MLB Playoffs

This is why the sport annoys me sometimes...with its pompus millionares, stupid rules and no justice. Earlier in game you have a St Louis player not hustling down the line, yes not hustling in a WORLD SERIES GAME WTF, on a pop up that was dropped in center. Could you ever envision a hockey player not hustling in a Stanley Cup game? The runner shouldve easily been standing on second base, instead he gets caught out thrown behind while trying to scramble back to first base.

If the Wings by some stretch of the imagination manage to make the Cup finals, I will bet money that Franzen will be not hustling at some point every game.
Seen just about everything in this series already, and guessing lots more to come. Never in a million years would think to see two games in a row end in the manner that they did wow. St Louis pinch runner picked off of first base to end the game with the tying run at the plate in HR hitter Beltran. Unreal, that can not happen lol. Gomes wasnt even suppose to be in the Sox line up, and has the hit of the game a three run bomb.
It's been a great ride so far! I do know that sundays game 4 opposing the nfl etc was one of the highest rated games ever. The overall houshold rating being 8.4. Overall ratings higher than last years WS. This series is doing more than just fine.
I can't see the Cards winning 3/4 at Fenway, i'm going to experience 3 world series in a short lived life, I am too lucky(in baseball).
^I hate the Cardinals but that statement almost almost makes me want them to win.

Also, the ratings for this series are better than last year's but still not very good
Tonite will be the most watched thing maybe ever in N.E.

This Cardinal team and thier young pitching staff, starters and pen are off the charts. They will be WS contenders im afraid for a while.

This Sox team is as likable as ever and different from thier past WS teams. They have some star-power but get it done more as a team, contributions from unlikely guys all year. They werent picked at all to contend and theyve gotten stronger as the season went on. Unlike Francona who basically stayed out of the way and coddled star players and his teams were never really tested in the WS.

Farrell has actually had to "manage" his team in tight intense games. Has gone up against some amazing starting pitching throughout, made some great moves and the team doesnt crack they somehow find ways to win. Not to forget, Farrell basically lost his closer and set up guys for the season...rebuilt his bullpen on the fly and its been one of the best in the league. Leyland is still baffled that his Tigers lost lol, they basically out-pitched and out-hit the Sox but still lost.

Youd think the Sox should take this WS at home, but who knows.
I kind of agree with that. I thought Detroit was overall better too tbh. The thing is while all the other aces were getting all the hype, the Sox starters quietly have raised thier level and matched performances from opposing aces, top two starters etc. Lester has been better than expected, his last two starts were as dominant as ive ever seen. Lackey has even been real good. Maybe an edge to the Sox pen. But yes, Cards overall good young pitching for the long haul...they are scary good! Sox make up for it in the end with solid D-, good base running, well managed, all the intangible shit. If Detroits lard-ass guys ran the bases a little better and didnt shit thier pants in tight situations...theyd still be playing.
SP for sure, but Lackey doing this well we didn't expect and Buch being hurt might make a game 7 go to the cards, but our hitters are much better with the DH, we took 2/3 in STL without Victo and Napoli, purdy big deal
Victo has been shitty overall...but he is back in the line-up. Also, even though Salty has been Lackeys binky behind the plate, Sox will stay with Ross behind the plate...thank christ. The only one pissing me off me than Victo has been Salty. Drew as well, but he's atleast been solid defensively.
Victo has been off on his hitting (like Gomes and nava...) but he is definitely better defensively than those two, Gomes just had our saving grace for one game <3 4eva

It's sort of funny how I really fucking hated Lackey until this season for his theft of what, 50mil from the Red Sox and pitching one garbage season? And now he is our arguably 2nd best pitcher, maybe first, and he could win us the Series tonight, the bastard I might start loving after tonight.
Ha ha. I felt / feel the same way about Lackey. Was it you that said a while back that him helping win a world series title will be the only saving grace and form of redemption for him? Well well look where we are at lol.
Yeah I sort of don't hate him anyways now, if we lose in game 7 it's not his fault, and we could definitely see the Cardinals SP take control and dominate.
Yeah I sort of don't hate him anyways now, if we lose in game 7 it's not his fault, and we could definitely see the Cardinals SP take control and dominate.

No no totally understood at the time. He has defnly earned his way back.

SHANE VICTORINO was born to hit with the bases loaded lol.
Just texted my dad, Victorino is now the Manny Ramirez of 04/07 haha thankfully with Ortiz we are still playoff clutchness at its finest