Scar Symmetry and Stream of Passion for ProgPower

I never thought about the idea of Scar Symmetry playing PP, but for an oddball band, that would be an asskicker of a pick. I tried to find Symmetric at PP last year (wasn't available in US), but the ONLY vendor who had it sold their last copy shortly before I stumbled upon them. They do such a wonderful job with their "defenders of the swedish melodic death faith," and at the same time their songs are very well written and HEAVY. Their clean vocals are so melodic as well. What a perfectly timed thread. I leave for work at 15 min, and we have a copy gathering dust at my store. I'm going to BLAST that album to the dismay of all our wonderful customers tonight :).

As for Stream of Passion... as with all Arjen, this would be a dream come true! haha, Cheers!
I know my buddy DarkTide is a Scar Symmetry evangelist, but both these bands leave me cold. Scar Symmetry sounds like a poor man's Soliwork, with Swanoesque clean vox. As for Stream of Passion... it sounds like they could have had something special. There are some really nice moments. But by and large most of the CD sounds like a slightly Proggy, watered-down Lacuna Coil.

Anthony3 said:
A Stream Of Passion/Ayreon set like they are doing in Europe would be all it would take for me to buy a ticket to Progpower.
Stream of passion are playing Ayreon songs too? I already wanted them to play @ PP, based on the strength of the Embrace the Storm album alone! But that could be fucking awesome to hear them playing Ayreon songs as well! That would probably be the only feasible way for us to see any Ayreon songs played live with Arjen in the US, from what I hear! I don't see how anyone could have a problem with SoP playing @ PP now!