Poll: Which bands should return?

Select 3 Bands to Return

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I've never minded seeing returning bands, especially if they're willing to change up their set list *coughSymphonyXcough*. I all for bringing back those bands that haven't played since the first or second fests. I think choosing returning bands should come down to a few logical factors: number of years passed/number of albums released since the last festival performance, lineup changes, and history of U.S. tours. However, I still believe that the well isn't as dry as Glenn thinks. Perhaps it's getting harder to book bands that have a bigger profile, but there are still plenty of bands who could play the other slots. Perhaps Glenn could consider booking one or two less bands for the fest and put the money towards one of those elusive bands that would draw a crowd but are deemed too expensive. "An Evening With Helloween--3 hours!" Just think of the possibilities!

Stay metal. Never rust.
Good! Some prog being mentionned.

My choices are in no order: Redemption, Vanden Plas and Threshold.

I had a very hard time not putting Zero Hour on that list but I guess the last disc kind of left me down a bit.

Having those 3 bands next year would be amazing. Add Labyrinth and Wolverine and you have a superb lineup. You can put some barking bands in between so I can go have a beer! :kickass:

Zero Hour
Orphaned Land

had to go with my favorites... logically :lol:
also pretty pleased with the number of people voting for OL. Not surprised that Swanö got only a couple, he doesn't have as large a following, his fans are just 100% fans ;). But OL deserves every vote and more!

and Zero Hour... I don't know what to say except these guys are about to unleash another masterpiece metal bombing-run album!
General Zod said:
I think you're always going to get burned by this. For instance, if you invited back five bands I love, I'd be happy. If you invited back two bands that are "drinking time" for me, I wouldn't be happy.

I agree that two is a good rule of thumb. However, you might take into consideration how recently they've played. For instance, I'm guessing there's a strong chance that both Redemption and Vanden Plas will return next year. If, for instance, you wanted to add Jag Panzer to that mix, who hasn't played the festival since PPI, I don't think you'd take as much shit from people, as you would if you also brought back a band who played PPVI. Just my $0.02.


I agree 100%. I couldn't have said it better
Harvester said:
I'm also curious to see what the backlash would be if I booked a larger returning contigent (say a 5/5 or 6/4 split) for 2007. Hell, it may be easier to put together an all-star show next year than PP USA X based on circumstances coming into play. For example, 2009 may turn into this year where I just can't get who I want while I know I could get them in 2007.

On the flip side, I have no doubt that there would be a very vocal reaction against that as well as they want "new blood" which I completely understand.

This job is hell sometimes....

As long as it includes Jon Oliva, I would say your a genius!!:kickass:

"If I closed my eyes, would it all subside, to an echo in the night, or a distant fading light"
My 3 were Brainstorm, Silent Force & Therion.

All 3 were top notch performances at their PPs. Silent Force may be forgotten by some, but they had the place packed and rockin for the whole set. All 3 albums are solid.

Brainstorm.. well.. they're Brainstorm! I'd have to say one of the top performances at any PP I've been to (III on).

Therion. The Harvester brought Therion. Therion I say. May the Harvester bring them back again!

There are of course others I'd like to see again, but we were asked for 3.
Thanks once again for this opportunity to voice our opinions Glenn. And thanks to Zod for getting the ball rolling.

Therion I voted for, mainly because I am a fan and have been for 10 years now. Secondly because of the positive reaction they received from everyone else last year. I believe there were even some naysayers who came on here eating crow. :Smug:

Jag Panzer I voted for because they absolutely deserve some attention. They ROCK! They have not returned to a PPUSA show since the very first one, and I'd love to see these guys in concert. I missed the very first PPUSA because I didn't hear about the festival until after the second one was planned out. :zombie:

Pagans Mind I voted for because I have become a fan thanks to Beyond Ear Candy in particular, but also because I have become a bit more open-minded in listening to some of the more progressive metal since last year's festival. I also missed PM before because I missed the whole PPUSA IV due to my own ill-begotten decisions. :erk:


oh, and yeah, you can bring Jon Oliva back every year if you wish!!! Hell Yeah!

Thanks Glenn! :kickass:
Wow! Look at how much Urbans departure has hurt Tad Morose's numbers. I bet if he was still in the band their votes would be WAY higher. Btw, Redemption, VP, and Brainstorm for me.
Harvester said:
I'm also curious to see what the backlash would be if I booked a larger returning contigent (say a 5/5 or 6/4 split) for 2007. Hell, it may be easier to put together an all-star show next year than PP USA X based on circumstances coming into play. For example, 2009 may turn into this year where I just can't get who I want while I know I could get them in 2007.

On the flip side, I have no doubt that there would be a very vocal reaction against that as well as they want "new blood" which I completely understand.

This job is hell sometimes....

You'd get no backlash from me. I not only wouldn't mind returning bands, I look forward to them. Most of these bands don't tour the U.S. regularly, if at all (two of the bands that I chose, Threshold and Vanden Plas, have only played once in the U.S., at PP). From reading the comments of others, I know I'm not the only one who would enjoy a higher percentage of returning bands. Sure I'd be disappointed if they were bands I didn't like, but that's the way it goes. I'd hope for my bands the next time around.

I'm sure you would get backlash from plenty, but it seems like there is backlash about something every year. A lot of people are dying to see some bands that haven't been here before, and I understand that. For me, you've already had the cream of the crop in terms of prog and power metal bands. All of my favorite bands have already played here. A 5-5 split would be wonderful because we'd still get new acts, but we'd get repeats of some of those past great performances.

I'm not really that concerned about returning bands; I'd like to see quite a few, but I know you have to find the balance that works for the most people. I am just happy that there is a ProgPower at all, and I hope it continues to exist, more or less the way it does now, for many years to come. There are a lot of festivals out there for other kinds of music that might be more popular than "traditional" prog or power metal. Quite a few death, thrash, old school, hair, 80s, etc festivals. ProgPower is really the only one here in the states for prog and power metal and that makes it so great. I can live with an oddball band or one band with death vocals each year, as long as those bands are the exception rather than the rule.
Harvester said:
I'm also curious to know what everyone thinks is the maximum number of repeat bands per year I should have. The current goal/rule is two.

Nugs, once you get 7 Prog Powers under your belt, I think the limit of two returning bands becomes more and more silly. There's not much more than 100 bands out there that enough people listen to in this style of music that could feasibly perform live in the US under the Prog Power conditions. By the time PP 8 roll around, I wouldn't have a problem with 3 returning bands at all.

The Michael
I voted Orphaned Land, Pink Cream 69, and Redemption

My 4th pick would probably be Therion

If there was a poll to vote for what headliner/sub headliner band u want to return (2 votes each i suppose) i'd vote Symphony X and Kamelot!:headbang:

+ Glenn, about your question on the limit of returns per year: I think the limit should be 5, because thats slicing ten in half, leaving 5 slots for new bands (thats only if you ever decided you'd like to put 5 returning bands in)
I honestly could only in good concence only vote for 2 bands whom I would LOVE to see back in a longer set slot... Orphaned Land and Brainstorm. I'd like to see redemption again, only because I thought they were a pretty good opener. I'm not sure I'd bump them up. I can't believe Valden Pas has so many votes. I literally almost fell asleep during thier set, and Pagan's Mind was meh, which is a huge improvement over anything off their CDs*. I can't believe Rage isn't up there, though I know they didn't get a very warm reception last time, I think they have to be considered. I regret leaving after a few songs, but I was so tired. The Fest has changed so much since then, and I think people can plan much better now. if they were in a Headline or 4th slot, It'd be super.

*please keep in mind this is coming from a Power Metal fag. That alone makes my opinion of most Prog Bands worthless. :p
Zero Hour
Orphaned Land

I figure Spiral Architect would be a wasted vote so it's Orphaned Land instead.

Also would not mind seeing the following again.

Balance of Power
Jag Panzer
Pagans Mind
Vanden Plas
Wuthering Heights
I'm not going to vote, because everyone on that list would be amazing, haha. Personally, I would choose Pagan's Mind, Jag Panzer or Threshold.