Musicians wanted

St Enigma said:
Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish was interviewed on YleX radio in Finland today. He said he thinks that after the band had to cancel the planned North American tour last year, there was left a "big hole" in the American market for their music.

He also thought that it might be a good idea to make the first tour with the new singer in the USA, because it would give them a chance to drive her in with the band by playing at small venues and in front of crowds that are not too familiar with Nightwish before taking her face to face with the hardcore European and South American fans in big arenas and festivals.

While listening to Holopainen, I got the impression that he was really considering that as a serious alternative, even he said that they have no idea about the new singer yet, and he would be happy to find her by the end if this year. There is no lack of applicants: They have received over 700 demos from all over the world already, and still 15-20 keep arriving every day.

Anyway, he has got 15 new songs made on demo, and they will start recording them on September 15th even if they haven't decided about the singer by the time. She will be needed only next January or February to do her parts on the new album.

Yea! That sounds very promising. I must admit, I will be just the teeniest bit smug if we get to see NW first with the new singer and songs after the long hiatus. :p
I'm not really surprised that they would tour here first with the way the tour was postponed and then the postponed one cancelled. Didn't they only have a single performance in Helsinski before starting the Once Upon a Tour in the US? Technically should have started in Canada but the US likes to take a long time to give out visas. This also answers the question about them being on Gigantour 2 in the fall from the other thread.
NW opening their US tour at PPUSA in 2007 would be terrific. I don't know if Glenn will be able to afford 'em by then (they could be asking a lot more than when they played PPUSA before), but I'd be in line again with cash a-waving. :D

It would be a perfect followup to what was, for many of us, a truly amazing and gut-wrenching show, that clearly made as much of an impression on the band as it did to us.
NW opening their US tour at PPUSA in 2007 would be terrific. I don't know if Glenn will be able to afford 'em by then (they could be asking a lot more than when they played PPUSA before), but I'd be in line again with cash a-waving.

I would be there in line also CASH a-waving also, and if more is needed, well you get the picture, more cash a-waving.