Perspective of a first timer (LONG POST!)

Jason, I didn't get to meet you!!! To be honest, I got caught up in the performances, because the last four were the highlight for me. I'll blame Simon though, he should've texted me when he saw you! :kickass:


Wow Brian, I wasn't even aware that you were going!!! Bummer..........

Ha, yeah, guess I can see if we make it a family trip.
Jason, I didn't get to meet you!!! To be honest, I got caught up in the performances, because the last four were the highlight for me. I'll blame Simon though, he should've texted me when he saw you! :kickass:


WOW! jason, you blew off Brian???? I would never have done that to this fine gentleman. He is truly a nice man. Next to Milton and Matt he would be high on my list of characters too meet.
I still can't believe I didn't get to meet you in person, Jason. It feels like missing one of the bands you're looking forward to the most at the festival... :lol:

Huge, huge bummer... though I'm glad you enjoyed the experience and can leave the armchair quarterback spot that you've (not-so) graciously held for so many years. :lol: Cheers for joining us!!

Hey, I tried. My ever decreasing phone battery though didn't help things. :lol:
Jason, I didn't get to meet you!!! To be honest, I got caught up in the performances, because the last four were the highlight for me. I'll blame Simon though, he should've texted me when he saw you! :kickass:


I thought of doing so a little late. Not that I would have been much help as I mentioned up above, my cell battery sucks, which made him meeting Milton impossible.
Don't feel bad about missing Milton, Jason. I didn't even RECOGNIZE Milton right away and I've met him before! I was really embarrassed. Haha, sorry Milton!

Jason, I saw you come in, but I was on the phone. Sorry I couldn't say "hi" proper!
Don't feel bad about missing Milton, Jason. I didn't even RECOGNIZE Milton right away and I've met him before! I was really embarrassed. Haha, sorry Milton!

Jason, I saw you come in, but I was on the phone. Sorry I couldn't say "hi" proper!

Yeah, for some reason Milton, I can never know if it's you or someone else, but I'm bad like that with most unless I'm 100% certain.
Jasonic, i'm VERY glad you posted about your first-time experience! As someone who's never gone, it's very eye-opening. I was under the impression PP was "just a show" (not that there's anything wrong with that). I know that people have said "it's more than just a show" before, but I thought it was figurative more than literal. It sounds like it's almost as much a gathering of metal heads as it is a show, and while XV only has one band i'm actually a fan of (and a couple i'm interested in), the "gathering" aspect is very appealing to me.
Jasonic, i'm VERY glad you posted about your first-time experience! As someone who's never gone, it's very eye-opening. I was under the impression PP was "just a show" (not that there's anything wrong with that). I know that people have said "it's more than just a show" before, but I thought it was figurative more than literal. It sounds like it's almost as much a gathering of metal heads as it is a show, and while XV only has one band i'm actually a fan of (and a couple i'm interested in), the "gathering" aspect is very appealing to me.

Totally. It is not your average show.
It was something I had to experience to totally "get", so to speak.
Extremely glad it finally worked out for me.
This was my first year, and it was amazing.. and a little overwhelming at times.

Having 16 upper tier bands is amazing when you're used to one top tier band with a few labelmates touring along with as happens so much here in the U.S.

We also made some friends that we're going to stay in touch, ran into someone that we know from shows in Dallas, and generally had a good time.

If the Sabaton fanatic that we shared pizza with is on here (left side of the stage, 3 rows up for most of Saturday), get in touch with me.. we forgot to get your name. :)
This was my first year, and it was amazing.. and a little overwhelming at times.

I really wish I was able to do it where I could have at least spent one night in Atlanta. Well, for my situation, it was the best I was able to pull off which at least finally got me there.

Had I at least been there for two days I could have gotten a lot more socializing in.

Another observation I have which I am curious to get people's perspective.

Going in, many people claimed this to be one of the weakest PP lineups.

Coming out though, so many people said this PP was the most fun they ever had.
Going in, many people claimed this to be one of the weakest PP lineups.

Coming out though, so many people said this PP was the most fun they ever had.
This is almost always the case. It's rare that people don't wind up getting surprised by one or two bands. And that can change the perspective from glass half empty to glass half full. I attribute this factor to the nature of the festival. This is the biggest and often the first U.S. audience many of these bands get to perform for... so they bring their "A" game. The band is primed, the crowd is primed, the venue is awesome, the sound is awesome. It just all adds up for the likelihood of some killer performances. You can often see an expression of sheer joy on the faces of the musicians. I thought Toby of Edguy might actually cry (for joy) on stage at their first performance.