A Guess at the Final Slot

He did. But if he knows more about Nightwish's plans for that time of the year, it is always an option.
I am hoping for Tarot myself with my back up guesses being Brainstorm or Masterplan.
I absolutely love Tarot, but they don't have the crossover appeal to enough of the prog fans, nor the popularity here to get a headline spot. :( AND Glenn did appear to say their schedule wasn't going to work for this year, with Marco's NW commitment. Maybe in another year or two.

Your other two guesses are way more likely.
I guess we've pretty much given up on WT and AF. Was really hoping for a female lead singer in one of the bands. I'm fresh out of ideas for the last spot, though personally, I would have also loved to see At Vance. And also Last Tribe, Heavenly, Dionysus, Machine Men, Amorphis or Penumbra in any slot.
Uhh Glenn already said he gave the band a deadline to the 5th to respond. So... you aren't saying much new =p

Yes I realize he has said that before. I wasn't trying to break any news. Like I said, I think I already know the band on the deadline anyway. Hopefully we hear something soon.