Possible hotel discount for PPUSA X

Which hotel is your first choice?

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Since the hotel group rate discount was a big hit this last year, I'd like to try and see if I can get group rates at both the Granada and the Residence Inn and the Techwood again if people liked staying there.

In order to get a good idea of the amount of rooms needed, please post in the poll below which hotel would be your FIRST choice, and then let me know what your second choice would be.

No matter what I am going back to the Grenada although the Residence does rock (Flat Screens, hell yeah). Its just to close and sometimes I have to go bring crap back and its simply the most convenient hotel for me. I really liked the courtyard but its to far away from everyone. The pool is a plus there

I'd probably stay at any of them if they're a reasonable price but I usually save over $100 over the weekend staying at the hotels a 20 min walk away so I can't promise anything.

Residence Inn or Grenada would be fine with me but I have a feeling there's no way you'd get a discount high enough for me to think about a room closer.
I'll have to see what 'Diamond45' wants to do as we usually book the room together (he also live in Freddyburg), but my personal preference would be:

1) Granada (close, plus that seems to be were the parties are!)
2) Techwood (that pool is nice) and the walk is not THAT bad (hopefully the 14th street bridge will be back by next year)
3) Residence Inn
1) Granada (close, plus that seems to be were the parties are!)
2) Techwood (that pool is nice) and the walk is not THAT bad (hopefully the 14th street bridge will be back by next year)
3) Residence Inn

The same order as above. I'd LOVE to stay at the Granada next year, but that all depends on availability and such. :loco:

The CM Techwood was great this year. A number of bands stayed there and we had a blast. Dunno if this was just a one year thing because Glenn didn't know the status of the Granada's remodeling this year, or if he intends on keeping that a "band hotel" for the future?

The pool was nice at the CM Techwood.. but it was FREEZING cold! :lol:
I'm a Granada regular and will stay there as long as the rates don't skyrocket or something else changes drastically. I have stayed at the Residence and it was VERY nice, but the rooms/suites were smaller and pricier so it remains my second choice.

(I also hate walking up the hill late at night, lol. Sooo, lazy or something)
I have stayed at the Inn at the Peachtrees for the past two years and it rocks because of the layout and the awesome courtyard, as well as the affordability. For all four nights, split between three people, it was less than $200. But it seems a lot more people stay at the Grenada or Residence. The proximity to the venue is a definite plus for the Grenada and Residence as well. I may try the Grenada or Residence next year just for a change.
Depends on a few factors.