On the fence? (good info within- GH)

Jurakan said:
Maybe... but still, I wouldn't immediately think of it being once-in-a-lifetime. Khan has been here before with Kamelot and Conception, and currently touring with Epica.

It actually kinda sucks that they are not playing more FL dates around PP weekend. It would've been great to catch a Kamelot show before or after PP.
See Mosquito's response previous page...:D

I wish Kamelot would've scheduled their St. Pete show for the 17th, then I could've made it back home to see it. It being on the 16th, while I'm at PP, sucks.
biggs0072000 said:
The guy on the mike looks like James from Dream Theater to the point that it scares me (and for the record, fuck trying to spell his last name this early in the morning.)

I'll tell you a secret... James from DT toured with Evergrey last year, for his solo album.
Harvester said:
I have no regrets about not booking the big power band this year. Jorn's appearance is going to be talked about for quite a while after all is said and done.

Glenn H.

...and this is why, IMO, Nevermore's loss is our gain.......

J-Dubya - still lol'ing about "Neveragain"
In light of the fact that Glenn said people would be talking about Jorn for a while, an educated guess would claim that the surprise has something to do with his set.

Or maybe he just has THAT badass of a live show without need of assistance.

Once in a lifetime...pyro at ProgPower? :)