Cover Art Competition


:D....... :D
Hopefully this Mini cd has 4,5 songs, atleast four. Everytime when hearing breeding death think how much better it would have been with just 1,2 more songs.
the thing abput dying fetus is that their vocals are really bland and some would argue "horrible", but their drum work and guitar work is beyond anything bloodbath could ever do. and as for suffocation, their guitarists are on a whole different level of precision. just listen to their new s/t album.
the thing abput dying fetus is that their drum work and guitar work is beyond anything bloodbath could ever do. and as for suffocation, their guitarists are on a whole different level of precision. just listen to their new s/t album.

No more drugs for you
hey now dont get me wrong, bloodbath is still my favorite death metal band of all time. their songs and brutality is like non other. but not alot of people are as fast as the guitar players of suffocation. any guitar player could figure that out.