Bands you've tried, but just can't dig

Adagio are awesome!

I listened to Sanctus Ignis yesterday and I must say I liked it a lot. Last time I listened to some Adagio it was a couple songs from their latest album which I didn't like very much. I now feel that Sanctus Ignis and maybe their other albums will grow on me over time. I actually felt the same thing when I first listened to SX :D
same here. I was tricked by one song I heard of theirs on internet radio and mistakenly bought Towers of Avarice and Specs of Pictures burnt beyond. Between the two discs there are a few minutes worth of material that I enjoy.

That surprises me from you. Oh well, they're one of those bands that you either love or you don't. They're too unique to be middle ground.
In all honesty, going by your general tastes, I also was surprised that you like them...

I listened to Sanctus Ignis yesterday and I must say I liked it a lot. Last time I listened to some Adagio it was a couple songs from their latest album which I didn't like very much. I now feel that Sanctus Ignis and maybe their other albums will grow on me over time. I actually felt the same thing when I first listened to SX :D

I think Underworld is their best...
I forgot to add a biggie for me. Allan Holdsworth's solo material. For years and years I have tried to like it. Nothing as of yet.

However, his solo on Day of the Dead (And all of the other songs he played on Derek Sherinian's Mythology and Quantum) have had an enormous impact on me. I have subconsciously absorbed so much of his style just from those few songs. Desert Girl is one of the best songs I have ever heard.

I personally think he NEEDS the structure Derek and Planet X gave him.
For me the main thing I can't into is all this "prog-fusion" (or whatever its called) crap. Seems like being overly proggy for the sake of being overly proggy to me.
I think a lot of people just don't 'get it'. I have been told by many that fusion is too complicated. Which is completely understandable. But I don't find a lot of it "forced" or "complex just for the sake of complexity". It really strikes a chord with me (Pun intended) and those who listen to it. I get goosebumps from a lot of that type of music.
I love fusion when it's something like, Vital Tech Tones or Cosmosquad or 7for4. Even they have tracks I'm not happy with. The majority of fusion and prog though is just chaotic "look how complex we can be" plagued by egocentricity and showmanship, bores me to death. It's got this ADHD sort of issue where a great riff will start but before it gets anywhere you warp to somewhere else, and although this next riff is equally awesome you're left wondering "what a great song it would have been if riff A continued to develop". With each successive plot jump, the feeling of "this is everywhere but meaningful" grows to the point of disinterest for me. You're gonna hate me but I could never get into Planet X though I gave them several chances.
Indeed, I prefer my prog to be based around writing a song, rather than technical showmanship.
I have to admit, I struggle to find anything there is not to like about Freak Kitchen, I mean, it's just plain upbeat rock music, with some proggy influences and awesome guitar solos. I have friends who are totally not into prog or metal whatsoever, but who enjoy Freak Kitchen.