Biggest Disappointments in Metal History

I think the dissapointment was the largest on this one. I really loved accident of birth and the chemical wedding, and when Dickinson and Smith came back I hoped they would continue at least a bit of the line set in those albums.

They didn't, and I must admit, if it was a new album of a new band, I would prolly have loved it, but this is Maiden and I experienced the golden years as a kid which probably made me expect more out of the awesome line-up/come back than maybe even possible? (along with me a whole army of maiden fans I think).

I too grew up on Iron Maiden, Number of the Beast was the first album (record) I ever owned. I think the joy of having the Blaze Bayley years behind them with this release made it all worth the while. I liked the Bruce solo albums but they still had a lot of filler songs on them. I think Brave New World wasn't a 'heavy' album but it was and is a great album none the less. It's obviously a lot different than The NUmber of the Beast but that is just the direction the band was moving. I would have only been disappointed in this release if it was as cheesy as Fear of the Dark. But it to me was much better and i wasn't disappointed at all. Though I can see how if you were expecting TNOTB part II how you would be a bit let down.
Maidenfan, I read on earlier posts on how you didn't like fotd. I myself loved the album. I think music isn't just how good the album is, it also has a lot to do with how you stand in life when music guides you through it somehow.

Didnt really think a lot about it though so I an thinking out loud now, but I have for example an old headbanging friend that hates Dickinson and wished all albums where sung by Di'Anno. He is 46 years old. 1992 was a good year for mr Not (me), maybe that made fear of the dark a better album as well than it actually was? Back when we where kids (I presume you are about the same age as me) the albums and songs where the first ones we have the better memories on. Like when I hear reign in blood I remember me winning my first professional soccer games, when I hear powerslave I remember being a rebel on highschool, and somewhere in time, justice for all, kings of metal, state of Euphoria, Painkiller, operation mindcrime and on and on make me remember the good times I had with my friends.
Maybe it's not even memories, but it does give a warm feeling and makes my heart pound that little bit faster hearing these albums and I am sure the past is connected to that.

then life became more serious and demanding and you get a black album, stomp 442, Virtual XI and promised land as a treat to life becoming less fun and more serious. Whilst there are probably younger people having what we have with the "golden years" with these albums that suck dick in our eyes. As there is probably a new generation listening to for example the damned things, having never heard of Anthrax before and going to remember it as what all the abovebands are for us.
(hard to imagine, but I am sure that will happen).

We are nostalgic stubborn asses and to come to my point, I still want every freaking album that my favourite bands bring, give me back that feeling that I had during the 80's. Knowing that will probably only happen once in a decade but still.

So yeah, maybe that's why there is dissapointment with those albums, even if they are solid. Maybe I am creating my own dissapointment and not giving the old bands a fair chance, but I believe like with Iron Maiden, they could have delivered an album that stood closer to their previous good work than what they delivered on brave new world, although the memories connected to any song would not be as when we where little young long haired headbangers their bandname still brings fort a "brand" they created themselves, and that creates expectation amongst your fans. (I don't think I need to name Anthrax now)

Hope this makes sense, I like the discussions here.
Yep, and they're wrong.

The only bone i have to pick with you right now is this:

Youre opinion, is what youre putting across as fact.

Some people consider LED ZEPPELIN metal, are those people wrong too? But that shouldnt matter cause labels and genres dont matter to the people on this board, right?

For fucks sake, youre doing the same thing you people give IMF09 so much shit about.
The only bone i have to pick with you right now is this:

Youre opinion, is what youre putting across as fact.

Some people consider LED ZEPPELIN metal, are those people wrong too? But that shouldnt matter cause labels and genres dont matter to the people on this board, right?

For fucks sake, youre doing the same thing you people give IMF09 so much shit about.

Jeez, a little sensitive today aren't you!!! You should know me better than that by now - I was actually putting on the other hat just now, if you get my drift. I really couldn't give 2 shits about labels either. Peace mate - nothing but fun intended....sorry if it came across wrong.
Jeez, a little sensitive today aren't you!!! You should know me better than that by now - I was actually putting on the other hat just now, if you get my drift. I really couldn't give 2 shits about labels either. Peace mate - nothing but fun intended....sorry if it came across wrong.

I was actually half kidding. My bad. :kickass:

Wow, Im in a mood tonight.
Barbara Streisand is not Metal either.


this one is:
