Iced Earth's "Riff"

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
A video posted by a dude on another metal forum that I frequent. For all the Iced Earth fans that realize that Jon Schaffer really knows that his best inspiration is himself. Haha, all in good fun. I present to you guys: Iced Earth -- That Riff! :lol:

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This is the best thing I'll see on the internet all day. Thank you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The description of the video is the best...

Jon Schaffer is widely known as one of the most creative and original guitarists in the metal scene. Although his shredding solos are some of the finest music has to offer, his riffs are what makes Iced Earth's music truly the best. Each and every riff is carefully crafted with the highest degree of originality, and then these riffs are placed throughout his songs in the most tasteful way, never overstaying their welcome to the point where they would seem stale and lifeless. In addition, the sheer technicality and musicianship that Schaffer demonstrates is nothing short of amazing. This is a tribute to you, Jon Schaffer!
Wow, I think that medley ends up being a refutation of its author's claim. Maybe it's because I'm an Iced Earth fanboy, but I was able to instantly identify the song that almost every riff in there was taken from. I would be really surprised if I was able to do the same for many other bands. If we remove the line about the shredding solos, I think the description makes a lot more sense when read literally than it does when read as intended by the LOLing-to-himself author.

Yes, Iced Earth has an identifiable style. So do most bands. If there is an "Iced Earth riff", there is also a "Meshuggah riff", a "Darkthrone riff", and an "Opeth riff". If you step back a bit, the idea-stealing even spreads from just your own band out into the entire genre. There's "metal drumming", the "ska riff", or "country vocals". Pointing that out doesn't really tell me anything useful about genres, bands, or songwriters.

Wow, I think that medley ends up being a refutation of its author's claim. Maybe it's because I'm an Iced Earth fanboy, but I was able to instantly identify the song that almost every riff in there was taken from.

As a NON Iced Earth Fanboy, I can most surely tell you that I would need to take your word for it, as this seems to me like a 6 minute Iced Earth song without vocals.
Wow, I think that medley ends up being a refutation of its author's claim. Maybe it's because I'm an Iced Earth fanboy, but I was able to instantly identify the song that almost every riff in there was taken from.

I thought the same thing, and I only listened to the first minute of the video. I really don't see the humor in it, since I think Iced Earth songs have very distinct main riffs.

Anyone saying that all of those riffs sound the same is really trying to stretch it.
I too could tell all the songs but I guess I'm an Iced Earth fan. Jons riffs sound the same just like all Power Metal singers sound like DC Cooper and Steve Perry hahahaha joke.
I could easily see someone making a medley like this for Meshuggah. I love that band, but they have such a distinct sound that is rampant in just about all of their songs.
:roll: ... you guys are clearly missing the humor.


Nope. It's not funny. While it is obviously made by somebody who likes Iced Earth, it fails in comparison to other fan made criticisms such as the Nitpickers Guide to Star Trek the Next Generation. At least with that, the next time a certain episode came on you could say 'Wow! They did arrive on level 6, and left on level 8! HAHAH!'