Nevermore drops off the Symphony X tour


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Maybe this is old news, but I am just hearing of this for the first time today.

Wow, this tour has taken a major turn.

First, it was Symphony X, Nevermore, and Soilwork.
(Though not all my fav bands, I certainly admit this is a powerhouse of a tour).

Now, it is Symphony X, Blackguard, Powerglove.

Not sure how you all feel, but Nevermore being on this tour was the one thing that was possibly going to get me off the fence about going.
blegh. It was both bands together that was selling me on this. Since NM wasn't the headliner, I presume no reduction in ticket price will happen. If it did, I would still go in for it. But paying about $30 just for Symphony X is over the line for me (having already seen them five times).
blegh. It was both bands together that was selling me on this. Since NM wasn't the headliner, I presume no reduction in ticket price will happen. If it did, I would still go in for it. But paying about $30 just for Symphony X is over the line for me (having already seen them five times).

My thoughts exactly.
(Well, I have only seen Symphony X twice, but not mandatory I see them again).
It was definitely more of a co-headlining run, which has now been reduced to just another "meh" package, unfortunately.
Where did you hear about this?

I got an email from ENTER THE VAULT, where they were basically announcing it like this was some new tour, with just those three bands.

I emailed them back asking what happened to Nevermore.
They replied indicating they dropped off.

I hope their bassist is doing ok
(Though I certainly have no confirmation that his health has anything to do with them dropping off, but it was my first thought, as it will be for others as well)
Ahhh shit, I got that e-mail too but didn't read it thoroughly enough - I assumed it was old copypasta. Argh. :(

I still love SymX, but wow, I was really looking forward to seeing Nevermore for the first time. Though to be fair, Blackguard and Powerglove were always on the bill.
Though to be fair, Blackguard and Powerglove were always on the bill.

I am not going to even go into my thoughts on these bands, as it doesn't matter. What does matter is that Symphony X could have GREATLY benefited from having a US run with a solid touring partner. Having Nevermore equated to a co-headlining run, as both are headliners.

Sure, I suppose Symphony X will play in front of some new faces who might come out for Blackguard and Powerglove, but how many other tours this year already are those 2 bands on?

Ok - I am going to stop here, as I am sure within 5 minutes there will be people chiming in about how lucky Symphony X are to be touring with Blackguard and Powerglove, and that Nevermore are chumps and wouldn't have added even one ticket sale per tour date.
I am not going to even go into my thoughts on these bands, as it doesn't matter. What does matter is that Symphony X could have GREATLY benefited from having a US run with a solid touring partner. Having Nevermore equated to a co-headlining run, as both are headliners.


Sure, I suppose Symphony X will play in front of some new faces who might come out for Blackguard and Powerglove, but how many other tours this year already are those 2 bands on?

Ok - I am going to stop here, as I am sure within 5 minutes there will be people chiming in about how lucky Symphony X are to be touring with Blackguard and Powerglove, and that Nevermore are chumps and wouldn't have added even one ticket sale per tour date.

I don't think anyone will actually disagree with you? The way you worded it just made it sound like Nevermore and Soilwork got switched out for Blackguard and Powerglove as opposed to just dropping off, because they were on the bill from the beginning. This will hurt sales - I know that there's a lot of people who were just going to go for Nevermore. (In fact, I just posted about this on my FB - out of three responses, all three were FULL of over-the-top disappointment and despair. Soooo...)
My opinion (just an opinion) about how I think it would've played out:

Symphony X would draw heavily from the guitar geeks & prog nerds crowd. Nevermore would draw heavily from the more old-school-metalhead types. There is some degree of crossover for these crowds, but I think it is less than 50%. The result would be a substantially larger crowd than would have come out for either band alone. This wouldn't be true for just any combination of two bands who are at similar places in their careers, but it was a great match for these two bands (and might still happen if not enough kids realize Nevermore dropped).

Between the two, I think Nevermore would've been playing to slightly more new ears than Symphony X.

Of the original three, I think Soilwork had THE MOST to gain by being on the tour (initially). Because there are still a bunch of metalheads out there who dismiss harsh vocals, it's hard for Soilwork to reach out to these people when touring on their own. But by supporting established bands like Symphony X and Nevermore, it was a golden opportunity for them.
Aaaand cue the Photoshop guy to fix this flyer, again!

This sucks. I've had my tickets since christmas eve and since then 2 of my favorite bands drop out and yet I still have to sit through another shitty blackguard set.
I'm still game for Symphony X as its my first time seeing them, but my friend doesn't want to go now cause its not "economical" for him now that soilwork and nevermore have been dropped... tho he still wants to see Symphony X.
Damn! Haven't seen Nevermore live, and I already bought my ticket for Philly. I still want to see Sym X, but am less than enthused about two opening bands that I've seen and not much liked.

Steve in Philly

(See Accept with Sabaton this week - Sabaton had better not drop out!)
I got an email from ENTER THE VAULT, where they were basically announcing it like this was some new tour, with just those three bands.

I emailed them back asking what happened to Nevermore.
They replied indicating they dropped off.
I actually thought you were kidding when I read the opening post. This tour started out being a must, but all these changes have been a huge disappointment.

Edit: Tickets for NYC are $41+ with fees. I love SymX but I've seen them a lot. Not sure I want to pony up that much (plus all the incidentals for an NYC show) just to see them again. Very disappointed.