Schedule Update


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
Hi All,

I would like to thank everyone for your kind words and support regarding Hibria’s cancellation. Instead of focusing on a negative, I choose to move forward and not look back. I would like to thank all of the bands that contacted me offering to fill-in at the last minute. After much deliberation, I have decided there will be no new replacement.

Jeff Scott Soto will now receive an extended 90 minute set. After discussing the option with Jeff, there was simply no way I could consider otherwise. The additional time will allow Jeff to truly present a career spanning set, as 60 minutes was forcing him to make some difficult choices. Jeff truly understands ProgPower USA is not just a small festival, but a family. He wants to be a part of it and bring the house down with a legendary set. In fact, Jeff is so pumped about the show he decided to record his set for a future live album. The setlist is simply amazing.

Gold Badge & regular door times will remain the same. Native Construct will now open the show (2:45-3:45). Soto will follow (4:30-6:00). We will be back on schedule after that.

Now enough of this shit. Let’s go have a beer.

Excellent Glenn, so sorry you've had to deal with all this but you've truly turned a negative into a positive - see you soon!!!

Autograph Signing Session Updates:
Almah signing session has been cancelled due to the band's early departure.
Dynazty and Dragonland's signing sessions moved to Saturday at 9:45pm in the lobby

Also, the 2016 Kick-Off video presentation has been cancelled. Glenn will explain when he addresses crowd on Friday night.
Sorry I misunderstood, Is that the video announcing bands for the Thursday kick-off show, or the kick-off video announcing bands for the main event (i.e. Friday/Saturday)?