Powerglove added to ProgPower USA Kick-Off Show

I haven't seen them live, yet. I will have seen them live by the time PP rolls around though. Either way, more bands for the same money is win.
Wonder if this guy will come out of his basement to see Powerglove. I think he was at the SA show

Hey Glenn if you need a Nintendo Tech, I'm your guy! A totally understandable addition. I really digged them/the concept when I first heard about them seemingly eons ago, but I've never seen them live (I rarely go to shows).
I haven't seen Powerglove live yet either. I just listened to a couple of youtube clips and it should make for an entertaining 30 minutes. I *love* the Minibosses so this should be a pretty cool show.
I've played with PG like.. 3 or 4 times. They're so much fun, live, especially if you grew up with the music they play. And they're nice guys! I don't understand why people are so bent out of shape about them.
I'm really curious about the 'why'. I'm also quite surprised that so many have never seen these guys. They're on nearly every tour, for chrissakes, stop showing up so late. ;)
I gave them a shot awhile back and once was enough for me. Remember, the beer is always cheaper in the bar next door. :kickass:

For those who haven't seen them, they are fun in a comical way and the music is a lot better than some "serious" heavier metal bands that make your ears bleed. These guys are definitely good musicians. If you haven't seen them before, make sure you go see them once and maybe you'll like them. Curious to how many they'll pull in. Really hope the first timers will fill it in a bit.

I like video games.
I like heavy metal.

I'm down.
Agreed, but I'd rather see a Warcraft/Starcraft or Halo/Call of Duty inspired band. But that's just me. I'm sure some people would be as turned off by orcish outfits on stage as some are over Pokemon.

Agreed, but I'd rather see a Warcraft/Starcraft or Halo/Call of Duty inspired band. But that's just me. I'm sure some people would be as turned off by orcish outfits on stage as some are over Pokemon.


you're right. I don't like any of those games. I actually don't like pokemans either. Come to think of it, I should probably check out PG's tracklistings for their albums and see how many games they play music from that I think are dumb.

edit: so I listened to some PG stuff on youtube. I like most of it but the album about saturday morning cartoons makes me happy more than the video games albums. That X-Men song gave me goosebumps.
A bit late for the slaughter, here. Take a night off from reading the Forum, come back to find an eruption. :tickled:

Powerglove is not my favorite band on cd, as it gets hokey quick, they are AWESOME fun live. You probably shouldn't be listening to metal if you can't take some tongue in cheek stuff from time to time. METUL IZ SRSBSNS!


I've seen PG once (I wanna say it was at the Tabernacle, opening for Dragonforce?) and I thought they were fun, and good at what they were doing -- which was basically being fun. No harm in that.

Now, if they can do the "Zelda" theme with full orchestral backing....or maybe just a string quartet... :heh:
People think its gold when an amazing guitarist (IA) plays his guitar with a dildo on stage at PPUSA, but they place judgement on another talented gimmicky band of pure fun and creativity?

Hail Glenn for your adventurous and never boring creation of fresh ideas for the fest.

Although it is unclear if I can make the arrangements to be present at the showcase this year, I certainly do look forward to the potential opportunity to see it.
You won't hear me complain. Free music, some of it I will know. My Son loves Power Rangers, so that song is burned into my head for the next...... I don't know how long. I think it will be fun. It will give me a chance to go in and out and knock out a beer or three before the mighty Vanden Plas weaves their magic.
