Official All-Star Jam Set Discussion

The all star jam was SO fun. Queen, Eagles and Kiss songs should have been swapt though. I love Yngwie but it would have been fun if they played Heaven Tonight.

i was thinking the exact same thing, thats probably my fav malmsteen tune by far, the lyrics are so cheesy and priceless
why would you bring your kids anyways...I hate when people bring thier kids to movies and get mad when there is swearing or nudity in the film. it is called a babysitter. plus...why are we so scared to see the human body???

My little sister and I usually don't hang out at the bars, or go to adult type "entertainment." However, my dad just happens to be a singer. The only way I get to see him work is to go to the venue where he's playing. ProgPower is one of the only places I can actually see my dad on stage. Other kids, such as "NONMETALHEADS" can go to CLEAN environments to see their parents work. I appreciate all those at ProgPower who support my presence, so I can rock out with my dad. BUT THE OTHER REASON I HAD TO BE THERE, WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO BE AWAY FROM MY DAD ON MY BIRTHDAY! As far as the naked THING, don't worry... I don't think I'll spend much time in therapy over it =P. Yes, I understand, I'm at a metal fest. There's bound to be some weird thing going on! :lol: Honestly, I was way too excited about that birthday cake waiting in the other room to be looking at that naked THING. :lol:
Great reply. Had this woman just been on stage posing or something, I really wouldn't have a problem with it. I thought when she first walked up there, that it was an artistic thing, but that changed when she started doing a really bad stripper dance routine. I wasn't offended to a large degree, but I can certainly see how some would be and I didn't think it worked well for the jam.

As far as my favorites..... well anything that came out of Nils' mouth this year was at a super high level. He is really a vocalist of rare quality.

I liked most stuff from the jam. Kudos to the Pagans Mind musicians for learning so many songs and making so few mistakes.

I also loved the Balls to the Wall cover. I adore Accept. That is not one of the better Accept songs, but easily the most recognizable. Audience participation despite the late time was really strong.


Yeah, I had my 12 year old with me and was glad I had left my 7 year old at home. Understand I have no problem with the image of a mostly nude female in body paint. But I didn't appreciate having my son watch simulated sex on stage. All in all, no harm done. He and I are close enough that we talked about it and whatnot. And we both still totally support Damian and the Threshold lot. I just thought that we were a little more classy than that.

As for my opinions of the jam:

Nils doing King Diamond was killer. I know KD is an acquired taste, but his delivery of that song was spot on.

Bottom line, Glenn gave us all something that will never be recreated anywhere else. If that doesn't occur to a few of you naysayers, then you need to reevaluate your ideas of what PP means.
I hold my breath and see if another "All Star Jam Session" never happens again...... much like with the Annual Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies the jam sessions will lose it's appeal if it is done to death. I would perfer an unanounced guest for the final act......somebody like Graham Bonnet who rarely plays the States anymore.

But that is only my opinion....

You are so mature and well spoken. I'm glad for you that you can see your dad work and get to have fun with him. Happy birthday (belated)!

My little sister and I usually don't hang out at the bars, or go to adult type "entertainment." However, my dad just happens to be a singer. The only way I get to see him work is to go to the venue where he's playing. ProgPower is one of the only places I can actually see my dad on stage. Other kids, such as "NONMETALHEADS" can go to CLEAN environments to see their parents work. I appreciate all those at ProgPower who support my presence, so I can rock out with my dad. BUT THE OTHER REASON I HAD TO BE THERE, WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO BE AWAY FROM MY DAD ON MY BIRTHDAY! As far as the naked THING, don't worry... I don't think I'll spend much time in therapy over it =P. Yes, I understand, I'm at a metal fest. There's bound to be some weird thing going on! :lol: Honestly, I was way too excited about that birthday cake waiting in the other room to be looking at that naked THING. :lol:
My quick two-cents. I'll admit, the all-star-jam was pretty cool to watch and they did dig out some pretty dusty stuff to cover. Actually, it was nice to see an Iron Maiden cover besides "Trooper", as it seems everybody and their brother do it. I'd like to see a complete setlist as there were some stuff on there that I did not recognize, or has been so long that I've heard it that I've practically forgotten how it sounded and who did it. Floor definitely "out-Hearted" Heart (and I have some Heart albums) Was cool to see "The Final Countdown" does as that was one of my favorite songs back in the day (yes, I know, but still...). Was glad they re-did it again after getting the mics straighted out, because I really wanted to hear Floor's vocals! Yes, I know this is all supposed to be fun and such, but I just simply did not enjoy the AC/DC covers being done as they were done. Along that lines, I'll admittedly that I am not a big Freak Kitchen fan. Oh yes, indeed, they got some serious talent and I'll admit the set they did during the showcase was cool and a lot of fun to watch, but I am not going out of my way to see these guys or to get their albums (although I do have a copy of their Organic album that I picked up at last year's ProgPower) As for the King Diamond cover, may actually get to see the real thing at Jaxx this upcoming spring, though.

As for the erotic dancer, somehow, I just don't see how it fit into the general image of ProgPower, and obviously, as already addressed, it seems Glenn himself is in agreement. Was I offended? No, not the very least. There does seem to be that very fine line of what is considered good taste, and yes, even at a metal show, but I think, in this case, it did cross it. Maybe at some other show were I'd expect something like that is one thing, but it was certainly not something I expected at ProgPower. I'll admit, the body paint was cool, though, and this will certainly go down in ProgPower history. People will be talking about this for years to come! And this is just simply my personal opinion, but, gawd, how I fucking hate that damn Black Crows song, and having the local radio station play it into the ground is not helping matters either (and I actually like the Black Crows as a band themselves, but that one song.... :guh:)!
After a cursory browse through the posts i think i'm the only one who will say that Claudio performing Youth gone Wild was my highlight of the jam. Before i got into the whole prog/power scene i was into all the 80's hair bands, and hearing Claudio cover Skid Row made my night!

As for the Damian issue: i'll agree that this was not necessary. Sure it offended some people, but get over it. No need to make it something more than it is. So he crossed the line (according to some people), 4-5 minutes of watching some woman with body paint doesn't constitute this much of a hassle...hell, you didn't even have to watch it. So just get over it
My little sister and I usually don't hang out at the bars, or go to adult type "entertainment." However, my dad just happens to be a singer. The only way I get to see him work is to go to the venue where he's playing. ProgPower is one of the only places I can actually see my dad on stage. Other kids, such as "NONMETALHEADS" can go to CLEAN environments to see their parents work. I appreciate all those at ProgPower who support my presence, so I can rock out with my dad. BUT THE OTHER REASON I HAD TO BE THERE, WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO BE AWAY FROM MY DAD ON MY BIRTHDAY! As far as the naked THING, don't worry... I don't think I'll spend much time in therapy over it =P. Yes, I understand, I'm at a metal fest. There's bound to be some weird thing going on! :lol: Honestly, I was way too excited about that birthday cake waiting in the other room to be looking at that naked THING. :lol:

glad to see that you were not offended and that grown men were. Kind funny actually. It is funny you posted, a while back on the Chicago Powerfest board I was goofing on your dad and he showed up and posted some stuff back to me, it was funny and at the Powerfest show I was able to meet him and we got a good laugh. He is definetly a stand up guy.
that is cool you went to the show on your birthday. Most kids would be pissed.
My little sister and I usually don't hang out at the bars, or go to adult type "entertainment." However, my dad just happens to be a singer. The only way I get to see him work is to go to the venue where he's playing. ProgPower is one of the only places I can actually see my dad on stage. Other kids, such as "NONMETALHEADS" can go to CLEAN environments to see their parents work. I appreciate all those at ProgPower who support my presence, so I can rock out with my dad. BUT THE OTHER REASON I HAD TO BE THERE, WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO BE AWAY FROM MY DAD ON MY BIRTHDAY! As far as the naked THING, don't worry... I don't think I'll spend much time in therapy over it =P. Yes, I understand, I'm at a metal fest. There's bound to be some weird thing going on! :lol: Honestly, I was way too excited about that birthday cake waiting in the other room to be looking at that naked THING. :lol:

Happy 16th birthday, Tomy!

(Yeah, I know, he's not that old yet. But from his well-spoken posts, you'd never know it. :kickass: )

Did anyone get any pictures?

Yes, some okay, some not that great. I'll have them posted hopefully tomorrow. I came home with 817 images, 200 from the all-star jam. And 150 from the 'Mobile Cheetah's' segment of same. :lol: (j/k)

As for the stripper ill-advised idea from Damian, and I didn't think it was appropriate, but......the cops didn't shut us down, so we're good. :D Sadly, I'm wondering if that song will have to be scrapped from the DVD completely, now, making it that much shorter. 'Course, it could always be an Easter Egg..... :)

Freakchylde, I figure you might know 'paint-over-nipples' legal in Georgia, or is it defined as 'being topless'?
Loved the jam, great idea, truly once in a lifetime! For me, it was a wee long, and I was just standing on the floor. Kudos to Pagan's Mind and their staying power and extra effort though! I didn't recognize many of the songs, but then I'm somewhat new to all "real" music. I was pumped when After Forever did "For Whom the Bell Tolls" during their set and then I got a Megadeth song in the jam. Rock. Final Countdown was funny with everyone trying to indicate there were no vocals...and then Floor was like "did you hear any of that?" and we were like "Nooooo!" and "do it again!". They did! :) Zak in Kiss makeup was great. And the Queen cover was awesome.
The next showcase, if there is one, should pit guitarist vs guitarist and keyboardist vs keyboardest, etc in a sudden death showdown of musical talents!
My 2 cents on the whole naked chick thing is that it was just out of place. I thought I would be the only one with an issue, glad to see I'm not. That really says a lot about the caliber of people we have here. I'm not a prude, and I have no problem with such things taking place in general, but it's just not my "cup o tea". I'd rather be in a relationship than just watch random naked women. Whatever floats your boat, but I come for the music.
This comming from someone who(except this year) lives at the Cheetah Club,
I thought that was a tasteless act because of teh fact that Lance King's kids were in the croud.
Loved Nils and Lance's duet of Crimson Glory's Lady of Winter
great set

Chris, I didn't get a chance to meet you this past weekend, but I totally, 100% agree with you my man! It was very tacky indeed.

My little sister and I usually don't hang out at the bars, or go to adult type "entertainment." However, my dad just happens to be a singer. The only way I get to see him work is to go to the venue where he's playing. ProgPower is one of the only places I can actually see my dad on stage. Other kids, such as "NONMETALHEADS" can go to CLEAN environments to see their parents work. I appreciate all those at ProgPower who support my presence, so I can rock out with my dad. BUT THE OTHER REASON I HAD TO BE THERE, WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO BE AWAY FROM MY DAD ON MY BIRTHDAY! As far as the naked THING, don't worry... I don't think I'll spend much time in therapy over it =P. Yes, I understand, I'm at a metal fest. There's bound to be some weird thing going on! :lol: Honestly, I was way too excited about that birthday cake waiting in the other room to be looking at that naked THING. :lol:

:headbang: Well put my little man! Mr. and Mrs. King are apprently raising you with a head on your shoulders.

I thought the "Welcome Home" cover by Pagan's Mind was perfect! :worship:notworthy:worship:

Pagan's Mind won so much respect from me this past weekend that it isn't funny! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Zak Steven's cover of "Children of the Sea" just flat out rocked! :headbang:

Also, the guy from Glenn's crew that sang lead vocals for "Flight of Icurus" flat out nailed it! :worship: That crew should do a cover like that every year. Great job on everyone's part! :headbang:

Man oh man, that All-Star Jam was such an awesome idea. Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who agreed to do it! Truly unique, and what other festival or tour gets that kind of customized awesomeness???? NOTHING!!!

Who Wants To Live Forever? I DO! It'll guarantee I get to go to every ProgPower festival! What a completely unexpected idea, and Floor and Ralf were NOT the two people I'd ever guess would do that song. So it was a dobule-awesome performance for me. That's a great moment for the weekend for me.

KING FUCKING DIAMOND!!! Nils is now a new vocal hero for me, cuz that guy can sing anything.

Yes, Christer was a bit unsober. Yes he was getting a little destructive on stage. YES THAT WAS A ROCKSTAR-STEREOTYPE-FILLED PERFORMANCE! Bon Scott would be proud of the shenanigans and tom-foolery on stage for those AC~DC songs. Absolutely how it shoulda been. Maybe they shoulda covered, "Have A Drink On Me" ???? Heh heh heh.... awesome.

Nothing like a KISS cover done top-notch, man. Fuckin' A.

I think I genuinely pissed off some people behind me when I went apeshit for Flight of Icarus. Heh heh. SHANE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! THANK YOU!!! Rip them Steve Harris lines up, man!

I hereby issue a challenge to Floor Jansen: You gotta record Barracuda on your next album! I wanna hear you blast that song away like Gretchen Wilson did at the VH1 Rock Honors. I NEEEEED this, girl, you gotta DOOOO this.....

Metal Gods is exactly the kind of Priest song I wanted to hear. We all KNEW Ralf would do one... heh heh. But I didn't wanna hear any of the typical famous familiar ones that everyone already knows and every band on the planet has covered. This was perfect! Totally awesome. I also didn't know that Primal Fear throws that one into their setlists regularly, I'm glad I didn't get that suprise spoiled!

Excellent. Thank you guys for putting this shindig together, it was totally worth it.

I wasn't there, but from what I am reading, this "stripper" woman appeared at 1:30AM????

Sorry, but how can anyone seriously complain about this? Sure, you have the right to say it may have been in bad taste, but all the facts have been laid out.

You guys make numerous threads about getting women to wear corsets.

You all discuss how much partying you are going to do.

You are going to see "metal" bands that have curse words in the lyrics.

That's like going to see an R rated movie and getting upset if there is a nude scene.

Sure, it is an all-ages show, but come on.

I understand and appreciate Glenn's statement on the issue. I think it should be left at that.

As I said, I was not there, but from what I have read here, I don't see any wrong-doing.
I wasn't there, but from what I am reading, this "stripper" woman appeared at 1:30AM????

Sorry, but how can anyone seriously complain about this? Sure, you have the right to say it may have been in bad taste, but all the facts have been laid out.

You guys make numerous threads about getting women to wear corsets.

You all discuss how much partying you are going to do.

You are going to see "metal" bands that have curse words in the lyrics.

That's like going to see an R rated movie and getting upset if there is a nude scene.

Sure, it is an all-ages show, but come on.

I understand and appreciate Glenn's statement on the issue. I think it should be left at that.

As I said, I was not there, but from what I have read here, I don't see any wrong-doing.

Agreed. The body art was awesome, she was hot, it was a cool idea for that song, great. But... you know. Sometimes things can get out of hand. Oh well, no complaints here! But I do understand, and I agree that it did get to be a bit too much. Maybe if she was on stage for the first verse or two and that's it, it'd been awesome enough without going overboard. But hey! It was Saturday night! I'm sure an alcoholic beverage or two were involved, heh heh.

I did talk to Damian back at the hotel...

"Dude! I think you have to be the first person ever to get CENSORED at ProgPower!"
"Really? You think that's what the lights thing was about?"
"Certainly, my friend! TRUST ME!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
The Jam was an amazing amount of fun. Glenn, I know this was a special event, but I wouldn't be upset if you decided to finish out the fest with one of these EVERY year!!!

Steve in Philly