Now Annette out of Nightwish

I guess the question is, if you're a musician, is that enough money to make you work and spend a lot of time with someone you really don't like or consider an equal?

:rolleyes: And by the way, I'm pretty sure they're doing better off than my dentist.

I'm sure the 4 guys in Nightwish started off in a garage just like everyone else and had all the idealistic notions about what a band is that everyone of us has or at least had at one point.

Not necessarily. Iced Earth started as a band like everyone else, with a clear leader. Same thing with Nightwish (Tuomas). The band was his baby, his vision.

Nobody starts out in the garage with their buddies and says "man, some day we're gonna hire a singer and make her an employee and we'll conquer the world!"

Ok, now you're just making yourself sound silly.
Awesome. Hopefully the band returns to its greatness. They already have a much better singer. I wish this had happened before ProgPower.

This. I'm sorry for those of you who liked her, but to me, she never fit the band. She doesn't have the range Nightwish needs, and live she was poor in my opinion. Don't get me wrong though, the albums they did together were great.
I'm a big fan of Annette going back to Alyson Avenue days, hope she does well in whatever she does after this. Heh, maybe she and Roy Khan should do Season 4 of the Voice.:)

As for Nightwish, Floor Jansen would be an amazing permanent replacement. She can pull off both the Tarja and Annette stuff perfectly.
I'm sure they'll always have their die-hard fans, regardless of who's singing. That's the power of their branding monster.

That's the power of a band not relying on one member carrying the whole thing. You can change your front woman and it virtually affects very little. That's not a branding monster, that's the product of cohesive band and smart business.
That was quick! I don't think there will be mudslinging like their was under previous circumstances, though.

"Tarja rejoining the band..." et all, ad naseam, ad infinitum...

"Wish"ful thinking. That (hopefully) will not and will never happen. Of course, the Tarja fanboys are going to be harping on this news story and getting their tightie whities in a bunch over speculation that that will indeed happen.

This is like the Arch and Di'Anno fanboys venting their continuous hopes over 20+ years that their respective bands will get their original vocalists back... :) That said, Nightwish the band is far better (and more successful) with a vocalist who isn't showing off their operatic vocal chops, piercing eardrums and shattering glasses at all stops. If you like Tarja - listen to her solo CD's. All the interested parties have moved on.

Regardless, the 2 shows I've seen of Nightwish this year were great, their last 2 CD's were great, and hopefully they'll work this stuff out behind the scenes, away from the trolls and drama-loving Blabbermouth and Tarja fanatics.

Regardless, this sucks. Should be interesting to see where they go and how Floor fits into the band... Back to the musical drawing board!

For some of us it has nothing at all to do with Tarja, and everything to do with thinking Annette was a bad fit.
I think Nightwish should probably try the other route now. They've chosen a relatively unknown person for the job before, and it was pretty clear that she "cracked" at a few points. Perhaps a seasoned, experienced singer like Floor would work out much better.
I'm sure they'll always have their die-hard fans, regardless of who's singing. That's the power of their branding monster.

I'm in it more for Tuomas, Marco, Emppu, and Jukka, not the brand
Best of luck to the band and Anette....hopefully she has a full recovery from whatever is giving her health problems, especially since she has a young child to look after. I wonder if that played into the decision to part ways? Anyhow, I'm sure that whoever Tuomas gets as the new singer (Floor would be AWESOME), I'll continue to enjoy their music.
I'll be seeing them tomorrow night here in Portland. I hate watching band drama unfold in public...but I have to admit I'm really exciting to see Floor perform a full set as I never got to see her with After Forever.


I'd see the HELL outta Nightwish.

That After Forever performance proved to me that Floor is the most badass female singer out there. Getting to see her perform again this year was EXCELLENT. And I'm not even saying that in a dude-drooling-for-hawt-chick way! She puts on as damn powerful a performance as Tobias Sammet, Russell Allen and even, dare I say, Lance King! Walk out on stage, conquer that audience!
That sucks... I was at the show in Denver, and they did the best they could to make sure we got something for our money. They came out during the set break, told us what was happening, and asked if we would rather they cancelled or went ahead with Elize singing. It wasn't their decision, it was ours, the vote was pretty much unanimous. I guess she wasn't happy with being replaced.

I was one of the few people who enjoyed Annette's vocals. I think she was a good fit for the songs Tuomas was writing and did a damn good job as a frontwoman. Now I'm really, really disappointed that I couldn't make the ProgPower showcase... I never did get to see them with her on the mic.
I think the difference is that she didn't think they were her "boss". In my opinion, when you join a band, you're all in it together.. unless you're Nightwish. I know she's still the new kid, but they've done what, 2 albums with her already? Doesn't seem right that they would get rid of her so quickly, but hey, I'm not in the band. I don't know what's up with them. Just seems very weird to me.

I disagree. And ironically I was just having this discussion with a friend of mine last week. If you want to put together a bunch of friends and make a band out of that, that's fine, but imo it does not bode well for a professional relationship. I'm not saying that's what happened to NW - because if I'm not mistaken, this singer tried out and got the gig and had no previous connection with the members.

But still, in a professional band there is ALWAYS a "band leader," and especially if you're the new guy (or girl in this case), you really have to follow the band leader. A band will never ever ever work if it's a democracy. There has to be a dictator.