Diseases, Injuries, Illnesses

he kicked me out of his camp last night and threw a bunch of rocks at me at about 11 pm last might
it's 11:30 am now and my back still aches a little
some homophobic guy that thinks i'm gay beat me with a giant tree branch last night

do i try to explain to him that i'm straight?? or do i try to make him understand how idiotic homophobia is??
some homophobic guy that thinks i'm gay beat me with a giant tree branch last night

do i try to explain to him that i'm straight?? or do i try to make him understand how idiotic homophobia is??
How in the blue hell do you keep finding yourself in these situations? Seriously, either sign up for the Weapon X program or start carrying a weapon/weapons. Knives are a good choice. I never leave the house without a taser and a knife at least
saw Princess yesterday
shoulders ache a little bit from being her pack mule
carried her bag from Our Calling to The Austin Street Shelter
I could list hundreds of things I should be familiar with that I'm not. Just the reality of a spoilt, sheltered upbringing where I've been preoccupied with major allergy trouble (and I dunno if that relates to modern life or is just bad luck). I react to stuff labelled hypoallergenic sometimes, and liquid detergent is bad news. Clothes dryers seem better at taking care of any detergent residue left over.

I have a 'tub' that's too small to fit a single pair of pants, but I'm sure you'd get off on me washing one shirt at a time just to fuck my skin up. :tickled:

I always thought i was allergy free(if there is such a ting) but in the last few years they seem to have manifested and have been getting worse each year. First it was congestion during winter months that seems to be getting worse every year and has forced me to occasionally use a nasal spray(nasonex). And for the past year i seem to always have this weird feeling where my airways tighten up and i start wheezing at nights, almost as if i hhve asthma or something. I think it might have to do with having my doggies being indoors during their last few months and it seems to have gotten much worse since ive brought home this new pup who's been sleeping in my bed, laying on my couches etc. Almost sure it's an allergic reaction to pet hair/dander because they went after my dogs passed but popped up again when Milkshake got here. Just to make sure i took a caritin for two days and it helped big time but i don't want to end up taking antihistamines for the rest of my life. Guess i gotta wait for all this coronavirus shit go clear up so i can go and see an allergist.
Last time I went to an allergy clinic it was because I was trying expensive immunotherapy for dust mite allergy. It was just stuff I sprayed under my tongue and I dunno if it helped. It wasn't too bad to endure, but I stopped it a bit early anyway as I decided it'd get in the way of enjoying a particular holiday somewhat. It could work as a last resort if it's your only allergy.

I've now moved way past the point where I believed that dust could be my worst problem though. The thing that had really fucked my allergies up earlier was being on aspirin for 9 months after surgery. I don't think I'm directly allergic to it but it interacted with the skin allergies somehow. Things have gotten gradually worse since. To get back on track I really need to settle back in the city I usually live in, deal with other issues that could be co-conspiring with the allergies (eg. recurring sinus infections), and possibly sort out my gut health too - wouldn't be surprised if it's outta whack.
I've had the skin prick test on my arm as a kid and again as an adult. My problem isn't just what I'm allergic to though, it's that my skin started getting stupidly dry/broken and letting potential allergens in, like it doesn't distribute the sebum evenly. So while the latest skin prick test showed I was particularly allergic to dust mites, it's not like they test for everything. My skin problem seems like a recipe for developing allergies to more and more things, especially cosmetics. Used to manage my dry skin with moisturiser but since the aspirin thing I react severely to moisturisers and creams. Recently realised I was reacting to the shampoo and soap I was using (both had tea tree oil as an ingredient), but they seemed fine before my skin got 'particularly broken' this year. Such is my life...
So, 2020... :eek: After I realised I was reacting to that shampoo, I also tried reducing my conditioner usage to very rarely. Then 2/3 of my hair fell out in a relatively short space of time (alopecia areata, in conjunction with my eczema being the worst it'd been in 6 years, as if my immune system was hyperactive).

My relationship is basically on hold as my girlfriend couldn't keep up the long distance thing, so the stress of figuring that out may've contributed to the hair loss. Our connection is too strong for the story to be over though. There's a good chance it'll get back to how it was once I move back in a year or so or whenever the hell I can.

I saw a dermatologist and am now on an immunosuppressant (methotrexate). A bit early to tell how well it's working. I'd noticed some of the hair from my arms and other body parts had gone missing as well, but it's all started growing back now, apart from one large bald spot on my head which is only just starting to fill in, and one small one which hasn't at all yet. Might post photos once there's more difference.
I'm near the end of my rope with health issues. I quit drinking two years ago due to severe pains near my liver which greatly worsened when consuming alcohol. Pain's only gotten worse but all I've found out is that I have a hiatal hernia which causes unimaginably bad acid reflux. So bad that my throat's swollen on one side and it's getting painful to speak. Could be other issues there.

Can't get into an ENT until April. On a waiting list for a gastroscopy but I have no idea when that's happening. Got a small pharmacy of drugs building up though. Taking dumb amounts of pregabalin/lyrica most days. Mental state has thoroughly decayed after living with/taking care of my 62 year old mother with early onset dementia for the past five years.

Had a good laugh at the dipshit weaklings that complained about six weeks lockdown here though. Unless you lost loved ones/your job/income/business you can get fucked.
Expecting to be up all night monitoring a nagging pain in my gut. Based on the symptoms I'm kinda worried about appendicitis. It seems stable for now - long as it stays that way, I'll sit tight til the walk-in clinics start opening in 6 hours. ER trip would probably be pretty expensive with this iffy insurance from the gov't marketplace.
I get a bit of lower back pain, very slight, but basically always. I can't remember how I got it, maybe from rugby or something. I could invest in a new mattress, this one was originally good, but is a bit creaky now. I wish I could get a massage. I'll only want a nice girl giving me it though.
I actually used to have a job were you could book a massage slot and go and have that for like 20 minutes, paid time. You could only do that a couple of times a month though, but still it was cool. Some of them were nice girls, and you could pick who did it.

As for hookers, no, I'll avoid that. In this area, they have shitty STI rates.