MLB/Baseball 2014-2015

Also, for all the talk about speeding up baseball games, can we fucking dump God Bless America already? 2001 was a long time ago. This shit is more likely to get people to change the channel than a slow pitcher. National anthem should always be pre-game too, if that has to be done. No one needs this delaying the start of the game. At best it's a favor to people who are late.

They're trying stuff like getting rid of intentional walks, but how often do those happen anyway? Not even once per game. And there was a botched one in the playoffs that shows the importance of executing the basics. Should players just head back to the dugout after a homerun and not run the bases? That wastes time too. I hate anything that tampers with the fundamentals of the game. Just speed up batter/pitcher interactions based on the rules in place. No more Yankees/Red Sox nonsense of everyone taking 35 seconds in between pitches.
We'll see what happens when they run into a team with tons of playoff experience. Whoever wins the NL series is gonna win the world series.

Giants up 3-1 to STL's defensive choking.
No more Yankees/Red Sox nonsense of everyone taking 35 seconds in between pitches.

Honestly, the only true way to speed up the game is to bring in a pitch clock. You can do things like limit the amount of times a batter can call timeout during an at-bat and stuff, but none of that would have the same impact a pitch clock would have. Sadly the traditionalists will shit themselves, and baseball fans are probably the most stubborn when it comes to rule changes, so it will probably never happen.

We need more Mark Buerhle's...
The Royals are fucking crazy. Sweeping the two best teams in the regular season, despite having a mediocre at-best roster (except for the bullpen which is one of the better ones in baseball). Surreal... and hopefully the Giants beat the Cardinals. I fucking hate St. Louis, and I want them out ASAP.

Oh, and the Dodgers hired Friedman from Tampa Bay as the new Pres. of Baseball Ops. Excellent hire for them.

Yea, unbelievable ... Royals are fucking super hot. One of my baseball noob buddies told me yesterday that "i told you Royals were going to the WS" .... i just had to take it in, lol. They look unstoppable. I cant wait to watch them smash on san fran.

Colleti was the shit, that guy turned the Dodgers back into a winning team and truly breathed life into crumbling franchise.

Hopefully Friedman brings in Maddon next year. I can't stand looking at Mattingly's dumb fucking face for another game after what he did in/with the cardinals series.

Oh and fuck the giants.
Yes great to see indeed. We just need the Royals to come through in the WS and everything will be peachy.
Amazing game tonight. This Giants team just keeps amazing me. Royals are going down, which is a shame because I like them a lot.

Fuck LA! Can't even win a series with a massive payroll. Chooooke!!
Worried about tonight. Hudson needs to be on his game, if not Bumgarner and everyone else can be brought in. SF needs to score early to get some momentum though.
The Royals lack of power came back to haunt them. You've got to have a hitter to come off the bench for Perez in that last at bat. The guy was worn out and everyone knows he couldn't lay off neck high fastballs. Bumgarner was absolutely nails, but that lineup lacked hard righty bats.
Dude there's nothing Royals could have done except prevent hits earlier in the game. The DP by Panik was sick, but Bumgarner was just unstoppable. Wouldn't be surprised to hear he messes up his shoulder though with all them innings pitched
Yeah, hopefully next year Cain comes back and they can limit his innings for a while. 3 in 5, ridiculous.