Pre-Party Age Limit

Beholder said:
Guys, believe me, I would absolutely love to make this an All Ages show.... The Loft is NOT a resturaunt/bar like the Vinyl downstairs is. It is a straight up bar, that serves alcohol till last call. That is the reason in a nutshell. It is not my decision, and is completely out of my hands. However, that does not mean I will not continue to try and slam the venue with requests to make it an all-ages show. I am and I will continue to do so. I think the younger generation is the future of Progpower, and it's very refreshing to me to see all of the kids digging the music we all hold so dear.

So know that I will continue to do my best to change things....


I have tickets to see Thursday at The Loft in May, and even though the venue is normally 18+, they made this an all ages show. Maybe you can bring that up while talking to the venue.
dcowboys311 said:
I have tickets to see Thursday at The Loft in May, and even though the venue is normally 18+, they made this an all ages show. Maybe you can bring that up while talking to the venue.

Thank you for this information. I most certainly will use this as leverage.

ragingsaxmachine said:
Sumeet is right though, I think AMBR's comment was a little harsh. There are more opportunities available now to younger kids than there were before, but it doesn't mean I don't earn the money to pay for my own shit (like ProgPower for instance).
Yea, yea, yea, I know it was slightly over the top, but I was on the way out to work and listening to my 16-year-old rant about how I wouldn't take him to the bookstore first to get the next book in the series he's reading and at that moment, this thread rubbed me the wrong way.

I certainly am more than happy to contribute to the next generation of metal fans, I do every day and also take my kids to metal shows. All-ages shows are great, but if it can't be done for whatever the venue's reason, you just gotta deal 'til they change their policy.
dcowboys311 said:
I have tickets to see Thursday at The Loft in May, and even though the venue is normally 18+, they made this an all ages show. Maybe you can bring that up while talking to the venue.


More ammo for Shane! :headbang:

I'm not quite the oldest person here, but I'm up there...and I think it's a crying shame that the younger fans get shut out. I understand the reasoning, of course, but still.....

I remember when Dream Theater played a show at the Tabernacle and the show was abruptly made 18+ (or maybe 21+) because one of the tour sponsors was Marlboro cigarettes. There were a LOT of really pissed off kids (and in some cases, their parents, who were taking them to the show), and the bands worked out something special for the youngsters, downstairs in the ex-Cotton Club. If the Loft stands firm on the age-limit for the pre-show, maybe something like that could be worked out.....
Pellaz said:
I'm not quite the oldest person here, but I'm up there...and I think it's a crying shame that the younger fans get shut out. I understand the reasoning, of course, but still.....

indeed, this is my first year...and i cant go to PP (mostly for CM) cos im 4 years under the age limit. it is a shame, but i will wait those years :headbang:

it stinks, but being able to go to PP is plenty for me! :kickass: (thats rootbeer :p )
No-Mercy said:
indeed, this is my first year...and i cant go to PP (mostly for CM) cos im 4 years under the age limit. it is a shame, but i will wait those years :headbang:

You could always come down and hang around outside. Heck, a few years ago the PP bands' sound was being piped through the PA at Earthlink, so if you stood near the front doors, you heard a great-sounding version of the show. :)

it stinks, but being able to go to PP is plenty for me! :kickass: (thats rootbeer :p )

It better be A&W rootbeer. "Hi, welcome to A&W! My name is Devy! Can I take...your...steeenking orderrrrrrrrrr!" :D
I drink IBC Diet root beer. Anything less would be uncivilized. :)

Considering that The Loft is a regular ol' bar, I think we're pretty lucky that it's an 18+ show and not a 21+ show. We may be hoping for too much here... but if Shane pulls it off, then that'll be cool; all for everyone getting in who wants to be there.

Personally, I'm turned off by all-ages shows around here in Cleveland (and sometimes even 18+ shows), but I think ProgPower has a much more mature audience in general, and that includes the younger members.
booB said:
I drink IBC Diet root beer. Anything less would be uncivilized. :)

Well, so do I. :) I don't drink, and my friends all know if I'm drinking an IBC outta one of those kewl brown glass bottles, my friends see it and go all goggle-eyed. "Holy shit, is Paul drinking?!?!" :heh:
Honestly, if it would change anything (which it won't), I would not drink if it would allow younger people into the show. Drinking is not an integral part of a show to me, just a side thing. However, there are some who won't share my view AND if you told the venue that, they most likely would just cancel the whole she-bang (though I suppose there are contracts in place and all...but this is all hypothetical anyways..)
Just a quick update. After talking and talking some more with the powers that be on this issue, there is no way it can be changed to an all-ages show. It's unfortunate, but it's something that we simply must deal with.. :( The venue is making most of it's money off of the bar, and if it's changed to an all-ages show, they are not allowed to sell alcohol....

I do apologize to all of the younger folks out there.....

It would be easier for everyone is they separate a zone for drinkers/smokers. Therefore all those who don't drink/smoke (including minors) can attend at ease, my 2 cents on the matter.

P.S. Will be a special area for us seniors? :D

NP: Megadeth - 'Set The World Afire'
Beholder said:
Just a quick update. After talking and talking some more with the powers that be on this issue, there is no way it can be changed to an all-ages show. It's unfortunate, but it's something that we simply must deal with.. :( The venue is making most of it's money off of the bar, and if it's changed to an all-ages show, they are not allowed to sell alcohol....

I do apologize to all of the younger folks out there.....


This isn't an issue for me, as I'm over 21 (and rarely drink at concerts anyway), but I'm a little confused by why the venue would be prohibited from selling alcohol at an all-ages show. There are lots of venues that sell alcohol at all-ages shows (including the main venue of Earthlink), and simply utilize wristbands and ID checks at the door to comply with alcohol-related age restrictions. Why is the upstairs venue not allowed to use the same wristband scheme?
Wyvern said:
P.S. Will be a special area for us seniors? :D

NP: Megadeth - 'Set The World Afire'

I certainly hope so, otherwise we might see a rerun of those little neckace things from those commercials circa 20-years ago.

"Help, there's some guy trying to mosh to Mercenary!" :lol:
Wyvern said:
It would be easier for everyone is they separate a zone for drinkers/smokers. Therefore all those who don't drink/smoke (including minors) can attend at ease, my 2 cents on the matter.
Why should the drinkers be stuck with the smokers? :) While my drinking a beer doesn't pour alcohol down someone else's throat, the analogy doesn't work for smoking.

FWIW, the generally-respected requirement for smokers to leave the ampitheater to smoke is one of the many small things that I like a lot about ProgPower: it makes the entire experience that much more enjoyable not to have to get bronchitis when in the venue for 8 hours at a time.

As for the question of beer vs. young'uns: if it comes down to a choice between the two, I choose beer. :kickass: Not only because I'm 30, but because this isn't a kids' show to begin with, and the generally older (by which I mean mid-20's +) crowd isn't going to want to bend over backwards to satisfy some silly law just so a few good kids and a whole bunch of bad ones can get into the pre-party. The formula last year mostly worked: let's not change it unless we know a priori that it's going to get better as a result.
