'allo from rabid carpet land (i.e., Jacksonville)


May 14, 2003
Jacksonville, FL
Hey...I got my Gold ticket a few days ago (yay for poor college students!) , and figured I'd stop by and join my fellow wackos. I'm from Jacksonville, FL. (pssst...I need maochists...I mean people for my band).

I love ellipses...

Nice place you got here. I think I'll stick around and molest everyone.

Hopefully I'll find some intelligent and adventurous people to hang out/wreak chaos and havoc with before and during the show (HINT HINT). I have no plans whatsoever as of now, but I'd be willing to arrive a day or two early to jam or flirt, etc...I have nowhere to stay yet.

Well, let's see, here's a peek into me: I'm currently listening to Bruce Dickinson's solo stuff (greatest metal ever!), staring at my Pontiac GTO poster, and considering fiddling with my Laney tube amp some more. Books on my desk include some R.A. Salvatore compilations, Poppy Z. Brite stuff, Finnish war novels, assorted pulp sci-fi, and "The DaVinci Code". Yes, I love to read. Oh, and I'm dreaming of going to Wacken Open Air (I got someone to make me a great itinerary, quite cheap, check it out:
http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=186225 )

Please, feel free to send some Instant Messages my way. I need people to mock the world with me. Or I may go stalking through your profiles...mwahahahaha, etc.

Oh, and my girlfriend whacked me once for describing a bizarre dream I had about Tarja. So you know I'm hardcore ;)