soilwork etc now fall under.

GWAR - definately not death - but whether you like them or not, go see them live. It is nothing like you have ever witnessed. Where are GWAR from - anyone know?