Three wishes

1. I wish I had the chance to study anthropology instead of literature.
2. I wish I hadn't left my piano studies.
3. I wish I could have completed graphic design as a second career.

Yes, I'm at my end-of-studies crisis.
Too much of my life is based upon happenstance and coincidences that build upon each other to get me to where I am today. For that reason alone, I'm reluctant to try and change anything in my past, even if I were given the power.

i definitely agree on that, so i'm not gonna quote QRV on studying anthropology: i'm not unhappy of what i study and i'm too happy now to want to change what brought me here.

that said, what i wish more often is to have been more mature in many situations in the past, i'm possibly speeding down further on the road of madness with this but i'm terribly ashamed of how teenager-ish i was when i was a teenager. i'll probably say the same about now in some years.

-to hell with the body shape, i want to teleport!

-i wish my (graduated in univertsity) flat mate didn't reply "but i didn't study this at school" everytime you stare at her in disbelief after she asks what a clitoris is or if lichens are a kind of tree or why did she hear water running in the wall when she flushed the toilet.
-i wish my (graduated in univertsity) flat mate didn't reply "but i didn't study this at school" everytime you stare at her in disbelief after she asks what a clitoris is or if lichens are a kind of tree or why did she hear water running in the wall when she flushed the toilet.

Not knowing what a clitoris is and being a woman pushes beyond oblivious! The last one's pretty bad too...I didn't believe such people existed.
Not knowing what a clitoris is and being a woman pushes beyond oblivious! The last one's pretty bad too...I didn't believe such people existed.

neither did i, until i met her, the first times i lived there i thought she was kidding or something. now that i've got used to her, and my jaw doesn't fall to the floor everytime she speaks, i either have a lot of fun or get annoyed at replies like "i didn't do biology in high school" after the dreaded clitoris question. all mine and my other flatmate's attempts to explain that you are not supposed to learn that at school have so far. :zombie:
I give thee the quest of posting all of her questions here so we may laugh about her.
These are my 3 wishes:

-I wish I could fly. (Who doesn't?)
-I wish I had already finished highschool. But that's gonna come true in less than a month so it's not bad at all.
-I wish I had a bigger penis. (Not that it's particularly small, just a bigger penis is always nice to have.) :D