Nevermore Cancel ProgPower USA VII Appearance

Ascension said:
Draw thy sword heathen and prepare to meet thy maker!!!!!

For those of you who don't know what a threat of violence is...l just threatened to run Kenneth R. through with a there you go.
How good is your swordsmanship? :Smug:
Ascension said:
Draw thy sword heathen and prepare to meet thy maker!!!!!

For those of you who don't know what a threat of violence is...l just threatened to run Kenneth R. through with a there you go.

Actually, by your logic, no... there was no threat of violence here. All you did was tell Kenneth R. to grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and draw a picture of a sword, and then his parents would come over to visit.
booB said:
Dammit, stop complimenting! Be a dick, so I can say "fuck you" to your face! :lol:

Hey booB? Why do I suddenly get this vision of hundreds of folks walking around PPVII saying Fuck You to everyone ;) When I see ya my friend I'll give ya a hearty Fuck You and buy ya a new rubber chicken ;)


Stingray11214 said:
I am sorry, but Nevermore showed no respect for Glenn, ProgPower, or their fans. They "double-scheduled" and they know it. Are you telling me that they could not come over to Atlanta for one bloody night? Are you going to stand there and tell me that if they came to Atlanta to fulfill their obligation to Glenn it would have killed off their entire tour? That is Bull$%!&! Glenn had them under contract for one night. Not a whole god-damned nationwide tour. So, I cannot for the life of me how Nevermore could not fulfill their obligation.

Ray C.

This would be pretty hard to do if they played that night (and chances are they will be). Being 7 hours ahead in time and a 9-10 hour flight would be impossible to do. But...if they were off that night then maybe it would be worth the hassle to own up to their commitments.

This really fucking sucks beyond words right now. And I'm not even going to chime in with my own request right now for a new headliner, because it really doesn't matter.

And lastly...Nevermore...opening for Disturbed...? WT mother F??
Talk about a oddball pairing...
Late to the party, as usual...but I'm glad I missed the chocolate milk pitching ;)
It sucks that Nevermore backed out - I was really looking forward to seeing them again. However, I have the utmost faith in Glenn to find an equal if not better replacement. There have been some wonderful suggestions (and a few remarkably childish posts in between) but I'm gonna have to go with Joel on this one...Testament would kick all kinds of ass.
Ok. Carry on.
