Support for the (Andreas) Blomquist Family


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
Hello ProgPower Friends,

As some of you may know from Facebook or other places, Andreas Blomquist (of Seventh Wonder) and his family just lost their daughter Susanna, at the age of about four weeks old. In reply to the FB post about this, I wrote that I wish I had more than just words to offer; as I thought about it more, I realized that if the "I" could be changed to "we", then perhaps there is indeed more to offer, at least as a gesture of support for the Blomquist family in this difficult time.

To that end, I have set up a campaign on that will allow funds to be collected through the month of February. At the end of the month, those funds will be directed as a donation to an appropriate recipient in the name of Susanna Blomquist. I have zero knowledge of the reason for Susanna's passing; perhaps there is an appropriate charity related to medical research for this donation, but if not, then the collected amount will go to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

The way that works is that while the campaign is active, you can donate by credit card. Crowdtilt collects a 2.5% fee from each donation, the rest goes into the fund. There is a bit of trust involved here, because at the end of the campaign, the collected funds are released to the administrator (me). At that time, I will channel them to the recipient as quickly as possible.

The link to the campaign is here:

I will update this pretty soon if a more appropriate / specific target for the donation other than St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital is identified. Otherwise, here is a link to that organization:

I also need to declare that Glenn, HoS Productions, and ProgPower USA have no official connection to this campaign, but I am grateful for the use of this Forum to help get the word out about this effort - which I hope can show what happens when the ProgPower family gets rallied for a good cause that involves someone close to us.

(I should also note that this is the first time I've ever tried to set something like this up, and I *think* I have done what I need to on that web site to make everything go smoothly for anyone wishing to donate. If that turns out not to be the case, let me know and I'll try to fix whatever's wrong!)

Thank you in advance if you choose to participate!

Oh how awful! This is the first I've heard of it. :(

It's rent week, but next payday I'm in.
I'm checking in again on this - I sent a couple of messages to people who I thought might be able to help out with info, but no luck, so at this point, I will just say that whatever we are able to collect will get donated to St Jude Children's Research Hospital. The Crowdtilt page (link in the top post) will be active until Feb 28; at that time, I will direct the $$ to St Jude's, then send a message to Andreas that his friends in the ProgPower USA community were thinking about him, and the donation is our way of showing our support. Thanks to those who are thinking about participating.

To address sccaldwell's note above, I sent him a PM and will repeat it here in case anyone else is in the same (understandable) situation that he is in: If you are willing to do so, you can send $ to me directly via Paypal, and I will assuredly add it in with the contributions that come through the Crowdtilt page. So PM me if you want my Paypal contact info.

And just for those of you who did not see the original information on Facebook about this, Andreas posted this on Feb 1:

"Two days ago we buried our daughter who had lost her life even before being delivered to us. Four weeks since her birth, four weeks of darkness and agony, but yet so much love from our friends and family.

It has been a gruesome experience and I can't describe our pain. I lost my child, my daughter, my Susanna. We didn't bury a past, but we buried a future and it hurts like nothing I have ever felt.

It is a comforting thought that she is forever whole and forever in peace at the side of our heavenly father, all her needs are met and never ever alone. I just wish that somehow, somewhere, she'll know how much her mommy and her daddy love her, the child we never got to know.

Daddy loves you, Susanna, always."
So far, 5 people have chipped in for a total of $100.

Make that 6. I just sent $30 via Paypal. You've been on here long enough and seem like a good guy, so I'm willing to trust.

With that, I challenge everyone on here to donate at least $5. There aren't many on here that can't afford that much (donate more if you can)….it's less the cost of a cup of Starbuck's, or a beer or shot at a bar.

SW is one of the most-loved bands on this forum, so please show your support and donate a few bucks…even $5 per person will add up big-time with everyone on here. It'll go to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital or some other good cause, so it's money well spent.

If you don't want to give your credit card number to CrowdTilt (I didn't), PM Ken and he'll send you his email to donate via PayPal.



The link again:

Up to 9 contributors, a bit over $200 total.

This all closes out this Friday, Feb 28.

For those of you who have contributed, please let me know if you do NOT want your name included in acknowledgements for the collection. I do not plan on listing any amounts of individual contributions, but I would like to list the names of the contributors - so just let me know if you don't want me to list yours.

Final tally - 15 people helped out, with a total contribution of $320. Good work!

Today is very busy with kids' events (swimming and gymnastics, both scheduled on the same day, ugh). Later this weekend, I'll be back with the final details: a copy of the receipt for the donation and a note to Andreas to wrap it up.

And here are the last details. This post has (1) The message that I sent to Andreas on Facebook. I did not have a direct e-mail, so I hope he sees it; there is a link in the message (you can also click the link below) that shows an e-card about the donation, too. (2) A copy of the confirmation screen for the final donation. If anyone would like some other separate confirmation that your money did indeed get where it was supposed to go, let me know!

The message:

Dear Andreas,

This message is on behalf of your friends in the ProgPower USA community.

We were all moved by the news you posted on Facebook a month ago about the loss of your daughter Susanna. Because your music has spoken to a lot of us, we wanted a way to speak back to you, and let you know of our thoughts and support.

To that end, a group of 16 people in the ProgPower USA community have together made a donation of just over $300 to the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in the name of Susanna Blomquist.

An e-card notice of the donation can be seen here for the next 30 days:

The collection for this donation has been going on since early February, and these people have contributed: Scott & Coldie Armstrong, Chris Caldwell, Keehn Hosier, Brian Keyser, Jamie Kimpton, Ken Luther, Jennifer Lynn, Valerie Mahar, Chris Melton, Christina Ricciardi, Justin Richardson, Haley Russell, Britt Lowney, Nicholas Weaver, Bill Wrightson.

These sixteen people who were each able to make a contribution in Susanna's name together represent a much larger group of people who are thinking about you and your family. A loss to any one of our community is a loss to all of us.

The donation screen: