Three wishes


Apr 13, 2002
Maybe this belongs in the random discussion thread and maybe it doesn't, I leave the choice to rahvin to either merge or not.

The question is: can you name three things in your life that are unchangeable but you would like to change if you only could?

Note that they have to be actually unchangeable. This basically mean that they are either:

- in the past; example I would have liked to play black metal at my 11th birthday

- structurally unchangeable: example I would like to be Asian

- seriously beyond your abilities: example I would like to be a professional footballer playing for Real Madrid when you never even attended trials for your local team, but not I would like to learn how to play Christmas songs on a cello, because you know, this can be done.

Note that the three facts have to be about you and those close to you, not about the world at large. Saying that you wish your grandmother didn't suffer from a particular illness is ok, saying that you wish nobody had ever built an atom bomb is not ok, except if your grandmother actually was responsible for it.
I can't come up with anything interesting, so I guess:

- I wish to be wealthy, have a perfect body and the power to mind-control people.
How strange. I love metal but I don't crave to be Scandinavian, though It wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing either; To me, racial features don't really matter much.
I could only make out two wishes...I guess this means I'm at least 33% satisfied with my life.

-I wish I had a slightly bigger stature. (My body is not the type to gain mass, only endurance, I'll look like a 15-year old all my life, dammit.)

-I wish my twin sister wouldn't have died during pregnancy
I believe my balls are big enough. However, they are probably completely hollow, well, not completely, since they seem to fulfill their main purpose effectively.

Which is PUMPIN' CUM. Heh, I said it.

So, in short, my balls might be sort of hollow.
-I wish my twin sister wouldn't have died during pregnancy


afz902k said:
I believe my balls are big enough. However, they are probably completely hollow, well, not completely, since they seem to fulfill their main purpose effectively.

Which is PUMPIN' CUM. Heh, I said it.

So, in short, my balls might be sort of hollow.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

- I wish I wouldn't have to socialise so much at the Uni.
- I wish some girls at the Uni would stop hitting on me everyday. I won't submit to the temptation (NEVA!!!), but shit it's starting to get on my nerves :puke: :yuk: .
- I wish Lady Gigi's life would be easier ( :cry: *you don't have time to visit the phorum love, but anyway: :oops: *)
@rahvin: :lol: :lol:

i don't know whether i'm growing fond of danny because he's cute per se or because he gives you opportunities to entertain me endlessly. :p

@martin: thanks for sharing these with us.

My three, not in order of importance:

- I wish that my will was stronger (not in the "holding back" sense, where i do just about fine, but in the "setting the course of events", where i do terribly, and i don't think it's something you can change)

- I wish that my brother was less of a social conservative, and in general less blocked and rigid as a person

Dunno about the third atm, will have to think of it.
How strange. I love metal but I don't crave to be Scandinavian, though It wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing either; To me, racial features don't really matter much.

Haha...well, now that I think about it, if I were Asian, I would probably want to be European or what not. I guess I just want to belong everywhere.

I'll probably change my mind later, but...

(In that case,) I wish I were more confident with the choices I made rather than dwelling on the "what ifs".

I wish I had had an older sibling.

I wish I could have grown up with my entire family (rather than in a foreign country with just my parents).
My one and two are easy(as they are in my thoughts frequently)
I wish they never happened
the passing of my Father
the loss of my Daughter
for a forum related one, trivial, compared to the other two
I wish I had never asked wildfyr to go to a concert last summer -
Too much of my life is based upon happenstance and coincidences that build upon each other to get me to where I am today. For that reason alone, I'm reluctant to try and change anything in my past, even if I were given the power.

That aside, I can think of one thing about myself. I wish I were more of a 'go-getter', or however one would describe that kind of personality. It pisses me, and those around me, off that I'm so indecisive and such a procrastinator.

There are certain things in her life that I wish she had never had to deal with (and in truth, no one should have to deal with them). I think it would make her a much happier person. There are some kinds of innocence that should be preserved, methinks.

Of course I wish there was something out there that would allow me to earn alot of money doing something I love, but firstly, I wish I knew what that something was.

Too much of my life is based upon happenstance and coincidences that build upon each other to get me to where I am today. For that reason alone, I'm reluctant to try and change anything in my past, even if I were given the power.

i know what you mean...

Sometimes, i wish i didnt do my exchange year because at the end of it and after it, i didnt feel very good, didnt have any motivation to do anything, failed my entrance exams for sound engineering because i couldnt do as if i was much more interested in tv and cinema as i really was (the aim of the schools to study that in belgium is more to form people for tv/movie recording, as they also form actors/realisators). And after i failed the exams, i didnt know what else to do, because i hadnt think about the possibility that i would fail (i knew people who were into music like me, and who passed the exam, they said it was easy)...

But if i hadnt done that exchange year, i wouldnt have discovered a forum i was on at the time, and if i hadnt, i wouldnt have heard of DT, so wouldnt have register on this board and he worst of all, if i didnt register on UM, i wouldnt have met Konrad.

Otherwise, i can come up with one thing i wish i could change:
I wish i didnt go to the school i went to from 7th to 12th grade. Or i wish i quit as i wanted to do after 1 year. In fact i only stayed there because of 2 friends. I hated the people and the mentality of the school. If i wasnt afraid of going somewhere were i didnt knew anyone, i wouldnt have stayed there. Who knows, if i hadnt stayed there and be somewhere were i felt better and could get a better self esteem, maybe i wouldnt have as many problems as i have today to socialze with people.
I wish my girlfriend to be the last one I ever date (as in, keep her)
I wish to travel the entire planet before I die
I wish my music positively affects the lives of others
I wish I were able to read the very first post in a thread less than a page long and follow simple instructions.
The question is: can you name three things in your life that are unchangeable but you would like to change if you only could?

I wish my girlfriend to be the last one I ever date (as in, keep her)
I wish to travel the entire planet before I die
I wish my music positively affects the lives of others

We have a winner!

Is there any point continuing now?